
The Tree Mage of Condellia

In the world of Condellia, awakened people is most respected and desired profession. Thousands of gods gives mortals of Condellia power in exchange for faith. Adair, someone from earth died in his sleep reincarnated in the world of awakened and god avatars. [King of Underworld wanted you to be it's pet] [Observer of Void wanted you to be it's successor] [God of Light wanted you to spread the light] [King of Harem wanted you as it's incarnation] [World Tree wanted to be your friend] "Friend? World Tree, i choose you!"

Azarcrow · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Unleashing Secrets

Located at the edge of ETP was the school canteen. It's exterior and interior looks like a small restaurant.

Adair and the gang went in for lunch.

"Mimi! What delicious meal did you cook today?" Lea asked as the others sit down.

Mimi, a small girl at the window stared at Lea excitedly.

"Father didn't let me cook today, he said he wanted to cook something special!"

"Special? Is he cooking ramen again!? Tell him to make mine spicy!" Lea's eyes were shining.

"Why don't you drink spicy water instead? Everytime you eat it's always spicy" Allen behind her teased.

"Yo-You!" Lea was embarrassed, kicked Allen in the face but Allen dodged.

The others laughed at Lea who's about to cry.

"By the way, i heard that you guys beated Master Bear this morning!" Mimi giggled.

"Well, a certain someone shots the balls of Master Zhang" Lea turned her to Allen.

"Yeah i wondered who did it?" Yori who's beside Allen added fuel to fire.

Allen can't help but to scratch his head in shame.

"In all seriousness, Adair really did a good job of stalling Master Zhang" Bora gives a thumbs up to Adair.

"Yeah Master Zhang even praised your style and many self-made skills!" A fat man comes out of the kitchen.

This man is Ahn Don, a T-6 awakened, he's the chef in the school and father of Mimi.

"Today's special... Medium rare steak of T-3 Dragoncow and T-2 Di-colored carp fillet!"


The kids engulfed in the aroma of the food and eats fast!

"Adair did you not like it? If you don't eat, i will help you!" Unisha taps Adair in shoulder.

"What's on your mind child? Did i say something wrong?"

Ahn Don also notices Adair in deep thought and asked him.

"Teacher Don, what do you mean self-made skills?"

"What? Didn't you used those against Zhang?" Ahn Don asked back, confused.

"Teacher, my skills are from skill stones not self-made"


This time, everyone stopped eating as if they heard a loud fart, they looked at Adair.

"Adair can you repeat where did you get those skill again?" Yori faced Adair seriously.

"Skill stones? Why?"

"That's impossible!!!" Ahn Don slammed the table.

Adair is confused. What do you mean impossible?

"God avatars can't use skill stones it's a common knowledge" Ahn Don states.

"How many skill stones did you use?" Bora asked calmly.

"Um... There's 4 skills in total"

Everyone is dumbfounded.

"Is one of them summoned that snake?" Unisha points at the grass snake playing outside of canteen.

"No, that one is given by my patron god" Adair shooks his head.

"So you're saying that your patron god not only gives you skills and you can also use skill stones?"

Adair nodded.


When they saw Adair confirmed it, they had only one word in their minds.


As a god avatar i always practice everyday to create a skill, but this mf can also buy skills like normal people!

How does life suddenly became pay-to-win?

Ahn Don calmed down quickly.

"Adair you're really lucky in this life but remember, with great power comes with great control and great appetite so eat the food quickly before it gets to cold!" With that, Ahn Don left.

The gang finished the meal happily, occasionally asking Adair questions.


After some rest, Lea called out everyone in that late afternoon.

"Okay everyone, i know you are wondering why do you have so much free time right"

The other kids nodded in response.

"Technically, we have only three classes for the whole year and one class every day alternating. After that is free time for whole day which is now"

"If you want to lax around is your choice, this is your second life afterall. But my method is grinding levels or training in my free time"

Lea summoned her exclusive weapon and her expression became serious.

"This morning we defeated Master Zhang because of Adair and Allen. If we are fighting someone with the intent to kill us, half of us is already dead"

"We must improve our team understanding first if we want to win alive next time"

"I will state my skills first and you do so, after that we will demonstrate how it works ok?"

Others nodded.

Lea's skills are:

Frostbite– Passive. Living organisms in contact will freeze. Growth is controlled by the user.

Freezing Fire– Active. Release ice in the form of fire. Growth is controlled by the user.

Icy Frostblade– Active. Create an ice sword identical to exclusive weapon: Gouhnasil. Indestructible.

Skating Duel– Active. Isolate one individual to a separate space. All living organisms will be disarmed forcefully. For every second, temperature will drop by -1°.

Allen's skills are:

Stand-off– Active. Isolate one individual to a separate space. All non-ranged weapons will be decayed. For every second, distance will increase by 50 meters.

Aimbot– Active. Every hostile organisms will be revealed in a range of 100 meters. Automatic aim.

Kill Streak– Passive. For every kill, increase penetration power by 2%. Last 500 seconds.

Unlimited Ammo– Passive. Every ammo used will decrease mana. Ammo power is controlled by the user.

Next, Yori's skills are:

Death's Timer– Active. When in contact with living organisms, absorb life force temporarily.

Madness Incarnate– Passive. Hostile organisms will decrease sanity and IQ for every movement made by 0.1%.

Space Hop– Active. Teleport to a designated place. Distance is controlled by the user.

Yellow Hell– Active. Isolate one individual to a separate space. Living organisms on ground will dissolve and merge on the ground.

Next, Unisha's skills are:

Loop– Passive. Fatal hits dealt to enemy will hit again in another fatal spot. For every fatal hit, mana will reset to 100% capacity.

Frieren– Active. Freeze time on a certain space for 5 seconds. Area is controlled by the user.

Avant– Active. Accelerate time on any organism. Status effects will be also affected. Duration and acceleration speed is controlled by the user.

Next, Bora's skills are:

Negative Auspicious Beast– Passive. When using Oriental skills in succession, Allied forces will received status effects of: Speed, Power, and Defense randomly. Lasting 30 seconds

Red Dragon Punch– Active. Launch a punch containing the power of Red Dragon.

Black Tiger Claws– Active. Deploy claws containing the penetration of Black Toger.

Blue Phoenix Flash– Active. Dash to a certain direction containing the speed of Blue Phoenix.

White Tortoise Body– Passive. Immune to damage while standing still, storing kinetic energy. When unarmed, stored kinetic energy can be released.

Last, Adair's skills are:

Infinite Green– Passive. Convert mana to World Tree energy.

Labyrinth of Grass– Active. Deploy a maze made of grass. User will always know the exit and the living organisms within the maze.

Leaves of Loneliness– Active. When holding a leaf, User can be concealed.

Life Blessing– Active. Heals friendly creatures to 100% health.

Jungle Tornado– Active. Release a green tornado at a certain direction. Size and speed is controlled by the user.

Fruit Flies Spawning– Active. Spawn a dozen of fruit flies. Each individual fruit fly can be controlled remotely.

Withering Arrow– Active. Release an arrow with Withering effect. Speed and distance is controlled by the user.

Rose thorn Whip– Active. Release a whip-like thorn. Hostile organisms will be charmed and Immobilize on contact.