
The Tower Of Doom

WPC 324 [Reverse isekai] -Crack -Crack "What is that?!" The sky cracked open through which a tower descended to earth, but that was not it. Numerous portals started to appear through which unimaginable creatures evaded the earth. [Orcs, demons, elves, fairies, vampires, werewolvess] One might think that humans went extinct after that but no. [Status] Soon humans learnt about ranks, mana and many more things. But alas after hundreds of years humans are still considered inferior. But soon the destiny of humanity would change due to the birth of two humans. Chris Frost:- One of the most mysterious and one of the most intelligent creatures to ever exist. Ray flash:- A person whose life was filled with tragedy. From the death of his parents to his capture by the dark guild, he seemed the unlikeliest person to ever live but unlocked his bloodline ability [System]. Please read at least forty chapters before deciding to drop it or continue it. First, some chapter grammar and the way to write are just a waste(Readebel]. But I beg you all. Please bare with it and at least read forty chapters. Well I can't force you, people, Now can I?

Mastermind1234 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Chapter -12 Black market [7]

My heart sank as I looked behind me. Long silky jet black hairs were reaching to his waist. Extremely pale skin and crimson eyes were staring at me with great curiosity.

"Wait, before you start me attacking once again young man I just want you to ask some questions." Before I could attack him Cronos spoke trying to reassure me that he is no threat but of course, I didn't believe him channeling the mana to my arm keeping my guard up.

Looking at me still keeping my guard up Cronos sighed once again.

"Humans will be humans. No matter which era it is, they are always scared of the unknown."

What he said was extremely true, humans are always scared of the unknown.

"If I had my skills I would have already extracted your memory but sadly, I can't right now."

A drop of blood fell on the ground as the tip of the nail made a contact with my cheek.

"Young man, don't test my patience." He said once more but looking at me not replying he sighed as his nail started to Peirce my cheek deeper.

"It looks like I will have to ki-."

"Chris frost."

My eyes suddenly turned emotionless as I activated [Heart of Ice].

Before I was frozen on my spot due to fear thus I had to activate [Heart of ice].

A chill ran through my whole body and all my emotions froze. My brain started to work three times faster as the time slowed down.

There was only one goal in my mind and that was to survive by using any possible way.

And the only way that seemed possible to survive was to answer him.

Cronos was once again shocked by my sudden change of demeanor and once again looked at me with curiosity.

"Ku ku ku. Truly humans are strange creatures." He stared at me as his crimson eyes started to glow. It was obvious what he wanted to do but I didn't even flinch. I looked fearlessly into his eyes which surprised him greatly.

"Your name is Chris frost."


A monotonous voice echoed in the whole cave.

"Are you scared of me?"


Squinting his eyes Cronos looked at me trying to figure out whether I was lying or not.

"Then let me rephrase my sentence. Were you scared of me?"


"Ku ku ku. This human..." He paused, speaking again.

"...Is truly interesting."

Cronos moonlight was someone who lived more than a thousand years, completely bored of his life, and thus decided to go into slumber.

Another reason was he couldn't stand watching his loved ones die. He too wanted to die but he couldn't. Why? Because of a curse that was given by his enemy. First, he laughed it off saying that being immortal was a benefit to him but then later realized it was a total curse.

To bring him out of his slumber he set up a mechanism. If someone removed a particular skill book which was [Killing blow] then he would slowly wake up in the next hundred years but to speed up the process if someone learned that skill then he would immediately wake up.

Well back to the point.

He was completely bored of his life but today he finally found something interesting. A human called "Chris frost."

Thus, he finally made a decision. He would visit the human domain with this particular human.

Chris frost.

"I have decided. You won't be dying." He said as he took out his nail from Chris's skin causing a flow of blood.

He licked the blood that was on his nail.

I quickly deactivated [Heart of ice] which was slowly devouring my mana. Even though it used very less mana I had used quite a lot of mana while activating the mana bomb and attacking the vampire in front of me. Even though I had increased my mana I was still getting a shortage.

"But on one condition that you will take me to the human domain."

"So that you can cause a massive over there, forget it."

He was once again surprised by the sudden change of demeanor but he didn't say much.

After all, he wanted to do something interesting.

"How about we sign a soul contract." As soon as Cronos said this as paper materialized out of thin air in his hand.

My eyes widened. "A soul contract, but I am sure that you are strong enough to fend off the backlashes of breaking the contract."

"True but who would want to damage their soul?"

What he told made sense.

A soul contract was a contract where two parties would agree on some terms and conditions but if one of them broke the conditions then their soul would get destroyed killing them on the spot.

But if the party that broke the rules is strong enough they wouldn't die but of course, would suffer backlashes one of them being their soul getting damaged and reduction of their power.

Soul contracts were divided into four grades.

Ordinary, primary, sacred, and legendary.

If the ordinary contract was broken then it could kill star -2.

If the primary was broken then it could kill star -5.

If sacred was broken then it could kill star -7.

If the legendary contract was broken then it could kill Star -9.

Words magically appeared on the paper. He then proceeds to hand it to me.

If one touched the contract it will show which grade was it on the power screen.

[Legendary grade contract]

[Would you like to accept the terms and conditions]

[Yes] [No]

Looking at my power screen I was shocked. I quickly read through the conditions trying to find any loopholes but...

[If I Cronos moonlight killed any human I will die]

[If I Chronos tried to harm the interesting human Chris frost then I will die]

[If I try to betray the interesting human Chris frost then I will die]

'What the fuck is this.'

Why would such a strong creature try to come with me? My luck, no I can't be that lucky but...

An absurd thought entered my mind.

'If I do that then my plans would work faster. What if I...'

"I want to change one of the conditions."

"Which conditions."

A creepy smile appeared on my face.

"You will kill humans on my command."

'Humans are really strange and interesting.'

'...Make him my piece.'