
0.White lies

"The easiest way to solve a problem is to , deny it exists"

-Isaac Asimov-

--- "White lies are often described as being harmless to others. And the reason that the lies are told is to maintain polite social manners and courtesies." The documented definition was presented in a 1741 article in a British publication. It is people's thoughts that matter the most in deciding if it will affect them or not. With a real lie, the intent is malicious, and the consequence is serious. However, with a white lie, often more like a harmless bending of the truth, the intent is benign and positive, and usually the consequence isn't major. But who knows? The boundary between both of them is so thin that even with a positive meaning, the lie would still be turned into rumors, slowly losing its own beauty.White lies are often described as being harmless to others. And the reason that the lies are told is to maintain polite social manners and courtesies." The documented definition was presented in a 1741 article in a British publication. It is people's thoughts that matter the most in deciding if it will affect them or not. With a real lie, the intent is malicious, and the consequence is serious. However, with a white lie, often more like a harmless bending of the truth, the intent is benign and positive, and usually the consequence isn't major. But who knows? The boundary between both of them is so thin that even with a positive meaning, the white lie can still be used wrongly, slowly losing its own true purpose as a way to cheer up people's feelings. A victim of lies would suffer through multiple stages of mental illness, such as anxiety, feelings of insecurity, reduced self-esteem, and, in some cases,depression.

"You look cute in the blouse, Alisia. Especially with that tiny stethoscope you have there! I'm very sure you will be a great doctor in the future when you have grown up. I have high hopes for you! So let's don't be sad,because the past will come and take every sadness of yours away, leaving behind only memories and dreams, my darling. * * The camera flashes at her multiple times. The cute little girl stands straight next to her mother in an oversized blouse with tears running down her cheek. Both the back and the sleeves of it are touching the ground. Both their hands held tight together as if not willing to let go anytime soon. Suddenly, a huge noise brought the girl back to the real world. She looked around and realized the background of a hospital's lobby,a place that is empty without any single patients or doctors. Standing toward her is one of the colleagues, Laurena. Unable to control her feelings,grins her teeth and speak with a not so friendly tone*

-Alisia! This is the third time you have fallen asleep during work! Honestly, I don't think you are capable for the job so I suggest changing to a more suitable job than being a nurse...

*Alisia slowly shakes her head and speak with a tiring voice*

 -I apologise for such behaviour..You will never see such unresponsible behaviour from me ever again,I promise..

*Laurena gasps and finally speak gently again while pointing her fingers at the paperworks*

-Then you should consider finishing those papers on time. The expiry date will be 12p.m tomorrow.

*Replying with a simple nod,Alisia silently stand up. She puts on her scarf after placing the papers into the small bag she always carry with and begin her way back home.Not until she realises herself losing the track of time,it has already flown away like a wind and leave behind the cold darkness of midnight.

Still in progress. Expect me to make 1 chapter every 5 years

KoyomiMizuharacreators' thoughts