

"We live in a world of denial, and we don't know what the truth is anymore"

-Javier Bardem-

Amidst the profound stillness of twilight, the town lay shrouded in a mantle of darkness. The hush in the air was all-encompassing, and the towering buildings cast deep, foreboding shadows across the empty streets. In the midst of this eerie hush, only the soft rustling of leaves gently caressed by a soft breeze and the distant hoots of an owl perched high in a tree broke the deafening silence. With no help but the moonlight shines below her figure,Alisia walked briskly down the dimly lit street, the flickering light from the nearby light poles barely illuminating the cobblestones beneath her feet. The cool night air seemed to cling to her as she walked, the soft rustle of leaves in the distance providing a faint but familiar background noise to her solitary journey.

As she walked, the shadows cast by the trees seemed to shift and dance around her, as if they were alive and watching her every step. The sight of the hospital where she works in also started to disappear as if it was devoured by the night but Alisia didn't care much,she continued on her way home, moving quickly across the uneven cobblestones and casting wary glances into the deep shadows that loomed in the edges of the light poles' reach. As she went, she couldn't help but feel a sense of unease, as if something was watching her from the darkness. Nevertheless, she brushed off the feeling and continued on. Finally, she arrived at the dormitory and quickly slipped inside, feeling a sense of relief at being back in familiar surroundings.

i lied.

KoyomiMizuharacreators' thoughts