

It's The ULTIMATE In Gay Breeding!!!!

DaoistpZTAqK · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter: 6 - A NEW CHANCE AT Brandon's ASS!!

It had been about 4 weeks since their last encounter and even tho Logan was sweating bullets once again, he figured that enough time had gone past by then and neither brandon's mother or father had caught on to what had been going on between him and lil brandon. So it was safe to say that he was safe.

"Damn im Horny..." said Logan, as he laid in bed stroking his Big Fat Black Dick. "I wonder what brandon's been up to." He stopped stroking his dick and pulled up his boxers as he took a drink of his soda laying on the floor beside his bed as he stood up and headed for the bathroom to take a piss.

He had been drinking alot of water lately, because he wasn't completely SURE, but something told him that he might just get another chance at brandon's ASS sometime soon. So he wanted to make absolutely SURE that if it was true, and the time came for him to Cum inside of him, he would completly UNLOAD in his Ass!

So with that being said, he was just waiting for "The Call." He was waiting for lil brandon to call Him first. But it had been over 4 weeks now and he was getting kind of impatient just waiting around for a call that might not come in time (before he decided to masturbate or something.) He didn't have a girlfriend or anything, so right now he was TOTALLY dependant on his seemingly New Fuck Toy, that came into his life.

He walked out of the bathroom and down the hallway into his livingroom. It was raining outside pretty soundly, but he figured that it would stop pretty soon so he just shrugged it off. He sat down in his chair by the night stand and picked up the phone. He couldn't waste anymore time, and he couldn't wait any longer for lil brandon to call him, he needed to tap that lil white ass!

A Chance for Redemption: Im about to Fuck the Shit outta You!

Logan took a deep breath and gave out a deep sigh as he dialed the number to lil brandon's house, He waited and the phone began to ring. It rang three times and Logan started to hang up the phone when an excited lil brandon answered it. "I Got it!! Hello?!" brandon said. "Hey brandon, its me Logan." "Hey Logan!" brandon said excitedly. "Hey brandon, ive been thinking about you." "Id like to get inside of you again" Logan said while stroking his dick.

"It Hurt the last time we did it!" lil brandon blurted out as Logan Very quickly said in an excited whispering voice. "Don't say that out loud brandon! Or I'll never be able to come over again!" and brandon said "Sorry…"

Once again Logan had to think FAST and he said the only thing that could come to mind. "Brandon, I really like you." and lil brandon said "I Like you too." And at This point Logan knew that he had to take this grand opportunity while it was HOT to sweet talk lil brandon, because right now brandon felt like the only thing Logan wanted to do was come over and rough fuck him up his ass. (Which was pretty much exactly what Logan wanted to do, but he didn't want brandon to know that.)

"Listen brandon, I promise you this. The next time I come over and we do it again I promise to be gentle as a feather with you. I really like hangin out with you and I really want to be your best friend. You like my music don't you?" Logan said.

"Yeah…" lil brandon said, still feeling untrusting and absolutely adament about feeling like Logan was lieing to him as he remembered how Logan brutally fucked him like a dog.

Logan knew this and right before he said another word lil brandon's dad said in a loud voice from within the livingroom "Hey! Who you talkin to brandon?" And lil brandon said "Logan!!" and Logan said really loudly (because he Knew this was the Only thing that could save him at the moment) "Hey! Tell your Dad Ive got some New Songs that I want you to hear!"

Lil Brandon really liked Logan's music and even tho it was a flat out lie, (because Logan DIDN'T actually have any music made for him, he was just saying it to strike up a friendly conversation with brandon's Dad) lil brandon got really excited and shouted from his room to his Father in the living room. "Logan says he's got some New music for me!" Then Logan Quickly said out loud, "And tell him I said Hey!" and lil brandon said, "And he says HEY!"

Logan had just re-opened up yet another opportunity for some "SERIOUS BUTT FUCKING!!" because it just so happens that brandon's dad wasn't up to anything today and he was bored, so he said. "Oh!! Well hell tell em he can come over for a lil bit if he wants, id like to hear some of it!!"

Logan KNEW at this point that his dick might get one Hell of a Great Workout today if his luck was to hold out, besides he already felt as if he was about to bust because it had been awhile since he last jacked off. Logan said "Ok! Tell em that I'll be there in about 30 minutes!" and lil brandon loudly and unknowingly yelled "Ok!! He said that he'll be here in 30 minutes!!" and Logan was already plotting his plan of action for lil brandon and his Dad, plus he had to deal with brandon's snooty mom.

"Ok brandon, I'll see ya soon! Let me just get my music together!" said Logan, and lil brandon exclaimed "Ok!" as they both hung up their phones.

"COME HERE BABY!!! Take this Big Fat DICK!!!

30 minutes later… Logan quickly hopped in the shower and he quickly cleaned himself as his heart raced. He knew that he was going to be KNEE DEEP up inside of Brandon because he constantly kept getting boners as he gathered up some new songs that he had created a couple of days ago. The only problem was that he had only created about 12 Songs, and he knew that it wouldn't be enough to keep lil brandon's father and mother busy long enough for them to leave him alone in the house with lil brandon so he could Gut FUCK brandon's lil white ass off again.

Little did Logan know, that his music would very quickly become annoying to brandon's mother and she would tell brandon's father that they had to go to the store for some groceries.

Logan walked up the hill quickly and arrived at his TIGHT little victim's house as he knocked on the door only to hear lil brandon's big ass dog barking VERY Loudly. His heart raced instantly and he was VERY apprehensive about going in, but brandon's father yelled "Hold on!!" as he took the dog out back and put him in the large fenced off area behind the house.

Lil brandon's father answered the door and bellowed "Hey Big Fella!! Coooome on in!!" as Logan smiled and said "Thank You Sir!!" (Fast Forward 38 minutes Later) Just as I mentioned earlier exactly as I said, lil brandon's mother michelle got extremely annoyed with Logan's videogame music, and told brandon's Father that they needed to go to the store for some groceries. Yes, she was kind of a bitch but she was in a good mood today and so was lil brandon's Father. So they both agreed to let Logan stay with brandon while they were gone to keep him company.

*SHOWTIME* "Im Gonna BUST A NUT in you so Hard it KILLS YOU!!!"

As Soon as they left out of the driveway Logan quickly took lil brandon by the hand and lead him down the hall to his room and right before they got to his door lil brandon said "No!! I don't wanna do it again!" and Logan turned to him and said "Don't worry, im Not gonna hurt you! Its gonna feel REALLY GOOD this time, I'll put it in softly and gently brandon." Logan said as he almost forcefully pulled him into his room feeling ULTRA determined to get brandon into his room and onto his bed so he could fuck his lil ass off!

Logan pulled him into his room and quickly shut the door, by now it was a familiar scene so neither one of them really felt out of sorts. Logan quickly got undressed as brandon said again "I don't wanna do it! You always Hurt me" and Logan said "It wont hurt this time I promise you brandon, trust me ok" Logan knew he was lieing, because he had already pictured it in his mind, just as well as lil brandon had, and it was gonna happen almost EXACTLY that way.


Logan VERY quickly grabbed ahold of brand and laid him down on the bed and tickled brandon and he said "STOP!!" as he playfully laughed uncontrollably as Logan quickly undone his pants and pulled them off of him. Then he quickly pulled off lil brandon's shirt and had to struggle a lil bit with him because lil brandon tried to resist. Then it was off with brandon's underwear as Logan quickly tossed both brandon's AND his to the side of the bed, they could get them Later!

Then without saying a word Logan quickly rolled lil brandon over onto this stomach and brandon put up a little bit of a struggle as he said "No!!!" in an almost whimpering like voice as an already Semi-Erect Logan climbed on top of his back and brutally and forcefully entered lil brandon's ass hole. As Logan said in a small slightly forceful tone "Come Mere Baby!!"

"Oh my Fucking GOD!!! You Feel So GOOD!!!" Logan said as he shoved his Big Fat Black Dick deep up inside of brandon as lil Brandon said "UNGHHHHHHH!!!" NOW it was TRULY SHOWTIME!! Logan thought as he reached both of his arms underneath lil brandon's arms and got him in a half nelson. Then Logan started digging into brandon as lil brandon started to moan. Logan didn't know what had gotten INTO him, but he LIKED IT!! He thought as he continued pushing and Shoving his FAT DICK up inside of lil brandon's bowels with Big, Long, Slow, and HARD Pushes of Anal Penetration in brandon as brandon said "AAAAUUUUGHHH!! As Logan held him down as he CONSTANTLY Pumped him, desperately holding back the Urge to Cum INSIDE of him with every Brutal Thrust!

Logan reached over and grabbed onto lil brandon's Left wrist and pulled it back behind lil brandon's Back as brandon started to whimper. "Stop!!" He said to Logan as it took every Ounce of his energy to say it to him. Logan reached up with his right hand and covered lil brandon's mouth as he started Strong and Rough Fucking him as they both Moaned.

Logan's DICK was ROCK HARD, as he kept penetrating lil brandon, as he slowed down and began to fuck him slowly…. Rough and Slow.

Lil Brandon was a Real Trooper for taking so much Dick like this, because Logan was just MERCILESSLY Fucking him Today. Logan released brandon's mouth and wrist as he placed his hands down by lil brandon's sides. He then raised up his upper body a bit, then he started Leaning into brandon as they both layed flat on the bed as Logan continued to PUSH up into lil brandon. "Uuuuuuuuuuuunnggghhh!!!" said lil brandon, as his eyes were closed while he gripped onto his bed sheets. "AAAAAAAHHhhhhhhhhhhh!!! He wimpered out loud, as Logan DRINCHED With Sweat stopped for about a second to catch his breath as he then went back to Pushing DEEP up in him as he leaned down and grunted in lil brandon's ear. "Com nnnnngghhh On!! Take This Big FAT Dick!!!

Logan Knew that he'd have to Cum Soon and he was about to explode and Drain his Balls into lil brandon when the phone rang in the livingroom. It Rang about 4 or 5 times, then it went into the answering machine, it was lil brandon's mom. "Brandon there's some leftover's in the fridge if you get hungry, be back soon. Love You." Michelle said. "Moooooooooooooooooom!!" Brandon blurted out as he struggled to get Free. This only turned Logan on more and more as he wrapped his arms around lil brandon and tightly held onto him, as he began to push harder and FASTER up in him. "Your Muther Cant help you from Me!" Logan said to him (I know it doesn't make sense but that's what he said as he was in the moment.) as he shoved his Dick in him and Erupted.

Logan "Finally" Came, and FLOODED lil brandon's bowel's as they both let out moans and Deep Grunts as logan felt All of his Urges leave him and go into lil brandon, as they both laid there tired and exhausted and Covered in Sweat…..

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