
The Trials of Love

500,000 years ago, we already lost our chance to be together because of duty. "Misfortune shall fall on the ones who try to defy their fate." We are not destined to be together, that is what they told us. Even if we forgot our past, destiny still wanted us to meet again. This time, I am the princess of the Sky Clan, and he is the Demon Lord. Whose blood in the future will be on my hands. (Book cover done by me. Images from 616pic website)

HANA_4345 · Fantasy
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86 Chs

Chapter 15: Going Back to the Demon Clan

Before Ruo Yin was able to put a foot on her parents' home, the soldiers already notified You Xie of her arrival. "Even fate won't let a girl cry alone," Ruo Yin thought as she saw two guards standing at the main door waiting for her.

"Lady Ruo Yin, His Majesty has summoned you. Please go immediately to the throne hall," the more barbaric-looking guard said. He even spitted when he talked. "Barbaric and stupid," Ruo Yin thought as she wiped off the spit that fell on her face.

"Okay. Thanks," Ruo Yin said to him.

She had just gone back to the Demon Clan on a whim because she knew she was officially orphaned in all ways possible. She did not want to return to Kunlun Mountain and face Zhan Luo, yet she also knew that You Xie will not be happy at all when she returned to the Demon Clan. No matter what reason she gave. So she left her fate to the gods and went to the throne hall.

"Your Majesty, the soldiers informed me you called for me," Ruo Yin said as she bowed to You Xie.

"Ruo Yin, may I know the reason that you are back? Or is your mission already complete?" You Xie asked her.

"No, Your Majesty. Zhan Luo was suspecting since I acted way too friendly with him, so I looked for an excuse to have a fight with him and that is why I'm here," Ruo Yin said trying to excuse her sudden appearance in the Demon Clan.

"Wouldn't that make him think you came back to report to me whatever you learned?"

"No, I don't think so, Your Majesty. He definitely hasn't fallen for me, but I think he thinks that I am just a small immortal that has really fallen for him, so he could just suspect that my little trip back here was a whim because I got angry towards him," Ruo Yin tried to sound confident, "He doesn't think I'm capable enough to act as a spy."

"Hm... fine then," You Xie said, "let's see how this plays off. In case things are not solved, I will send you back to him, myself."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your comprehension," Ruo Yin said.

"Then you may retire. I don't think you have gotten any information for me," You Xie said a bit bored.

"No, Your Majesty, just as you had calculated the War Deity is very careful," Ruo Yin said.

"Okay, then you may go. Just remember Ruo Yin, where your loyalty lies."

Ruo Yin bowed again and retired back to her parents' house. You Xie's words engraved in her mind.

"Remember where your loyalty lies."

At first, she was forced to promise her loyalty to Zhan Luo. Later after what You Xie told her, she still put her loyalty to Zhan Luo, since she was not sure what is the truth. Even if in the beginning, she did wanted him to pay.

But after her conversation, or better said, Xia Mei's monologue, she was not sure if putting her loyalty in Zhan Luo was the best. How much did she really know the War Deity?

She knows that You Xie can have lied to her about the whole situation of the incident of five thousand years ago. Yet, Zhan Luo had also looked sincere when he called her "my dear wife", till she saw him with Xia Mei. "You are just a silly immortal with a silly crush on someone who doesn't even reciprocate it," Ruo Yin thought.

What if he had thought the same as You Xie and was trying to make her fall in love with him so that she will spill the Demon Clan's secrets?

"Yeah, that must be it!" Ruo Yin said to herself.

When she arrived back at her house, the guards were already gone. She also knew that You Xie had all the maids gone from the house. As she entered the main door, she could already smell the mold and the dust.

Ruo Yin quickly did a cleaning spell, since she would not clean the entire house by herself. "Good thing the binding spell did not block a simple cleaning spell," Ruo Yin thought.

She later went to her room, where she tried to rest a bit. That is when she dreamt again.

In this dream, she was seeing herself as a child. She was small, maybr around two thousand years old. It was a memory of a question she asked her mother when she was a child.

"Mother, mother!" The small Ruo Yin cried.

"What is it, my dear child?" Ruo Yin's mother then appeared.

"I asked father today if you guys were going to stay with me forever, and father said that I will one day leave you both. Ruo Yin will never leave Father and Mother!" Ruo Yin said crying.

"Hahaha," Ruo Yin's mother laughed softly as she put her hand on Ruo Yin's cheeks to clean her tears. "My sweet child, your father said the truth. I also left my father and mother."

"Why? Why would you leave grandfather and grandmother?" Ruo Yin asked even if she had never met her mother's parents.

"Well, I met your father..." Ruo Yin's mother smiled softly.

"Huh?" Ruo Yin could not still understand that.

"Just remember this conversation, my dear child. You will understand it one day. And remember, Father and Mother will always be proud of you."

Ruo Yin just saw how the child version of her at that moment could not comprehend the words.

Just as her dream started to become blurry, Ruo Yin heard her mother's words. "Remember, my child, follow your heart. It never fails."

Then, she woke up. With tears on her face. She then continued crying for her heart right now was a complete mess.

After this chapter, I will be updating every two days. Thank you for those who have read this far.

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