
The Time System

Since the birth of the universe, there has been a common law: "Time never stops for anyone". But, what if you acquire a system that can control the 'Law of Time'? This is a story of an abandoned genius who ruled the era through the power of Time.

Daoist5GsYZq · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 6: Special Space

Jackson looked around the special space. It was a silver-white expense as far as eyes could see. In front of Jackson stood his system menu screen, but this screen was a little different or you can say that menu was divided into 2 parts, One part displayed his physical specifications while the other one displayed his knowledge specifications.

Jackson walked in front of the one with the knowledge specifications as he still did not know what was the function of the other one. As soon as he touched the screen with his hand he got all the information about how to distinguish the state of the subject he was studying, according to the information, subject proficiency will be divided into;


Similarly, sub-subjects will also be characterized according to the above states. And If he wants to learn the next sub-subject his previous sub-subject should reach at least an advanced stage. And if he wants to change the subject he is currently studying, then at least the state of one of the sub-subjects of that subject should reach the master level.

"System if I have more than 1 sub-subject reaching a master level state will I be able to study more than 1 subject then?" asked Jackson

[Ding! The number of subjects the host can study will be equal to the number of sub-subjects host masters]

"If a subject doesn't have a sub-subject what should I do then" asked Jackson again

[Ding! The host doesn't have to worry in case a subject doesn't have a sub-subject then it will be placed in the subject with similar characteristics and will be considered its sub-subject]

'So that's how is it' mumbled Jackson

After asking these questions Jackson walked in front of screen that displayed his physical specification, similar to the previous experience as soon as he touched the screen with his hand he got a lot of information about the characterization of his physical fitness. According to information when his strength, speed and stamina reached 60 his physique will change from ordinary to basic, so physiques will be characterized as:

[Basic (All attribute=60)]

[Intermediate (All attribute=120)]

[Advanced (All attributes=180)]

[Master (All attributes=240)]

[Grandmaster (All attributes= 300)]

"System what is average physique of human beings" asked Jackson

[Ding! According to data collected by system average physique of all human beings is ordinary with all attributes=30]

"This is to say if I reach Grandmaster state I will have strength equivalent to 10 times of human beings" mumbled Jackson with his eyes shining brightly

[Ding! Please host don't get excited, this type of physique may be immortal for current human civilization but in the boundless universe it may not reach the basic level criteria]

As soon as he heard this Jackson was stunned, his excitement calmed down.

"System you mean above Grandmaster there are more physiques"

[Ding! Yes the host but host current level is unable to inquire about this]

"Then system if I upgrade system will I be able to achieve physiques above Grandmaster level"

[Ding! Please host don't doubt the system, the system has all the knowledge about the universe naturally there are ways to upgrade physique above Grandmaster level so please host work hard]

Hearing this Jackson breath a sigh of relief as well as he was excited, his system is omnipotent and he will be omnipotent sooner or later.

"System how should I choose subjects and sub-subjects and how will I train my physique"

[According to special space rules, host will be able to study for half of the extended period and will be able to train physique for remaining half period]

'That is to say for now I can only study for 5 days and need to train for 5 days' thought Jackson.

[Ding! Please Host choose subject as well as sub-subject you will study]

These Jackson had already thought before entering the special space so he was able to answer directly

"Please select Freelancing as subject" said Jackson

As soon as he selected his subject the screen with his knowledge specification changed and he was presented with a large number of sub-subject to choose from, Jackson was dazzled by the amount of knowledge the system had in his inventory still he searched for content writing using search bar and selected it. As soon as he confirmed his sub-subject the screen once again changed but this time screen completely transformed into a portal, Jackson was astonished by these changes but he still calmly stepped into the portal, as soon as he went in, what appeared in front of his eyes was a boundless library with rows upon rows of bookshelves but these bookshelves were locked with protective cover and only the area where he was standing or the area where the knowledge about basic content writing was stored was unlocked.

Jackson understood that to unlock the area with intermediate knowledge of content writing he will first have to enter the basic state of content writing. Jackson looked at the unlocked bookshelves and took out all the books from the first row, now he was ready for 5 days of grinding.