
the time I was waiting for truck-kun

Note : The author will publish chapters weekly. the interesting thoughts of man in his journey to learn the best skills while waiting for truck-kun

MrPos · Eastern
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Novels arc - new beginning

But really that's how I want to start my story is the crappiest thing I've ever read, initially I thought it was going to be simple a quick thing.....

yeah right where are we in a shojo manga , I had decided long ago that it would be a chimney of no return , once inside there is only forward;

but who knew it could be so long it's already two years I've been working on becoming an OP man , but it has a cool cool masochism about it 

at that moment I enter a figure familiar enough to me and always ready to fuck with me 

"Brother still to lighthouse the loser"

always the same story every time my brother learns something new he has to brag not that I am from hand but it is irritating ,why do I have to listen to him brag 

'tell me ... you don't really have anything to do and then do you know that you and I are in the same boat?'

I knew that and so did he but that was our way of communicating to spur each other to do better and I like to be honest call me maso I'll tell you give a damn as long as I have him I know I can do anything even shoot lazer out of my ass if I have to.

"listen P I got a new idea for my Trading system would you listen to me for a minute,

yes you will because I decide it.."

'but why do I always have to listen to you, even if I give you advice you don't listen to me anyway'

here it is

I will give you some contentment for those who don't know two years ago both me and my brother started studying trading because apparently in our world to survive you have to have money not even if you were a starving man , maybe I lived in a world where to live you just have to work for the guild -_- 

because Trading is my dream and if I ever get invested by truck-kun in my reincarnation with the memories of this I will be able to conquer the world with all the knowledge I have of the markets.

reason why I am only interested in learning useful things for my next life, going back to my fabulous/brotherly 

'P I don't give a damn this idea is the best'

'let me guess you found the secret technique that gets you from one to a thousand, if so keep it'

'this time it's different...'

and if I tell you it's the same story that time too and it took an hour and a half , you've got to be kidding me. anyway after ungluing my brother I was able to get back to focusing on my work 

My Goal for today was to prepare all the necessary steps to make money from writing , if but I had to reincarnate I wanted to at least be able to write you never know there was no guild , I could become a writer and tell about all the stories I know from my time , and one hundred percent assured of making money;

so with my idea in mind I set out to write the first chapter of my story which I never expected would turn upside down in a while and I'm not talking about my beloved reincarnation but I'm talking about goals in this world.

'thankfully as a goal as far as writing was concerned I chose a thousand words a day it became time consuming'

finished writing I decided to go outside so I could get some air and mentally prepare myself for my Trading session,

it was always my usual walk around my little town but I don't know why it always managed to clear my mind and think about the life I was in

yes exactly I think about my life but don't think I am an old man waiting to die it doesn't look like it but I am only 20 years old 

the girl? i may be weird but i also thought that while waiting for Truck-kun and i'm diligently training with the opposite sex i don't know loser okkkkk!!!!

every now and then it happens that while I'm walking I meet old friends who like to say are not the best company, they are always thinking about girls and MESSI and I'll tell you what the heck I care;

in my next life I hope with all my heart that soccer doesn't exist it would really suck.

After about an hour to do my daily cardio I came home and start getting ready to make good money 

'may no one dare to distract me I'm going away for hour!!!'

my mother as always did not understand and promptly 

'and where and that you go if you just got back sorry???!!!"

'Come on mom you know I have work to do, don't expect me for dinner!!!'

open my usual Trading software and press send and I was moved to my favorite place in the whole planet,

ahhh I will never get tired of this place ,even though I was in my room they materialized me in this mega lobby with monitors everywhere and old men doing Trading;I hate those old men , you should know that this world is ruled by a group of 6 old men who thanks to generations of work have bought all the companies in the world and now have decision making power for everything , to make you understand how useful this skill will come in handy.the real problem for remains that these jerks are cavalier people who only enjoy manipulating people and taking all their money , and that just didn't sit well with me

while I was absorbed in my usual planning to destroy those darned people you hear a very familiar and youthful voice in that place of only dead meat .And no it's not the usual cliche with the childhood friend or the girl who only wants me to give her my babies:

"P you finally arrived how much longer you wanted to make me wait, you know I hate just breathing the air in this room"

'yes I know K, let's go it's starting in a while'

'so tell me are you ready? the other day or I won by four percent on your measly zero point one, what are you going to do about it?'

I could see him quite irritated but how couldn't both he and I be extremely competitive at this game ,but lately I had trained my receiving skill a lot so I always find myself ahead of him because I can see where the enemies are first 

"fun as always but this time it won't be so easy"

I would like to tell you how it went but I will only tell you that it didn't go the way K imagined it ;)