
The Treasures Of The Dragon Slayer

Well read the first chapter, I will update the synopsis later.

Zayir_WN · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The Fate Of The Chosen

He was trembling as he saw the blood all over the floor, with his blurry vision all he could see was the dark crimson color of the blood. He feared if he lifted his head, he would be the next to be killed but he was brave enough to look at his dead parents.

* Blergh* He puked but tried to cover his face, they have been murdered so viciously that the boy couldn't even look at them.

" Mommy~!" He started to cry, his fear started to become despair, despair become realization, and the realization made him feel sorrow and anger.

He gathered courage now that no one was there to protect him. He finally looked up resisting all his fears and pulled himself up on two legs. There was something inhumane standing in front of him, a man, an animal, a monster, he didn't know what it was.

There were horns over his head and he was covered with fur all over his body. Saliva dripped from his mouth and the beast opened his mouth, The boy's eyes widened because he knew that this meant death for him. He was going to face the same cruel end as his mother and father died today while trying to protect him. However, he was enraged and cornered, and driven by fear and anger the boy stood up to attack the beast.

The monster suddenly started to walk backward, The boy didn't know what was happening. This was a strange action but he could see the monster suddenly being afraid of something and that's when the boy noticed a light around his chest. Suddenly he felt his chest burning and his blood heating up and all he could think about was killing the beast but he had no strength to do that.

However, instead of attacking him, the beast quickly jumped out of the windows. The boy gasped for air, his body was too hot and his fair skin has become red because of his body temperature. He dragged himself towards the window from where the beast ran away and heard many shouts and screams. The monster outside was massacring everyone who came in his way, The boy didn't know what to do so he dragged himself towards where his parents were.

" Conan–" He heard a very low voice yet very familiar.

" Mom!" He quickly ran towards where his mother was, The monster had bitten her stomach and left her to die, Conan, the little boy felt hope that there is still time he could save her.

" Be safe, my son!" Her mother spoke as soon as Conan reached up to her and then closed her eyes.

" M-O-M!" Conan spoke slowly caressing the head of her mother and then bringing her head over his lap. His mother used to do the same whenever Conan was hurt and cried in the past, however, no matter how much he caressed her head he couldn't do anything. He couldn't think of anything else to help her.

" Urghhh! Urghhhwa!" He started crying, biting on his lips making them bleed. Suddenly he heard some people entering the room and he became cautious but he who had nothing else to lose just stayed by her mother's side.

" It seems I am too late," He heard the voice of an adult, in the darkness his face was not clear but Conan could still see the figure of a man holding a sword in his hand. Soon three more people entered the room behind him, and all of them were just as shocked as the first man who came here.

" Look, there is a child." One of them said and quickly ran towards Conan but suddenly he stopped in his track. There was something that made him fear getting near that boy, it was as if his instincts were telling him that something worse will happen if he got any closer to the boy.

" Wise Choice, don't recklessly approach him, did you see that mark glowing through his clothes, he is one of the candidates." The man who had first entered the room spoke.

" Should we kill him, then?"

" No, Let him be! We should just leave and chase that monster. We will come after this boy when he becomes a monster, he still has a chance to get control over himself." The Man who seemed like a leader spoke and then jumped out the window, the others followed behind him.

In a night of despair and only darkness all around him, he couldn't do anything and couldn't think of doing anything. His mind was being corrupted by anger, there were no signs of him having his innocence. His eyes were red and gritting his teeth all he could think of was revenge.

[ This is the Fate Of The Chosen I was looking for.]

[ Your life is filled with suffering so you have a purpose to make your enemies suffer even more. Despair, destruction, and Doom of their kind. That should be your goal, Kill them all. You are the perfect vessel to inherit my Power, tell me, do you accept?] A Voice spoke to him as the crest on his chest sent a tremor throughout his body.

Conan was well aware of one thing, he was one of the candidates chosen to inherit the powers of the legendary dragon slayers. His family kept him away from all the politics of the outside world and kept him safe. His mother never wanted him to live a dangerous life and his father did everything to protect his family.

Even in his last moment, he faced the enemy until every part of his body was shredded into the pieces. Then his mother hid him and became a shield for her, while he did nothing, he loathed himself to be such a person. He doesn't remember why he was scared or why he didn't go and attacked the monster earlier.

[ I will tell you the secrets of my treasures, I am the slayer of the chaos dragon, the power you will inherit from me will help you fulfill your wish for revenge.]

The Voice spoke again however Conan wasn't listening to anything. In his mind, only one thing was going on,

' I am weak, I am the reason they died, I couldn't do anything. I should have fought it like my father, I should have protected my mother, it's all my fault. I will kill it, I will kill that beast, I will find a way, I will give him a cruel death. I will kill everyone!'

The Voice wasn't able to hear these thoughts, all he could feel was the rage that the boy had and it made him feel that Conan was the perfect successor he was looking for. However, he didn't know that this would change things for everyone, a catastrophe is born this day.