
Chapter 4 King Dragon Appeases His Wrath

"Wait a minute, Vice Commander!"

Seeing that their people had firmly controlled the situation, Duke Lewis swaggered over and stopped Batur who was about to shoot.

Batur glanced back at Duke Lewis, "What's wrong, Donghyuk?"

Duke Lewis straightened his wrist, and immediately said viciously: "Vice Commander, wouldn't it be easy for him to kill him like this?"

"What do you want?"

Batur's eyebrows frowned into the word Sichuan.

Duke Lewis covered his face with frost, and said coldly, "His hands and feet should be cut off, and then put into a jar filled with salt water, tortured to death little by little, so that I can vent my hatred!"

"Be careful!" Batur laughed loudly, immediately put away the pistol, and then pulled out a half-meter-long military stab from his waist, and put it on the table.

"Boy, are you going to do it yourself, or let me do it?"

This place has been surrounded by his men, Batur is not afraid of Worton York snatching the dagger, because as long as Worton York dares to move, the bullets will smash him into a meat sieve in an instant.

The corners of Worton York's mouth rose slightly, showing a faint smile. It had been many years since no one had dared to threaten him like this.

"Fuck, do you think you'll be fine if you pretend to be dumb? Since you can't get off the horse, I'll come in person!"

A look of ferocity appeared on Batur's face, and he immediately picked up the half-meter-long military thorn on the table, and slashed straight at one of Worton York's arms.


There was an ear-exploding muffled sound!

Something flew in from outside the door, and everyone saw that thing pull out a white smoke in mid-air, and hit Batur's rough face fiercely.

Batur didn't have time to react, and was thrown five or six meters away by that thing, his whole face collapsed and deformed, it was horrible.

"That is……"

It wasn't until this time that everyone saw clearly that the thing that sent Batur flying was a slipper, and it was a flip flop.

How much strength does the person who throws the slipper have to fight to send him flying with a single slipper?


"If you want to chop off Mr. York's hand, you must first ask me if Sogy will agree!"

A disheveled man walked in swaggeringly, with only a flip flop on his feet. The man was dressed strangely, with faded floral pants on his lower body, a ripped floral cotton jacket on his upper body, and a newspaper dangling from his mouth. Rolled tobacco.

The man walked up to Batur, stretched his feet to Batur's face, put on his flip flops, and rolled them hard before pulling his feet back.

Ha bah!

At the same time, the man did not forget to spit thick phlegm on Batur's face.

"court death!"

Seeing this, Duke Lewis yelled, then gritted his teeth and said, "Why are you still standing there? Vice-commander Batur was assassinated, why don't you hurry up and shoot back!"

"I see which one of you dares?"

A shirtless burly man walked in. The burly man was holding a modified Gatling in his hand, and he was carrying two heavy bullet chains. His rough face was full of ferocious bloodthirsty.

The scene was suddenly dead silent, and a needle could be heard!


Duke Lewis swallowed hard, and looked at the strong man in disbelief. Shina is very strict about gun control. It is very difficult for individuals to get a gun, let alone a heavy weapon like Gatling?

"Ha ha!"

A loud laugh sounding like a bell came from outside the door, and then an old man wearing a bamboo hat stepped forward. Every time the old man took a step, his figure moved forward five or six meters ghostly.

"Everyone, don't be too tense. Peace is the most important thing in everything. Come, come, this is a fish that the old man just caught from the river. Take it back and make some soup, and make up for it."

The old man put his hand into the bucket containing the fish, and with a slight movement of his wrist, the fresh fish in the bucket flew out, unbiased, and landed in the arms of Batur's men.

Those uniformed guards subconsciously held the fish with both hands, and all the things in their hands fell to the ground with a crackling sound.

Seeing this, the corner of the old man's mouth raised a triumphant arc, and then the dead wood grabbed it with his big hand, and those guys who fell on the ground were all sucked to his side.

The old man put down the bucket, picked up those guys on the ground, and then folded his hands lightly, and those guys turned into a pile of scrap copper and rotten iron.

Those men of Batur finally came to their senses, they were fooled, and the old man in the bamboo hat easily disarmed them without firing a single shot.

"You two have agreed!"

The old man smiled and looked at the flip flops Sogy and Gatlin Saxan.

The two warriors Sogy and Saxan looked disdainful, obviously complaining about the old man's deceitful behavior.


Tristan coughed dryly.

The smug smile on the old man's face froze when he heard the sound, and he walked quickly towards Worton York.

Sogy and Saxan will be next.

"The last general came too late, please punish Mr. York!"

The three said in unison.

Worton York nodded slightly: "Get up."

"Thank you, Mr. York!"

The three got up and stood behind Worton York in order according to their respective rankings in Twelve Generals.

Don't look at them running against each other on weekdays and not accepting each other, it can be seen that after seeing the King Dragon, they all became honest, and they didn't even dare to take a breath.

Duke Lewis helped Batur up from the ground, Batur rubbed his deformed face, and immediately jumped to his feet and cursed: "You trash! Those who are all on horseback are a bunch of trash! You can't even deal with a few stinky beggars, what do you need?"

"The commander of the garrison, Kory Pell, is here!"

Someone shouted at the top of the Lewis Mansion.

"Mr. Pell is here?"

Both Duke Lewis and Batur were happy when they heard the news.

"Vice Commander, we are saved!"

Duke Lewis was thrilled.

Batur nodded heavily, then looked towards Worton York with a sullen look on his face, glaring and gnashing his teeth, and said, "Your doomsday is coming, and it's not your turn to be presumptuous in Finch City!"


Worton York said lightly.

"Is it still? I'll be your father soon!" Batur sneered, his expression very arrogant.

Duke Lewis said coldly: "Vice Commander, you think too highly of that rapist, he doesn't even deserve to be your grandson!"

"well said!"

Batur let out a rough laugh.

General Tristan looked at Batur and Duke Lewis as if they were looking at evil pens. They just said the opposite of what they said. There are many people lining up to be Mr. York's grandchildren. Rao is the lowest, and it is not the two in front of them. individuals can compare.

Kory Pell rushed in quickly with the elite of the garrison group, and he let out a long sigh of relief when he saw that the situation had not yet developed to the point of being uncontrollable.

"Mr. Pell, you came just in time, someone here has committed a rebellion!"

Batur greeted him.

Duke Lewis followed closely behind: "Mr. Pell, these thieves are armed with heavy weapons. They started killing as soon as they came in. They killed our butler of the Lewis Family and my father successively!"

"Mr. Pell, you must decide for me!"

With that said, Duke Lewis knelt down in front of Kory Pell with a plop.



Kory Pell almost fainted on the spot when he heard the words. These two rams have already caused a catastrophe, and they don't even know it? !

The thief they are talking about is the King Dragon who is so powerful in the world!

They're tired of living, and Kory Pell hasn't lived enough!

Batur yelled: "You guys just wait to be shot!"

Duke Lewis was also furious: "Mr. Pell brought people to arrest you, why don't you hurry up and arrest you?"

Worton York raised his eyelids slightly, looked at Kory Pell, and asked lightly, "Did you bring someone to arrest me?"


Kory Pell is struck by lightning!

What are you kidding?

The commanders of the five major domains dare not catch the King Dragon?

He, the leader of a small garrison regiment, dares to move?


Kory Pell knelt in front of Worton York, and said in trepidation: "King Dragon calm down!"