

A young orphan boy is abducted by two men and taken to a geezer who claims to be his father. Jeffrey finds it strange for a father to have so many children. After learning the motive of the geezer, he plans to escape with his friends, and Lucian, the Prince of the Beast bloodline also has a tale to tell. A few years after the death of his parents, he is determined to find out what happened.

Rhut2022 · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 10: Getting Caught

Author's POV

John scurried quickly into the sailor's cabin before shutting the door. One could wonder how he was fast for an old man. The sailor in front of the wheel turned back and went on his knees.

"Good morning sir. What brings you here?" The man said still facing the ground.

"Rise young one and do not mind me. I was just here to check on you and if we were heading in the right direction." He said in a friendly tone.

The sailor stood up and nodded before focusing on the task at hand.

"Shannora. It has been a while hasn't it?" John mumbled to himself.


"It has been days since we last saw those two. Anastasia, I'm worried." Jin cried out.

"I'm anxious to Jin." Anastasia replied."Madison kept asking questions about the beast's evolution. I think she knows something." She continued.

"Then if she did why didn't she tell us? You know sometimes I think I've been the only rational thinker lately. " Jin said.

"What did you say?" Anastasia barked.

"Nothing," Jin said promptly before moving a few inches away from her.

"We need to obtain more info about this. This all seems fishy to me." Anastasia said.

"Why don't we just sneak into one of their rooms and look for any info? Madison is always in hers and I don't know if we could check either Daffodil or Lucian's room." Anastasia could not believe her ears. Jin said that. Was he planning on dying early? God knows what will happen if Daffodil caught them.

"I am not so sure. Lurking in a beast's room." Anastasia hesitated. She reluctantly agreed and soon they were next to her door with a bold sign on it. 'STAY OUT!' Anastasia felt nervous.

"I'll look out for anyone coming," Jin said as Anastasia entered the room. Immediately, she began to look over the things that were in the room. She searched the desk and the bookshelf but couldn't find anything useful.

"There has to be something in here."Her eyes peered across the room as she looked at the bed. It was huge but something felt different about it.

"Could you keep it down?" Jin stated. He faced the other direction to see an angry beast heading this way.

"Anastasia, Daffodil! She is coming this way." Anastasia's mind wandered off as all her attention was on the book that was in her hand. "What did you say Jin?"

"Daffodil is heading this way."

" What?"

Jin found warning her useless and scurried off. The doorknob was opening and Anastasia didn't hear Jin again and hid under the bed. Daffodil left the door slightly open and flopped on the bed. She was drained. She opened the bathroom door and entered to clean herself. Anastasia breathed heavily. She thought it would be best to just see a few pages and leave. She opened the first page and saw several beasts which made her sick to the stomach, the next page was titled Origin.

"Years ago, a wild specie of beasts came upon the earth's surface. They were the most dominant among other beasts and stayed in the shadows. Their leader, Russell was their first and strongest leader..." Unfortunately for Anastasia, her time was cut short when she heard that Daffodil was about to come out.

She acted fast and placed the book beneath the mattress and arranged it the way she found it. She stepped out quietly before anyone could see her and shut the door. She turned back to leave but then Daffodil was in front of her.

"What were you doing in my room, ?" She asked with a straight face.


"Get off you idiot!" Jake barked and tossed me away. I was kind of dizzy. My head spun in different directions and I was seeing stars.

"What are you saying? You are a jerk you know that." I spat angrily.

"Jeffrey, calm down." Elvis cautioned.

"Why should I? He is speaking nonsense." I faced him angrily and he didn't bother to even apologize.

"How about you go outside and clear your head? " Elvis suggested. I reluctantly agreed and stormed off.

How on earth will Jake say such a thing? I was not only angry at Jake but Elvis for not even trying to defend himself. Was he not afraid of death? Did he want to relive what happened that night? All this was confusing.

I sat on the sand and used a stick to draw lines to help me calm down.

"Are you willing to take the risk?" I heard Jake say to Elvis. Elvis was speechless. This does not make any sense at all.

"Or you could give up? I have never seen anyone stand up to Lucian not to talk off Daffodil in their beast form and survive." Jake laughed nervously.

"No! No! There has to be another way." I thought.