
The Tower Merchant is too devious

Kuber Walton, stripped of his wealth and branded as a 'traitor's son,' faces a desperate choice: flee his homeland or face dire consequences. However, destiny takes an unexpected turn. ————— [You have been summoned to the Dimensional Tower] [Accept] [Reject] ————— Kuber's decision leads him into a fractured realm divided among the Neutral, Holy, and Demonic Factions. In this world of chaos, he finds himself wielding the unique power of the 'Tower Merchant' class. This power enables him to procure anything from different towers and dimensions. Join Kuber in his adventures, marked by cunning schemes and thrilling action. As he navigates this treacherous landscape, his ultimate goal becomes clear: "Young master, do you aspire to become the wealthiest being in the world?" Alvin Lewis inquired, his gaze filled with curiosity. Kuber, sipping tea as he surveyed a distant heavenly city, replied, "Why, you ask? To purchase this very world." ————— #Manipulative mc #Action #Romance #No harem #Vampire #Non-human protagonist ————— If you like the content, then please support the author with gifts or reviews.

Cryo_Knight · Fantasy
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75 Chs

A woman?


[Floor Quest] – Establish a merchant clan on the first floor. Monopolize the Security Escort market of the Everdawn Reach Continent.

[Time Limit] – 30 days

[Reward] – ???, Access to the second floor.

[Failure Penalty] – Execution


"Did you just recieve a quest?" Darryl questioned, his expression holding a touch of secrecy accompanied by a slight smile.

"Yeah, I just received one. So, this is what they refer to as a quest," Kuber replied, a grin forming on his lips. While one might expect him to feel nervous about this sudden development, an unexpected sense of excitement welled up within him.

"Surprisingly, you've got one on your very first day. It suggests you're quite adaptable," Darryl noted, leaning in slightly.

"It's not a big deal, but the failure penalty is quite severe. I can't say my luck is particularly good now," Kuber admitted, his expression shifting to one of annoyance as he pondered the implications of the quest.

A floor quest resembles a mission players receive after completing the trial. It typically emerges when a player becomes acclimated to their new surroundings. Most players wouldn't encounter such a quest until at least ten days in, yet Kuber had encountered one after just a single day.

However, the failure penalty was notably stringent. On average, players merely faced a failure penalty that restricted their progression to higher floors, contributing to why many players couldn't ascend beyond their current level.

"You know, the rewards, classes, and everything else you attain within the tower aren't simply products of luck. They're reflective of your karma and mindset," Darryl asserted, his expression serious as he folded his arms, delving into further explanation.

"Every offering you've received thus far has been a result of your merit. For instance, if you harbor a positive mindset, you're likely to acquire a potent unique skill, with its nature influenced by your karma. Moreover, the rank assigned to a skill corresponds to its efficacy for its intended purpose. A combat skill well-suited for battle might achieve a C or B rank, while a skill with greater destructive potential could attain a higher rank."

Darryl continued to elucidate the mechanics of skills, though Leona was growing drowsy and yawning, while Kuber listened attentively, absorbing the information.

A low, menacing growl reverberated through the air, catching Kuber and his companions off guard.

"Savior! Something's up in the sky," Luna exclaimed from her position on the Terragore.

At Luna's alarm, Kuber peered outside. His eyes widened and sweat formed on his brow as he took in the sight of a fleet of creatures resembling eagles with the bodies of lions, soaring in circular patterns above them.

"Just as I thought, they've arrived," Darryl commented with a tense expression, also peering out of the stagecoach to observe the griffins.

"What do you mean? Why are these creatures here?" Kuber inquired, his gaze fixed on the griffins.

"Don't worry, those griffins are tamed. Look closely; there are people riding them," Darryl assured.

"Huh... you're right. I can see riders on them," Kuber realized slowly as the griffins began to descend towards their location.

"Why are they approaching us?" Kuber asked, his eyes narrowing. A group of strangers mounted on half-eagle, half-lion creatures, approaching with intentions unknown, was certainly cause for concern.

"Hey, how's it going?" An Elven man decked in resplendent golden armor, adorned with a sun crest on his chest, greeted Kuber and Darryl.

"It's been a while, Elandor," Darryl responded with a chuckle, casting a glance at the elf with a nostalgic glint in his eyes.

"Ah, Darryl, it's you! It truly has been a while. And who's this new face you've got with you?" The elf's smile beamed brightly as his gaze shifted to Kuber's attire, marked as that of a newbie.

"I was accompanying these individuals to the capital city for their bloodline awakening," Darryl replied, omitting the mention of Kuber's plan to establish a merchant clan, unsure of whether Kuber wanted that disclosed.

"Do you know him, Darryl?" Kuber inquired, his expression marked with puzzlement.

"Yes, as it turns out, we hailed from the same dimension. This gentleman here is Elandor Stormstride, a crusader for the Sacred Order," Darryl introduced with a nod.

Curious, Kuber directed his attention towards the notably handsome elf and promptly assessed his status.


[Level] – 73

[Name] – Elandor Stormstride [Holy]

[Race] – High Elf

[Title] – Valiant Sunblade

[Lifespan] – 211/6500 years

[Class] – Divine Knight

[Unique Skill] – Inferno Blade (SS)


'Incredible! This individual's strength is off the charts...'

Kuber couldn't help but be awestruck by the astonishing status of Elandor. According to the introductory book, high elves become spirits upon death, unable to interact with the physical world, effectively rendering them immortals.

"Pleasure to meet you, uh... What should I address you as?" The elf addressed Kuber, executing a slight, courteous bow.

"I'm Kuber Walton. Delighted to make your acquaintance," Kuber replied, extending his hand for a handshake.

Elandor hesitated for a moment, then observed Kuber's hand before offering his own with a faint smile.

"You must be from Earth, judging by that handshake," Elandor remarked, prompting a sense of bewilderment in Kuber. Yet, his concerns eased as he realized that there were individuals who had awakened before him, and Elandor must have encountered someone from Earth previously.

"Why have you come here, Elandor? Is it related to the sacrificial rituals?" Darryl inquired with a concerned visage.

"Yes, indeed, it's those rituals again. But don't fret, we'll apprehend them swiftly," Elandor reassured, his chuckle accompanied by a bright demeanor.

"True, you crusaders excel at that," Darryl sighed, his expression a mix of relief and gratitude.

Sacrificial rituals, a practice conducted by cultists to offer tributes to their revered demonic deities, persisted despite being strictly forbidden. These cultists, true to their nature, ignored the rules in their pursuit.

"I noticed your group traveling and thought it wise to investigate. Besides, with Darryl among you, I'm certain everything will be fine."

"What? You're departing so soon? How about taking a brief respite here before continuing your pursuit?" Darryl suggested, a hint of disappointment tinting his tone due to Elandor's apparent haste.

"You're well aware how it goes with these cultists. You can't afford to waste even a second dealing with them," Elandor retorted, his tone dripping with disdain as he spoke to Darryl. It was evident that he held a deep aversion towards cultists, and there was a valid reason behind his sentiment.

"Alright then, I won't keep you," Darryl responded, his voice carrying a faint note of disappointment as he lowered his gaze.

After exchanging farewells, Elandor and his companions mounted their griffins and took off, continuing their mission to uncover the cultists' whereabouts.

"Who exactly are these Crusaders, Darryl?" Kuber inquired, his eyes shimmering with intrigue.

"Crusaders are an elite order of holy knights tasked with executing anyone who violates the moral code of Astrion. Elandor's group is considered the least powerful among all the divisions," Darryl explained with a chuckle.

"I see, so they've come here to apprehend the cultists who have infiltrated the continent."

"Yes, occurrences like this crop up occasionally. But you needn't worry too much; it's the crusaders' duty to handle such matters," Darryl assured, his gaze following the departing crusaders.

"Let's head back then, we still have to make our way to the capital city," Darryl suggested.

"Agreed, we shouldn't linger here," Kuber concurred, and both of them retraced their steps back to the stagecoach, resuming their journey.

After journeying for a while, the stagecoach abruptly came to a halt, causing Kuber to stumble slightly. "What's the matter? Why did we stop?" he questioned, his expression marked with puzzlement.

"A woman is blocking our path, sir," the coachman responded matter-of-factly.

"A woman?" Kuber repeated, baffled by this unexpected twist. Amidst the confusion, a singular question swirled within his mind: Who could this woman possibly be?