
Figuring things out

" Did that really happen?"

Jake said to himself just before passing out.

One hour later...

He woke to the sound of someone knocking on his bedroom door as he stood up from his bed and went to open the door he saw his mother Jessica Augustine on the other side.

Jake: " Ah mom what are you doin' back now" he asked questioningly as he looked at her confused.

Jake: ' She wasn't supposed to be back for a few hours.' He thought to himself without knowing how much tine passed.

Jessica: " Well it is 5:00 in the afternoon, didn't I say I would be back by then." She said in a calm and friendly way.

Jake: " Oh it's already 5:00 I didn't realize." He says scratching his head from embarrassment.

Jessica: " Well yes it is, so did you finish that project that you were assigned?" She says referring to the unfinished project sitting on his desk in his room.

Jake: " Oh no not yet, but I'm almost done!" He says in an awkward but upbeat tone.

Jessica: " Well you better have it done before dinner." She says very seriously and walks away to the kitchen.

Jake stands there by the door contemplating the dream he had and if it really was a dream.

As he was contemplating he went to the restroom to wash off his face again to clear his mind.

Then as he stood there he thought of one last question.

Jake: " Could that have really been anything but a dream?" He questioned to himself.

???: " It was not a dream." Something said.

Jake: " What the hell?!" Jake says as he looks around hitting the wall.

Jessica: " Hey Jake is everything alright in there?" Jessica says as knocks on the bathroom door after hearing her son hit something.

Jake: " Yeah mom everything's fine!" He says trying to hide the panic in his voice.

Jessica: " Alright, well I'll leave you to whatever you're doing." She says slightly worried but heads back to the kitchen.

As Jake walks back to the sink which is a short distance away he looks into the mirror and he asks a question to whatever was talking just now.

Jake: " Who just said that?" He asks.

???: " I was the one who conferred with you." Something said as a screen pops up in front of Jake with some kind of emoticon face.

Jake was startled by this as he jumped back a bit.

As he regained his composure again he looked at the screen it was silver colored with white outlines.

Jake stood there for a second before talking again and asking one simple question.

Jake: " Who are you?" He says slightly startled and confused.

???: " I do not have a name but for the sake of efficiency you may call me nameless." It says in a calm and formal tone that sounded almost robotic.

Jake: " Okay nameless why are you here and what were you saying about my question from earlier?" He says in a wary manner.

Nameless: " For the first question I am here because I am inside your body-" It says only to be cut off by Jake.

Jake: " Wait what!?" He says confused and panicked.

Nameless: " If you would let me finish-" It says only to get cut off again.

Jake: " How do I get you out of me?!" He says while scratching as his skin.

Nameless: " You cannot I am in your blood stream and am merged with your cells themself." It says answering the question of Jake.

Jake: " There has to be a way to get you out right?" He says as he keeps scratching.

Nameless: " Host it is not wise to keep scratching you may hurt yourself." It says advising against Jakes actions.

Jake: " Then what am I supposed to do?!" He says panicked and slightly annoyed that he is being advised by a complete stranger.

Nameless: " Calm down and breathe."

It says suggesting an alternative solution.

Jake thinks about for a second before stopping and taking a deep breath to calm down.

Nameless: " Good, now back to your question about the supposed dream, it in fact was real and you were accidentally sent there while I was fusing with your body through your blood stream." It says calmly.

Jake: " Okay I guess that could explain that even though that sounds completely crazy but then again I am talking to a floating emoticon!" He says exasperatedly.

Jake: " But what I wanna know is how I got there so fast, I only had my eyes closed for a second and also what happened to my phone I was holding when I blinked?!" He says this in the same panicked tone of voice he was speaking with before.

Nameless: " You were unconscious during the transference process and it seemed like you were going to die so I did the only thing I thought to do, I absorbed your phone gaining access to the collective database of knowledge known as the internet." It says taking a brief pause before continuing.

Nameless: " So as I was looking through the World Wide Web I finally found a medical forum that was talking about what was specifically happening to you so I took the proper actions that were listed as follows." It says as he pulls up another screen that shows something that looked like a world traveling story.

Jake: " Wait you used this?" Jake said confused but also slightly annoyed.

Nameless: " Yes? Was the treatment not satisfactory?" It asks in a confused tone.

Jake: " This isn't a medical forum this is a fantasy light novel about a man who travels to another world and gains a special ability called a system!" He says as he paces around in circles while messing up his hair.

Nameless: " So it was not a medical forum." It says clarifying to himself that it wasn't a medical forum.

Jake: " Yeah it wasn't!" He says shocked by the almost impossible mistake that he wouldn't expect anyone to make.

Nameless: " I apologize for my mistake." It says calmly.

Jake: " Just explain what you did to me after I eat." He says walking out of the bathroom.