
I want an apology!

As he lays there he looks at the ceiling confused wasn't he just on his phone?

He sat up from his laying position and looked around, expecting to see his room. He is surprised to find a large room with white walls lined with golden accents shaped in a square outline as well as a large dresser with a huge mirror and all kinds of jewelry scattered upon its top.

He looked around to the other side of the room to see a large balcony with glass doors and two tables on each side of the balcony that hold some peculiar but beautiful flowers.

As he sat there surprised by the room he was in he decided to stand up and walk around.

As he looked around he felt mesmerized by this room, he felt like he might be in a fantasy and when he looked around for one final time he said the first words in this world that would surprise him for the rest of his life.

Jake: "Holy shit"

As he stood there slack jawed by the rooms beauty, a girl that looked to be around the same age as him (16-17 years old) and suddenly rushed at him and hit him across the face with a fist that felt like an iron ball.

A few minutes before...

A girl was walking down the hall she looked dignified and proper but on the inside she was thinking about how she really wanted to get away from all of these boring formalities and politics.

She was the princess of the kingdom of Arche an elegant girl that was respected by all that she met.

She may be elegant and a competent politician for her age but all she really wanted was to go out and live her life like everyone else could, hunt like everyone else could, fight like everyone else could.

But for now she had to maintain her posture until she arrived at her room.

As soon as she arrived at her room she saw a boy of similar age saying one brief but surprising phrase.

"Holy shit"

As she stood there for a second she decided to do the one and only thing she thought to do... clock him in the face.

When she ran up to him, she saw him suddenly turn her way and before he could do anything she struck him in the face.

Back to Jake...

He just got hit by a girl not too different in age yet it was so painful, the only thing he could do was fall to the ground while enduring the pain.

When he hit the ground he grabbed his jaw and started to scream.

Jake: "ahhhhhhhhh".

Girl: "Intruder speak your name and tell me why you have invaded my living quarters" the girl asked Jake seriously.

Jake: " Why did you hit me in the face!" Jake screamed out to the girl.

Girl: " would you prefer it if I hit you somewhere else?" the girl said in a sarcastic but snarky way.

Jake: " Yes, yes I would have" not hearing the sarcasm in her voice.

Girl: " Well you better tell me how you got here and if you don't have a reason to stay please get out!" She says annoyed.

Jake rises to his feet after most of the pain subsided and said to her...

Jake: " I don't know how I got here, all I know is that I closed my eyes and when I opened them I was on that bed!" He says in a frustrated while pointing to the bed on the other end of the room.

The girl looks over to the bed and then back at him.

Girl: " Well thank you for telling me now get out of my room!" She says as she tries to direct him to the door.

Instead of going towards the door he turns towards her and says...

Jake: " Wait hold on why are you just kicking me out of here I still want an apology for you punching me just now!" He says angry breaking loose from her grip and walking towards the balcony to prove that he won't leave until he gets his apology.

Girl: " I'll have you know that I will not apologize to someone who just showed up in my room!" She says slightly annoyed.

Jake: " Well I'm not leaving till you apologize to me." He says rudely.

Girl: " As the Princess of this kingdom I will not take this from you!" She says becoming even more annoyed.

Jake: " Okay then I'll just wait here then." He sits down on the balcony floor.

Princess: " No you will not, Guards!" She refutes as she calls for the guards.

Two guards come in one male(Guard 1) and one female( Guard 2).

Guard 1: " Yes your highness what do you need from us." He says in a respectfully.

Princess: " Escort this man out of my room immediately." She says in a calm yet annoyed way.

Guard 1 and Guard 2: " Yes your highness!" They say as they walk over to Jake who is now standing up, somewhat surprised by the recent appearance of the guards.

Jake: " I'm not going anywhere until I get my apology!" He says stubbornly before stepping on the edge of the balcony wall preparing to jump over the guards.

As the guards approach Guard 2 asks that he doesn't make it any harder than it needs to be.

Then when Jake was about to jump he slipped on a stone laying on the flat surface of the balcony edge and falls backwards.

As he falls he closes his eyes waiting for the fall but it never came, he opened his eyes again and he finds himself back in his room on his bed.

As he lays there so tired he felt like he was going to pass out, before he passed out he thought to himself one thing.

Jake: "Did that really happen?"