

It's The ULTIMATE In Gay Breeding!!!!

DaoistpZTAqK · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter: 5

The Second CUMMING of a Forceful RUSH

It had been about 4 long ass days since Logan had his good lil Fucking Session with lil brandon, and Logan REALLY wanted to give him a Call. He really wanted to, but he wasn't sure if it was a good idea because he was going STIR CRAZY over the thought that he might get caught for what he had done to lil brandon. He kept trying out all KINDS of different alibi's in his head, thinking about them over an over again. But the Real bottom line (Get it...bottom hehehe) was that whether or not he WAS to get caught, all depended on lil brandon.

Logan didn't know what to do or what to think, he decided to lay low for awhile, just in case he WAS to get found out. I mean, at least he was at home and safe off the streets, but... it Had been about 4 days since his pounding session with lil brandon, and IF he had been found out, they were taking their sweet time calling the Cops, he thought. SO! With that being said, he decided to give brandon a Call. He slowly dialed the number to brandon's house and the phone rang two times before brandon's mother picked up. "Hello" She said, as she quickly dried off a dish. "Hey Michelle! It's Logan, the boy who lives right down the street. How are You today?!" he said. She said "Ohhh! Logan, hey how are you? Brandon hasn't stopped listening to your music since you came up here! hahaha!" she said as she laughed. "It's Starting to drive us Crazy!"

Logan was kind of offended but decided to play along since it looked like his Hide was still safe for now. "haha Yeah! My music is Only REALLY meant to be played for a lil bit, not for long periods of time hahaha!" he said, trying to bait her up. "Where is brandon at right now?" he said to her, trying to bait her up. "He's in his Room sleeping" Michelle said to him. "He's been tired lately, and he's had really bad Diaherria the past 2 or 3 days" "It seems like all he does is lay in his bed an listen to your videogame music, and sleep, eat, pee, and poop hahaha" michelle said.

Logan wasn't at ALL surprised to hear that he had Diaherria and needed some Rest. Afterall he had Just worked the HELL out of brandon's lil ass, a few days earlier AND!! Filled the lil boy up with Cum. Logan felt really REALLY curious as to find out if he could fuck lil brandon again because he was VERY horny and after cumming inside of lil brandon's sweet tight lil white virgin ass he was MORE than ready for Round 2. "Well could you tell him to call me whenever he gets up?" Logan said. "Sure! I'll tell him to give you a call later on." "Alrighty then!" said Logan, he was just about to jump off the phone when michelle asked him the question he'd been fearing ever since he fucked the hell out of her son. "Oh! Logan by the way... You didn't try any Funny business with our son while we were gone did you? Because he's been complaining that his BUTT hurts."

Logan's heart stopped and he KNEW he had to think REAL FAST! "No Miss Michelle! I would NEVER try anything with a lil boy EVER! ESPECIALLY when i knew i could go to Jail!" He said. "Alright then, Logan. Because if you ever DID try anything with my son id throw your ass in jail MYSELF!" Michelle said to him. Logan REALLY felt like the conversation was QUICKLY turning for the Worst, and all he wanted to do at this point was to quickly end it before things got out of hand. "Dont worry Maam, id NEVER lay a hand on em, ALL we did was listen to some music, then i left after i made him the CD." She SEEMED to Buy it, but he could Easily tell that she smelled something fishy. "Ok Logan" she said, "Because he's my baby and he's all ive got" she said to him.

"Yeah i know, thats why your such a good mother Michelle" Logan said. "Anyway ive gotta go, ive got an appointment with my Dentist today." He knew he had to make something up fast in order to get off the phone with her, and even tho he lied it was more of a half truth since he DID have a dentist appointment, but it wasn't for at least another 2 weeks. "Alright, have a good day, i'll tell brandon to call you when he wakes up." Michelle said. "Alright awesome, goodbye Michelle!" Logan said. "Goodbye Logan" said Michelle as she hung up the phone.

Logan hung up the phone and breathed a HUGE sigh of relief. "Thank God! Im SAFE!" he said as he sunk down in his livingroom chair. He was relieved that she bought it, but deep down inside he knew that he wasn't completely out of the woods yet. He just sat there thinking about lil brandon and how just a few days earlier he was deep inside of him Nutting up in his ass. "I must have been hitting it pretty HARD if i gave him diarreha" he said as he laughed. But he knew.... he KNEW that one time WASN'T going to be enough for him, he HAD to get another piece of lil brandon's ASS again.


Logan decided to lay down and take a nice lil nap when suddenly out of the blue his phone rang. "Hell YEAH!! I Hope this is him!" he said as he got up from his bed and rushed into the living room to answer it. "Hello" Logan said as he picked up the phone, placing it next to his ear. "Hey LOGAN!!" lil brandon said, in a loud excited tone. "Oh HEY brandon!" Logan said, as he sat down in his seat, as he prepared to talk to him. "How are you?!"

"IM FINE! How are you doin?" said lil brandon. Logan said, "Im doin pretty good, did you have FUN last time i was there?" Logan said EAGER to hear his reply. "YEAH!!! CAN WE DO WHAT WE DID AGAIN?!" he shouted quickly in excitement. Logan was happy that he wanted to do it again, but he was thinking (Dammit! I REALLY Wish he hadn't yelled that out) He said "Dont tell your mom OR dad what we did!"

Michelle overheard what brandon had said and said "Do WHAT again?" as she yelled from the kitchen. Logan was on a LUCKY STREAK as lil brandon shouted "NOTHING MOM!!" and she luckily ignored it. Logan lightly said "Shew!!" as he quickly calmned down and relaxed, "So who all's there right now at your house?" he said. "Just me and my Mom, Daddy's at Work and Mom's fixin to go to Work too!"

Logan suddenly felt as if he'd been blessed by the god's as he suddenly heard brandon's mom Michelle yell from the living room "Ok hunny im gone! Daddy'll be home in 45 minutes, Dont let anyone in the house, i mean it!" she said. "OK MOM!" brandon said to her as she left out the front door.


It was now "Showtime!" Logan saw his chance and he KNEW that if he quickly played his cards right, he'd be "Power Fucking" lil brandon's Ass once again. "Hey brandon, ive got another CD for you if you want it!" Logan said with a seemingly Excited voice. "Wow REALLY?!" brandon said. "Yes REALLY! I can bring it to you right NOW, if you wanna hear it! Then i'll leave, i'll only be there for a second!" (Logan crossed his fingers!) "OK Logan!" lil brandon quickly blurted out without thinking. "Ok be there in JUST a second, wait by your door for me!" he said, and brandon said "OK!" in a really Cute and Eager voice, and Logan QUICKLY hung the phone up before he could change his mind.

Logan didn't waste ANY TIME!! He QUICKLY ran into his Room, and grabbed a CD he'd already made with some rookie sounding Songs on it from when he'd First started out producing music, and a MAGNUM Condom that he had. (There would be NO WORRYING about getting caught THIS TIME!!) Then he Quickly headed out the door.

Logan litterally RAN (or Jogged) up the street, as he quickly arrived at lil brandon's house and brandon opened the door. "Heeeeey my little friend!" Logan said with Excitement in his voice, and brandon said "HEY Logan! You got the CD?!" he said with Equal Excitement. "Yeah i do its right HERE! Hey can i use your Bathroom? Ive gotta pee REALLY BAD" (He didnt really)

"Yeah you CAN!!" (AGAIN... Not thinking) "OK! Thank You" Logan said as he quickly charged in (He KNEW TIME WAS TICKING!!) As SOON as the door shut behind them Logan EXCITEDLY (for lil brandon's Benefit) said "Hey! Would you like to do what we did last time i was here?!"

Logan EASILY HAD HIM Now! Because lil brandon jumped with Excitement as he said "YEAH!!!"

It was a DONE DEAL! Because that was ALL Logan needed to hear from lil brandon, as he QUICKLY took brandon by the hand and QUICKLY Guided him down the hall to his Room as They walked in and shut the door behind them.

They had maybe abouuuuuuut... 30 minutes TOPS! Logan laid the CD down and he QUICKLY took off his shirt and shorts as he said "GET NAKED!!" lil brandon SURE AS HELL had no IDEA what was about to happen, but he was DEFINITELY about to find out!

DICK MUSCLE PT. 2: Fucking the Shit out of a Little White Boy!!!

It, was, TIME!!! As SOON as lil brandon was naked along with Logan, Logan told him to get on his knees. Lil brandon quickly did as he was told and got down on his knees, then he said "Ok! ...Now what?" Logan quickly said "Ok! Open your mouth!" The VERY gullable boy opened his mouth and without ANY HESITATION whatsoever Logan grabbed his head with his right hand and guided his BIG BLACK DICK into lil brandon's mouth.

It was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO absolutely obvious that he was determined to make brandon Gag on his dick. Brandon almost choked a bit as he let out lil muffled sound, then Logan grabbed his head with Both hands and began mouth Fucking him really quickly. Logan was being rough with him, but hell he figured, he can take it, afterall he's just a lil kid anyway. After about 5 SLOW Seconds he was Hard...then it was "Showtime!!!"

He pulled his dick out from brandon's mouth, and he EASILY picked him up and laid him over the edge of the bottom corner of the bed as brandon said "Waaait!"

Noooooooo... Sorry young friend it was MUCH Too Late to try changing your mind now. Logan climbed on top of him from behind as time ticked away and laid down all his body weight onto lil brandon as his horniness started making him harder and harder as he started grinding his Big Fat Black DICK in between lil brandon's tight lil buttcheeks!

Ok! Logan's dick was ready enough! He spread his legs till they were a lil more farther apart then his TIGHT lil victim and with 2 or 3 small pushes his dick went up IN lil brandon once again.

Logan let out a small little grunt as lil brandon let out a suprised "Ow!!" as Logan spread his arms out some and fully laid on top of brandon. Then he grabbed lil brandon's tiny lil wrist's as he began ENTERING him slowly but VERY HARD like.

Logan was SOOOOOOOOOOOO Horny and he knew it!! He guided lil brandon's little arms underneath his chest and wrapped his arms around brandon as he Kept digging into him deeper and deeper as lil brandon kept belting out "Ow! ...Ow! ..OW!" Logan started sweating as he continued to ride brandon's little back as he was letting out Very loud Grunts. "Mmph! ...Mmph! ...MMPH!! ...MMPH!!!"

He could FEEEEEEEL Himself Working brandon's little insides and leaned up to gain some leverage as Logan put his hands beside brandon's lil waist and began working his hips as he continued to work lil brandon's SWEET LITTLE ASS!!!

There was 15 minutes left for them and Logan was Faaaaaaaaaaar from done with his little victim as he wailed away on him. He was "Rough Fucking him" as the brutal Sex continued. "Ahhhh! ...Ahhh! ...*squeaking sound* AHHHHH!!!" ..."GOD!" brandon squealed while Logan was Fucking him.

Logan could have EASILY kept on Fucking brandon just like this for at LEAST another hour, but he knew his time was VERY Limited. He knew if he didn't Cum inside of lil brandon in the next 5 minutes, it wasn't going to happen.

Logan could smell lil brandon at this point, and he knew if he TOTALLY damaged brandon and his father was to find out He would have his BLACK ASS!! Plus he had to make a break for it right now because he was cutting it dreadfully close! So with that, Logan stopped fucking him, and slowly pulled out of him.

Lil brandon just laid there and Logan QUICKLY Got up and got dressed. "Hey my friend! I Gotta GO! You should get dressed, then use the bathroom if you can before your Dad gets home, OK!"

"OK!" said lil brandon as he got up and walked down the hall to the bathroom to use it, and when lil brandon came out Logan Very quickly checked him over to make SURE there was no signs of penetration or forced entry. Then he told brandon to get dressed and headed out the door in a hurry!