
The Time System

Since the birth of the universe, there has been a common law: "Time never stops for anyone". But, what if you acquire a system that can control the 'Law of Time'? This is a story of an abandoned genius who ruled the era through the power of Time.

Daoist5GsYZq · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 5: Task and Planning

As soon as he clicked on the task function he got task information on the menu screen

[Task 1: Please ask the host to study any subject and make 100000 in one month using the knowledge of the subject (0/100000).

System Upgrade: 0/3 (Tasks)]

Seeing the task Jackson was a little nervous he had less the 6000 in his pocket how would he earn 100000? But system wouldn't give him an impossible task thought Jackson.

Jackson looked around the street outside the boys' hostel.

'Let's find accommodation first, didn't system say that during the task, these types of expenses will be paid by the system let's ask about it

So Jackson ask about his doubt to system in mind; system reply came quickly

[Ding! Host can use 50000 as expenses for task 1, if there is a need, system will provide money according to situation]

As soon as the system prompt fell, Jackson received a message from the bank stating he has been credited with 50000. Seeing money Jackson was once again excited, having money in his bank his confidence increased, and he walked confidently to boys' hostel office once again, this time his steps steady and his head raised.

"How much does a single room cost" asked Jackson

His question caused an annoyed glance from the staff because just some time ago he was arguing about the expansiveness of a shared room and now he was asking about the cost of a single room which is even more expensive; still the staff explained patiently;

"Single room with Air conditioning is 20000 a month and without Air conditioning, it is 12000 a month"

Jackson was a little apprehensive to spend that much money when just some time ago he was a pauper, still he thought;

'I have a system with me if I can't even earn this much money I should just smash my head on the wall and die much less I have to complete a task of earning 100000 a month so it shouldn't be a problem'.

He replied to staff;

"I will have a single room with air conditioning for a month"

His answer caused a surprised glance from the staff still he gave him the form and asked him to deposit money. This wasn't a problem for Jackson now that he had 50000 in his account, so he quickly filled out the form and deposited money online through his cell phone.

Seeing that he has paid the money the staff person quickly took a key from a cabinet with a room number written on the keychain and gave it to him.

Jackson took the key and took the stairs to the 3rd floor as all single rooms were on the 3rd floor of the hostel building, which he had already known since his friend had stayed in this very hostel.

Upon reaching room 301 and seeing the number on the key chain that said 301, he quickly unlocked the room door and entered. After entering the room he was surprised by the cleanliness and ambiance of the room.

'The money spent was worth it', he thought. He checked the whole room as well as the bathroom and he liked what had seen. There was a board with a WIFI account and password hanging on the wall, he knew single rooms had different WIFI network from shared rooms so that internet speed will not be affected.

Now that he had already solved the problem of accommodation he began to plan which subject would be more beneficial to study since he not only wanted to complete the task, he had planned to study the subject thoroughly and start a business through it. He searched the internet and after an hour of research, he quickly reached the conclusion that he was going to do freelancing. Because Freelancing is relatively free and there is no restriction on how and when to work, but freelancing also has many types of sub-subjects such as content writing, SEO, virtual assistant, web development etc. So he was confused as to how system will see freelancing as a subject.

In order to clear his confusion he asked the system in his mind;

[In order to distinguish the division of states for subjects and sub-subjects please enter the special space]

Getting an answer from the system he checked the time which now showed that it was close to 11 pm. An hour from 12 am, he remembered the function of the system, an hour in the real world would be 10 days in special space. Suppressing the newly arising excitement he commanded the system in his mind;

"System enter the special place."

As soon as he said that he heard a prompt in his mind;

[Ding! Entering Special Space 3..2..1]

When the countdown reached 1 he had darkness before his eyes just for a second and then his eyes lightened up. He turned around to see a completely different space.