
The Treasures Of The Dragon Slayer

Well read the first chapter, I will update the synopsis later.

Zayir_WN · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The Dragon Slayers

The enemies of humankind, are the beings known as dragons, even though there are only a few of them, they have the power to terrorize an entire continent. They bring destruction and chaos wherever they are, they kill and enjoy killing humans for the sake of fun. However, everything changed once humans started to gain mysterious powers that defied everyone's imagination.

The different abilities, the power to use magic, the power to use aura, and the power to use divine and demonic energies. They were able to fight back against the dragons and save themselves from the threat until every dragon in the world become extinct because of some of the most powerful human warriors.

Those humans were known as the ' Dragon Slayers', A title given to people who fought a dragon and won. Finally, the source of mysterious power was revealed to the world. It was a being above everyone, who had granted them this power.

" The Dragon slayers shall pass down thier powers to the next generation. Choose who is worthy and Choose wisely." Those were the words that everyone in the world heard, many were confused, except for a few who knew that these words were directed to them.


" My word! You have grown so much since the last time I have seen you, How have you been?" A Woman who sat on the throne spoke, inside the throne room except for her, there were two guards and a boy wearing noble clothes. He was kneeling in front of her to show his respect, the woman just amused herself looking at the boy.

The Boy didn't reply making the woman wait for an answer but he didn't say anything at all.

" You are not replying to me, you sure have guts!" The Woman shouted as she stood up from her throne. " I will end this meeting here but you should know your position, after all, the territory your family left behind for you to rule can always be taken away from you."

She left with those words and the boy finally stood up from his kneeling position and also walked out of the throne room.

[ What was that?]

" Nothing," Conan replied, he breathed heavily as he was walking in the hallway. He noticed that many nobles were also outside and all were looking at him.

" Hey, why did her majesty walk out of the throne room like that? Did he offend her in some way?" Someone whispered.

" I can't say anything but I am curious as well, I had heard of the incident in the Augustine dukedom, and at that time I didn't even dare to visit the funeral. I am sure even her majesty didn't visit there."

" Who would do that? Only those who want to die would go there at that time. We are not special, we can not use mana, aura, or any other power. If even the Augustine family who is blessed by mana couldn't do anything against the beast then everyone should stay away from there."

" Yeah, even the civilians evacuated the central town of the dukedom. No one knew for many years that there was someone alive in that family."

" Yeah, All thanks to the Branson knight family,"

Whoever saw Conan today started to gossip about that particular day, it was not like Conan could not hear them but he chose to ignore them and just walked. He was tall and had an intimidating demeanor, as he walked most of the nobles made way for him. They respected him as the Duke of Augustine and his status alone made others bow before him.

[ Hey, Are you okay?] The Voice asked.

" I am just a little annoyed with the situation," Conan answered as he finally reached a place where there was hardly anyone.

[ So what's the plan now?] The Voice asked.

" Max, you told me that you kept your treasure hidden from the world. I think that it's time we go and finally collect them." Conan said.

[ That's great, you are also ready now, It was right to choose you, the amount of effort you put into becoming stronger, hardly anyone could do that.] Max praised Conan.

" All I had done is just physically train myself."

[ That's what I told you to do, after all, I can't just give you things if you can't even make this much effort.]

" I trained for six years, Max, and I am not strong enough. Sometimes I think your promise to make me the strongest is just a lie."

[ That's natural since I never gave you any reward for all of your efforts. However, I have reasons for it, the first treasure we are going to find is the Elixir Of Life. It will help you surpass your limit and make you a more perfect vessel for my powers.]

" Is that so?" Conan doubted his words, for six years he could hear Max's voice in his head.

In the beginning, he never believed in Max's existence. He searched for various records of the previously chosen ones hearing a voice in their head but he found nothing. But after a lot of time passed Conan finally came to believe that it was not a mental illness that made him hear his Voice. It was real, Max knew what even Conan never knew and he helped him when Conan was learning swordsmanship.

Just when he was enjoying his solitude, he saw someone walking toward him. It was a noble lady and behind her were some other young nobles, there were a total of five of them.

" Duke Augustine, I, Maya of the BlueShield family greet you." The Girl greeted him and then one by one, others did the same.

[ I didn't know some people were willing to become friends with you.] Max said sarcastically chuckling, from the expression on these people, Conan could tell that they came here for something else.

" Just get lost, I have nothing to give you," Conan said and didn't even give them an answer.