

A young orphan boy is abducted by two men and taken to a geezer who claims to be his father. Jeffrey finds it strange for a father to have so many children. After learning the motive of the geezer, he plans to escape with his friends, and Lucian, the Prince of the Beast bloodline also has a tale to tell. A few years after the death of his parents, he is determined to find out what happened.

Rhut2022 · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 11: The Island

Author's POV

Anastasia paused momentarily for her to breathe. Her hands were shaking with perturbation. She felt like crawling into a hole and never coming out or the ground beneath her feet will just open up. She looked at Daffodil who was still in front of her. Anastasia was so mad. Jin withdrew and ran off while he left her behind.

"What were you doing in my room?" Daffodil asked again.

"Your room? I did not go to your room." Anastasia decided to deny it. It was the best option that came into her mind. Perhaps, if she pretends as if nothing happened, she would let her go.

"I know you are lying. Now tell me what you did or else?" Daffodil grabbed her arm and twisted it.

"Please no." Anastasia cried out.

"Then tell me what you were doing. " Daffodil began to lose her patience. She twisted it more.

"I was looking for anything in your room that could help me find my friends." Daffodil's face darkened.

"What makes you think that I had anything to deal with them? You are their friend right and it is all thanks to them that my brother is not on this ship right now." Daffodil said spitefully." Normally, I would kill you but I'll let you go." Finally, she released her grip on Anastasia's arm.

"Thank you," Anastasia said. She started at her and saw her smiling but now her eyes and colors turned silver. How unusual, she thought. She trotted off hoping not to run into her again.

"You have a week. Bring back, Lucian." Daffodil said before walking into her room and shutting the door.


"It seems like we are getting close. Finally, this is the last batch of orphans we will be shifting to the island. Too bad that three kids got missing on the way. " Albert remained quiet ignoring Wilson and continued to polish his shoe.

"Shouldn't you be somewhere else Wilson? It has been three hours and you haven't done anything resourceful. " Albert finally said.

"What has come over you? You normally slack off." Wilson reached out for the cabinet and brought out the whisky. "How about we celebrate? Like I said it has been a while since we did something like this." Albert only shrugged minding his work to the dismay of Wilson.

"You have not been yourself since that incident that night Albert. Plus, Daffodil has been throwing a tantrum. She was pointing fingers at you..."

"I do not have time for this," Albert said about to leave.

"Wait, we haven't even drunk from.."Before he could complete his sentence, Albert slammed the door.


"Were you planning to get killed?" Madison asked.

"No, I just wanted to check something," Anastasia replied.

"Does that involve getting your head ripped off and Jin why did you abandon her?" Jin hesitated and shrugged.

"I did not beg her to come with me. Plus, she wasted so much time. I also have a life to line you know." Jin felt a flip-flop land on his face.

"Seriously?" Anastasia cried. She faced Madison.

"There is something you aren't telling us Madi." She continued.

"Anastasia, Telling you this would be hard to keep in."

"... I do not care." She said.

"Lucian may still be alive." Jim stopped what he was doing and his eyes gaped. Anastasia felt a weight on her chest. Her whole body felt motionless.

Soon there was a voice from the speaker, " Everyone, get your things ready. We are already close to the island."

Madison and the other two followed her to see the island up ahead. It was looking so beautiful from here. The other two were still looking dazed.

"There is still a probability that those two are alive. Maybe they are even on the island." She tried to cheer them up.

"Well, it is almost time for dinner anyway"Madison walked away. Jin followed behind her.

"Are you coming?" Jin questioned.

"Yeah. I'm right behind you." Anastasia said.


Blake began to pack his things carefully into a huge box. He was already tired of the sea. The door opened only for him to see Albert.

"Can I ask you something, Blake?" Albert asked.

"Could you hurry up? I'm kind of busy." Blake said lifting the box and placing it on the bed.

Albert walked closer to his side. "Why is It so hard for you to understand the true meaning of leadership and followership? Our instructions are only given to by John." Blake shook his head.

"Are you done talking?" He asked with a smirk. He chuckled but soon cried out but a hand was placed on his mouth.

"Now tell me, where is the map?" Albert smiled with a sinister look on his face. Blake was surprised how a dwarf like him could outmatch him. His mouth dripped blood as Albert's sword pierced through his stomach.

"It is not like you will let me live after this, you dwarf. Short devil." Albert pierced his sword through his heart this time and Blake fell.


Finally, everyone offloaded their goods to the island. There was a harbor so the ship parked there as all the people went into the island. The birds were colorful which caught the attention of many. The fruits on the trees were tempting and bright.

"It seems to me that this is a vacation. I like this place already." Mark said to Ash.

"Yeah me too. What about you Anastasia?" Anastasia slightly nodded.

"I have not seen Jeffrey, Elvis, and Lucian for days now. You are close Elvis and Jeffrey, Anastasia." Mark pointed out. Albert told everyone that three kids were missing while they were all walking.

After walking for some minutes, They were all stunned. Jeffrey and Elvis with Jake look at them hoping he was not dreaming.

"You guys!" Anastasia cried out happily. Jake frowned on seeing the adults and gritted his teeth. He glared at them, especially the oldest geezer. John walked up to Jeffrey with his arms wide apart and hugged him.