
The Tower Merchant is too devious

Kuber Walton, stripped of his wealth and branded as a 'traitor's son,' faces a desperate choice: flee his homeland or face dire consequences. However, destiny takes an unexpected turn. ————— [You have been summoned to the Dimensional Tower] [Accept] [Reject] ————— Kuber's decision leads him into a fractured realm divided among the Neutral, Holy, and Demonic Factions. In this world of chaos, he finds himself wielding the unique power of the 'Tower Merchant' class. This power enables him to procure anything from different towers and dimensions. Join Kuber in his adventures, marked by cunning schemes and thrilling action. As he navigates this treacherous landscape, his ultimate goal becomes clear: "Young master, do you aspire to become the wealthiest being in the world?" Alvin Lewis inquired, his gaze filled with curiosity. Kuber, sipping tea as he surveyed a distant heavenly city, replied, "Why, you ask? To purchase this very world." ————— #Manipulative mc #Action #Romance #No harem #Vampire #Non-human protagonist ————— If you like the content, then please support the author with gifts or reviews.

Cryo_Knight · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Vivian Earthsong

Intrigued by the mysterious woman, Kuber disembarked from the stagecoach to get a closer look at her.

Along the forest path, a figure draped in a flowing black robe stood, an enigmatic silhouette set against the backdrop of nature. Her lustrous black hair cascaded down her back, and her vivid green eyes exuded an air of intrigue.

"May I inquire about your name?" Kuber inquired, his tone polite and inquisitive.

"I am known as Vivian Earthsong. I was wondering if you could offer me a ride to the Capital city?" she asked with a gentle and soothing smile gracing her lips.

Kuber took a moment to carefully assess the woman before him. Although he felt a hint of hesitation, there was no concrete reason to deny her request.

"Well, why not?" Kuber responded, extending an invitation for her to join them in the stagecoach.

Without further delay, they both entered the stagecoach.

Curiosity piqued, Leona couldn't help but scrutinize the newcomer with suspicion. A stranger appearing out of nowhere was cause for wariness.

"And who might this be?" Leona inquired, her eyes narrowed with skepticism. She remained cautious toward the unfamiliar presence.

"This is Vivian Earthsong. She'll be accompanying us on our journey," Kuber introduced, politely indicating an empty seat near Leona for Vivian to occupy.

"Thank you for your assistance. Might I inquire about your names as well?" Vivian inquired politely, her smile warm and inviting.

"I am Kuber, and these are Leona and Darryl. The one riding the Terragore is Luna," Kuber introduced, prompting waves and acknowledgments from his companions. Leona maintained her pout, which had become her signature reaction.

With introductions exchanged, Kuber found himself captivated, his gaze unwavering as he observed Vivian. Unbeknownst to her, this intense scrutiny gave her an uncomfortable impression, making her question Kuber's intentions.

In reality, Kuber was simply stunned after perusing Vivian's status, his surprise rendering him momentarily lost in thought.


[Level] – 112

[Name] – Vivian Earthsong[Neutral]

[Race] – Druid

[Bloodline] – Sylvanwood Lineage

[Title] – Guardian of the Earthsong Forest, Worshiper of the Yggdrasil, and Possessor of the Sylvan Whisper Bow

[Lifespan] – 285/8500 Years

[Class] – Summoner[Sub Class: Elementalist]

[Unique Skill] – Wildbond Convergence(A)


Vivian's extraordinary attributes, particularly her bloodline and unique skills, left Kuber in awe. However, his prolonged stare inadvertently gave her the wrong impression.

'She's 285 years old? A guardian of a forest? And that unique skill... And what's with her sub class?' Kuber's thoughts raced as he leaned forward, his eyes wide with surprise. Unfortunately, his intense scrutiny made Vivian feel increasingly uneasy, causing her to create more distance between them.

"Uhm... Is something the matter?" Vivian asked, her expression puzzled and curious.

"Oh, no! There's nothing wrong with you. I was just wondering about your purpose in heading to the Capital City," Kuber replied, his face flushing with embarrassment as he realized he had been staring.

Vivian's face displayed a mixture of guilt and reluctance as she replied, "I apologize, but I cannot disclose that information."

Kuber quickly realized his mistake and offered an apologetic smile. The awkwardness of the situation lingered, and silence enveloped them for a moment.

"We're nearly at the Capital City," the coachman announced, prompting Kuber's surprise. "Already? It's only been about two hours since we left," he exclaimed.

The coachman chuckled in response. "The Capital City isn't too far from Emberbrook City, and Terragores are quite swift."

Before long, the group arrived at the gates of the Capital City, their journey coming to an end.

As they approached the Capital City, a massive towering wall encircled it from all directions. A lengthy queue of people awaited entry, indicating the city's popularity and importance.

"It's a colossal wall," Kuber remarked, his gaze fixed on the imposing fortifications.

"Your wonderment is just beginning, my friend. There's much more within the city," Darryl replied with a chuckle.

Vivian, curious as ever, asked, "Is this your first time here?"

Kuber nodded. "Yes, you can tell from my attire that I'm new."

"Ah, sorry. It wasn't apparent until now."

After patiently waiting in the line, they finally approached the massive city gate. Two towering statues of Sentinel Guardians, imposing and vigilant, stood sentinel on either side.

"What's your purpose for entering?" A soldier donning black armor, his chest adorned with a tree crest, halted Kuber's group.

Kuber couldn't help but note the uncanny resemblance between this world and Earth. He couldn't shake off the feeling that he was being interrogated at an airport security checkpoint. His lips curled into a mischievous grin at the thought.

"We're here for bloodline awakening. These three haven't yet awakened their bloodlines. Oh, and we have a merchant among us," Darryl explained, indicating Kuber.

"Show me the Merchant ID," the soldier requested.

"Sure," Darryl replied, turning to Kuber. "Give him your Merchant ID card."

Without hesitation, Kuber produced the Merchant ID card he received during his registration and handed it to the soldier promptly.

The soldier took the ID card and extracted a black slab-like device resembling a credit tablet. A holographic system screen emerged, displaying Kuber's merchant status to everyone present.


[Name] – Kuber Walton[Neutral]

[Title] – None

[Class] – Tower Merchant

[Market] – None

[HQ Location] – None

[Ranking] – None


Kuber's jaw dropped as he stared at his own merchant status. He had no idea such information was available.

"You didn't know about this either? Did you even read the basic manuals provided at the libraries?" Darryl's eyes narrowed as he questioned Kuber.

Kuber chuckled nervously. "Well, not really. I didn't exactly thoroughly read them."

Darryl let out a sigh, shaking his head in mild exasperation.

Seeing Kuber's lack of knowledge, Darryl took it upon himself to explain the importance of the ID card.

"These ID cards exist for every association. They serve as a means of identification and can be used to verify your affiliation in various places. So, make sure you don't lose it. Your Merchant ID card holds significant value, especially within the Neutral Faction."

With the explanation complete, the soldier returned the ID card to Kuber and cleared the way for them to enter the city.

As they stepped into the city, a bustling street stretched out before them. The scene was alive with a multitude of people adorned in lavish clothing, grand structures, and a diverse array of species. Kuber found himself in a city unlike anything he had ever seen before.

"Welcome to the city of opulence and extravagance, the Capital City of Everdawn Reach Continent, Velvet Citadel," Darryl introduced, emphasizing the grandeur of their surroundings.

Darryl beamed with pride as he introduced the grand city to Kuber, but his enthusiasm was met with Kuber's focus on their task at hand.

"It's indeed a remarkable city, but our priority is to find the Resource Association Building. Shall we continue on?" Kuber's tone was indifferent, making it clear that he was more concerned about their objective than sightseeing.

"Yeah, let's head to the Resource Association then," Darryl replied, his excitement somewhat dampened by Kuber's lack of interest in exploring the city.

Turning his attention to Vivian, Kuber inquired about her plans. "Vivian, where do you plan to go from here?"

"I need to visit the Hunter Association first, I have some matters to attend to there."

"In that case, it seems our paths will diverge here," Kuber acknowledged, realizing that they would have to part ways with Vivian. After saying their farewells and settling the travel expenses with the coachmen, Kuber and his companions set off towards the Resource Association Building.

"Whoa, look at that, Kuber," Leona exclaimed excitedly, pointing at a large hovering ship preparing to take off. The ship had two propellers and a nearly invisible protective barrier.

"What's that, Darryl?" Kuber inquired, his curiosity piqued.

Darryl explained with a serious expression, "That's a Skydrifter. It's a versatile vessel that can travel both in the air and on water. However, it comes with a hefty price tag of around 500 crystal credits. Even after purchasing one, you'd need mana stones as fuel."

Kuber's eyes remained fixated on the Skydrifter, his determination evident. He had set his mind on acquiring one someday, no matter the cost.