

"klein, a highschool student, has has is live shattered by the brutal pairese organization. His parent was murdered, his sister location unknown, and he and some others were kidnap by the PAIRESE. The trauma of his past have left Klein burning with a deep desire for vengeance. With his awakening power yet to be discovered, Klein is driven by a single goal: to destroy the pairese and any other person involved in his family destruction. His rage and determination fuel his every move, as he navigate the treacherous world of "eldrid". Where darkness and water govern the force of nature. As Klein face off against the pairese and their empire. He must confront the darkness within himself learn to awaken his untapped abilities. Will his taste for vengeance consume him or will he find a way to channel his anger into a force for justice ? In a world were the strong prey on the weak, Klein taste of vengeance became the Hope for those seeking to challenge the status quo. But as the stakes grew higher. Klein must confront the ultimate question: will his desire for vengeance redeem him, or destroy everything he holds dear?" ................................................................................ You can find out if you give my book a try Also here is a link to my discord https://discord.com/invite/TZ3JCuww

snap2surplus · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

First boss

Klein stood outside the boss room, his chest heavy with exhaustion, he has defeated all ten liguk on the first floor, but it had taken a toll on him. His endurance was low, and he knew he had to be careful in the upcoming battle.

The defeated monster lies in his space storage, he was unable to find any attributes crystal.

Maybe they may fetch me hell point, Klein said to himself.

He looked at his stats, displayed in his eyes:

Name: Klein Orion 

Age: 17

Occupation: high school student (formerly)

Affiliation: none (currently)

Power : Awakened - "cosmic void"

Power level - level 2(150exp/250exp)

Bloodline: Osseous bloodline unawaken(synchronizing rate (20%)).


. Strength : 45(average)

. Agility: 50(average)

. Intelligence: 25(average)

. Endurance: 30 (low)

. Charisma: 20(very low)

Power attributes:

. Darkness: 80 - granting increased resistance to darkness and ability to control the darkness in your surrounding, low resistance to darkness base attack.

. Water: 65 - granting increased resistance to water and ability to control waters in your surrounding, low resistance to water based attack.


. Hand to hand combat - level 3(noobie level)

. Dash/evade - level 1

. Darkness manipulation - level 1(basic manipulation to darkness)

. Water manipulation - level 1(basic manipulation to water)

. Space - time manipulation - level 1 (depends on the level of assimilation).

Equipment :

. Weapon: glint(poison dagger)

. Weapon: paralysis dagger.

Status effect :

. Vengeful fury: Klein's desire for revenge grant him temporary increase in strength and agility in combat, but also makes him more prone to reckless decisions.

. Cosmic void: Klein can create small distortion in space-time allowing him to travel small distance through teleportation(limited to 3 use).

. Level too low .

. Level too low.

He then ask himself why is there no change on the osseous bloodline? When will it be complete?

He then looked at his weapon, he saw the weapon he found after defeating 10 liguk, he immediately threw the blunt sword inside his space storage.

Klein knew he couldn't rely on his power too much, not yet. He had to focus on his skills and equipment . He gripped his poison and paralysis dagger tightly, ready to face the boss.

He walked towards the boss room with a determination to demolish anything that stand in his way.

The boss room slid open, revealing a dark chamber- like arena, he tried to look at what the creature will be, maybe it may be an high level liguk.

But he was unable to see anything, he then step fully inside, there he saw a figure emerging from the shadows, his form shifting and morphing to different beast.

Klein quickly recognize that the monster is a darkness user like himself .

"Let's do this. "Klein muttered to himself while charging forward.

The creature snarred at Klein, "its form shifting into a massive bear. It's fur was a dark brown color, and it's eye glow with an eery yellow light. The bear form was enormous, at least 3 times the size of Klein. It's swipe it's paw at klein, who dodged just in time. The bear claw slice through the air, missing Klein by a few inches.

The bear form then dissolve into shadows, replaced by a snake that struck with Klein at lightening speed. The snake body was long and slender, it's scale glistening in the moonlight of the boss room. Klein parried the attack with his dagger, but the snake body dissolve into shadow, reappearing behind him.

Klein spun around, his eyes fix on the creature, he knew he had to be careful - from his observation, the creature as the attributes of darkness, which allow him to move through the darkness and strike from unexpected angles. Klein heart raced as he tried to keep up with the creature's rapid transformation.

The battle raged on, with the creature constantly changing forms to catch Klein off guard. It became a giant spider, it leg skittering across the floor as it tries to ensnare Klein. Then it became a wolf, it's jaw snapping wildly as it tried to bite Klein.

Klein's endurance was dwindling, but he refuse to give up, he use his dash skill to evade the creature's attacks, striking back with is dagger when ever he saw an opening. His movement were swift and precise, but the creature 's darkness attributes make it difficult to land a hit.

As the fight wore on, Klein's vengeful fury status effect kicked in, granting him a temporary increase in strength and agility, he took advantage of the increase, striking the creature with all his might. The creature stumbled back, its form wavering.

Klein sense his chance and struck the final blow, plunging his poison dagger into the pairese head, the monster wanted to let out a deafening roar but it was unable to, the shadow covering the creature removed revealing the creature true form.

It's true form looks like a badger, Klein then said no wonder.

He then received a message from the dungeon.

(Congratulations you have defeated the first level boss "the kyred")

He then quickly went over to the body side, he dug out a darkness attributes crystal from the head of the kyred.

After digging the kyred attribute crystal, he sat down panting, his endurance almost depleated, he knew he had to rest and recover, before going to the next floor. He found a safe spot inside the boss room and sat down, his eyes fixed on the kyred 's corpse, finally he had defeated the monster without losing anything in the process. He quickly close his eyes, put his hand together and thank whatever god he knows.

After resting, he then tried to put the kyred corpse inside his space storage, but he was unable to, which can only means one thing the kyred is still alive.

Klein then ask himself, how is it still alive? I killed it and I removed it attribute crystal, so by normal definition it should be dead.

Klein eyes was fixed on the kyred corpse, he doesn't know what it meant, was it a sign of the kyred 's power? Or was something else at play?

But what ever the answer could be, he was sure that it won't end well for him.

As he was pondering, Klein notice something else strange, the kyred body seemed to be..... twitching, it's limb were moving, ever so slightly, as if it was trying to get up, Klein's heart skipped a beat as he realized the implications, was the kyred alive?

He approached the body cautiously, his daggers at the ready, if the kyred was still alive, he needed to be prepared. But as he drew closer, he saw that the twitching was getting more intense. The kyred body was convulsing, it's limb thrashing about like a puppet on a string.

Suddenly, the kyred body went still, Klein held his breath, waiting for what will happen next. And than in a flash of darkness, the kyred 's body disappear into thin air. Klein had no idea what it meant, but he knew he had to be careful, he couldn't let his guard down, not even for a moment.

(Do you want to leave the boss room or go to the next floor, if you want to leave enter the white door to leave the dungeon, and if you want to continue on to the next floor, enter the black door. You have 5 minutes to rest, if you fail to chose after five minutes you will be forced to the next floor).

He then absolve the darkness attribute crystal, he gain a new skill from it. He then quickly left.

With a sense of trepidation, Klein left the boss room heading to the black door. He knew that the dungeon was full of secrets and surprises. And he was ready to face what ever comes next. But as he walked he couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched. And he knew that the kyred strange behavior was only the beginning.

After Klein left to floor two.

Deep inside the dungeon.

A woman with chain all around her said.

"I can sense his blood, is he back? but why is it not as powerful as before? What is happening here? I need to know. She then use one of her skill, there's she saw a boy with red hair, wearing red and black clothes,he was also holding two dagger, she could also sense some kind of protection, protecting his bloodline, if she was not familiar with the bloodline she will be unable to find him. He was at the second level.

When she saw him she felt pity for him, she then said.

"Boy, we are sorry for putting you in a fight that is far above your level, I hope you survive long enough for me to meet you.

Klein did not know about what will happen to him in the future or what is really happening now, all he care about is to gain power for vengeance.


This is Klein new stat:

Name: Klein Orion 

Age: 17

Occupation: high school student (formerly)

Affiliation: none (currently)

Power : Awakened - "cosmic void"

Power level - level 3(50exp/400exp)

Bloodline: Osseous bloodline unawaken(synchronizing rate (20%)).


. Strength : 50(average)

. Agility: 55(average)

. Intelligence: 25(average)

. Endurance: 32 (low)

. Charisma: 20(very low)

Power attributes:

. Darkness: 85 - granting increased resistance to darkness and ability to control the darkness in your surrounding, low resistance to darkness base attack.

. Water: 65 - granting increased resistance to water and ability to control waters in your surrounding, low resistance to water based attack.


. Hand to hand combat - level 3(noobie level)

. Dash/evade - level 1

. Camouflage - level 1(new skill)

. Darkness manipulation - level 1(basic manipulation to darkness)

. Water manipulation - level 1(basic manipulation to water)

. Space - time manipulation - level 1 (depends on the level of assimilation).

Equipment :

. Weapon: glint(poison dagger)

. Weapon: paralysis dagger.

Status effect :

. Vengeful fury: Klein's desire for revenge grant him temporary increase in strength and agility in combat, but also makes him more prone to reckless decisions.

. Cosmic void: Klein can create small distortion in space-time allowing him to travel small distance through teleportation(limited to 3 use).

. Level too low .

. Level too low .

..........................................what will happen to Klein next in floor 2,, who is the woman, and what is installed for Klein in the future.