

"klein, a highschool student, has has is live shattered by the brutal pairese organization. His parent was murdered, his sister location unknown, and he and some others were kidnap by the PAIRESE. The trauma of his past have left Klein burning with a deep desire for vengeance. With his awakening power yet to be discovered, Klein is driven by a single goal: to destroy the pairese and any other person involved in his family destruction. His rage and determination fuel his every move, as he navigate the treacherous world of "eldrid". Where darkness and water govern the force of nature. As Klein face off against the pairese and their empire. He must confront the darkness within himself learn to awaken his untapped abilities. Will his taste for vengeance consume him or will he find a way to channel his anger into a force for justice ? In a world were the strong prey on the weak, Klein taste of vengeance became the Hope for those seeking to challenge the status quo. But as the stakes grew higher. Klein must confront the ultimate question: will his desire for vengeance redeem him, or destroy everything he holds dear?" ................................................................................ You can find out if you give my book a try Also here is a link to my discord https://discord.com/invite/TZ3JCuww

snap2surplus · Fantasy
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25 Chs

The dungeon

After his awakening, Klein who was still on his bed started pondering a question after seeing it on his stats.

"What is the osseous bloodline?", "and why is it still synchronizing?", "who was the man who gave him the vial?", "and what does he want with him?".

Klein remember asking casseus and the rest whether they have seen the man after giving them a description of him but they all said they have not seen his face. So the question there is why did he apper to me out of everybody in the prison?

As he was still thinking, he received an alert on his watch reminding him of his match in the afternoon, he then quickly remember that he have to train his powers and try to increase it levels.

He then use is watch to check the prison website on information for getting stronger, he saw an article related to a dungeon, which says the dungeon has 50 floors and on each floor their is a boss monster for each floor, and it also has the highest chance of dropping materials and weapon.

Soon he got ready, he heads toward the dungeon location.

Klein approched the dungeon, his red and black cloth bellowing behind him like a dark cloud. He also carried a blunt weapon at his side, it's weight almost familiar in his hand.

The blade of the weapon look so dull, he doubt, it could cut a wood, but what can he do, a poor person like him just have to accept life and live with it.

As Klein approaches the location of the dungeon, he was met with a short line. At the front of the line stands a little cottage that emmits darkness from it.

He then ask himself, is this the dungeon?, why is it so small like this?, how did 50 floors fit into this? He had expected something grand like a scary looking castle or something else, not even once did a little cottage ever cross his mind to be a dungeon.

After asking himself questions that he can't get any reply from he went toward the line, after 10 minutes it was finally his turn.

No checking was done, no searching of weapons, no asking of abilities or anything, only the usual scanning of the "hell watch" was done, it was like they don't even care at all.

Klein smile unconsciously and said, typical pairese, it is their pride that will lead them to destruction one day.

The person at the back of him heard the word that Klein said, he gave him a look as if he his looking at a mad Deadman.

It is not like he couldn't relate with Klein, he have tried, ha has said things and suffer the consequence, so he is no longer stupid, he then said in his head that every time a new prisoner come there will always be a daredevil trying to bend the pairese rule, but in the end it is always them who ends up bending.

Soon he face his own business, and focus on getting stronger so he could get out of this hell hole.

Klein did not stand too long on the line before his turn arrived, his watched was scanned, he then stepped towards the magic circle.

And with a flash of light he arrived inside the dungeon.

He could never get use to teleportation, the feeling of wanting to vomit his still there, it turns out that his power is related to space, so there's a chance he may be able to teleport. As things are going like this it seems that god does not like me.

When Klein arrange himself, he look around him, he couldn't find anyone even the person that was in his front, or the person in his back. He only saw endles greenery around.

The trees towered tall above him, their trunks as wide as houses, their leaves in a deep emerald green color.

Klein drew his blunt sword, it's almost familiar weight a comfort in his hand, he had never been in a dungeon before, so he didn't know what to expect, but he has fought with the warriors at the pit of conquest with is life on the line.

As he walked deeper towards the forest , he spotted something on the ground, bones of people and beast. As he saw this he immediately grip his sword tightly unconsciously.

As Klein then saw this, he asked himself what could have caused this? I hope I don't find out.

Suddenly, a creature emerge from the underbush, it looks like a tiger, but it's body was covered with spikes, it's teeth razor sharp, it canine was as large as an elephant tusks. Klein heart skipped a beat as the creature charged towards him, he raised his sword ready to strike.

The creature which name still remains unknown was fast, it's agility was unmatched, and it's dodge Klein clumsy strike with ease, it's sharp canine snap mere inches from Klein's face, and he stumbled backward, tripping over his own feet, the creature pounced, its jaw already wide open, ready to deliver the fatal blow.

Klein rolled out of the way just in time, his sword slipping out from his grasp, he scrambled to his feet, his heart racing, and saw the creature bearing down on him again. In a desperate bid to survive, Klein lunged forward with his hand which was emitting darkness, he dealt a blow to the jaw of the creature.

He felt some bone at the jaw side, as soon as his hand dealt the blow, the creature let out a loud yelp.

Klein didn't know it, but he had just stumbled upon the mysterious creature weakness. The spikes on its jaw was fragile, and any pressure applied to them will cause the creature immense pain. But Klein didn't know this, all he knew was that the creature was momentarily stunned, and he had to act fast.

With a surge of adrenaline, Klein dragged his sword and brought it down on the creature's head. The balde was blunt, but the force of the blow was enough to break the creature skull. The creature collapse, it's body twitching in death throes.

He then received an alert.

(You have defeated the liguk you gain 25 leveling up point)

Oh that creature is a liguk, what a creature.

He rest only for a little, before he continues, he killed 9 more liguk before reaching the boss.

He leveled up after killing 3 more liguk.

Ah, I am so tired, leveling up then help me to kill his tiredness, now he is tired now. He then choose to rest before continuing.

............................................... This is his new stat after leveling up.

Name: Klein Orion 

Age: 17

Occupation: high school student (formerly)

Affiliation: none (currently)

Power : Awakened - "cosmic void"

Power level - level 2(150exp/250exp)

Bloodline: Osseous bloodline unawaken(synchronizing rate (20%)).


. Strength : 45(average)

. Agility: 50(average)

. Intelligence: 25(average)

. Endurance: 30 (low)

. Charisma: 20(very low)

Power attributes:

. Darkness: 80 - granting increased resistance to darkness and ability to control the darkness in your surrounding, low resistance to darkness base attack.

. Water: 65 - granting increased resistance to water and ability to control waters in your surrounding, low resistance to water based attack.


. Hand to hand combat - level 3(noobie level)

. Dash/evade - level 1

. Darkness manipulation - level 1(basic manipulation to darkness)

. Water manipulation - level 1(basic manipulation to water)

. Space - time manipulation - level 1 (depends on the level of assimilation).

Equipment :

. Weapon: glint(poison dagger)

Status effect :

. Vengeful fury: Klein's desire for revenge grant him temporary increase in strength and agility in combat, but also makes him more prone to reckless decisions.

. Cosmic void: Klein can create small distortion in space-time allowing him to travel small distance through teleportation.

. Level too low .

. Level too low.