
The Time I Got Bunny Locked

The story follows an 18 years old boy that befriends a bunny and go on fun and sometimes dangerous adventures.

Emil9514 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

The Rabbit Kingdom Part 8

Aruna bursts out laughing at the comment and teases Luna, saying, "So Luna is finally taking the lead with Luminous?". Luna says to Aruna in a serious tone, "It's not like that, we wouldn't do anything like that until we are married." However, saying this only makes Luna feel even more embarrassed. Aruna smiles gently at Luna and says, "Oh, are you sure about that?".

Luminous feels a bit bad about teasing Luna and decides to tell the truth about what happened. He says, "Luna tried to help me stand up, but we accidentally fell and she landed on top of me." He apologizes for his previous comment and tries to make things less embarrassing for Luna. Aruna listens to this explanation and teases Luna by saying, "So you ended up on top of Luminous, hmm? Could this be an indication of other things to come in your future together?".

Luna feels a bit upset and embarrassed by all of Aruna's teasing and playful comments. She stands up and leaves the room, wanting to take some time to herself to reflect. Aruna laughs softly and turns her attention back to Luminous, as she continues to tease him and ask him questions about what's been happening between him and Luna.

She feels as though their relationship has changed and that they have spent more time together recently, and she is curious to know more. Luminous tells Aruna that they have decided to take the next step by becoming a couple. He smiles at Aruna and says, "Luna and I have talked and decided to take the next step by becoming a couple."

Aruna is surprised and excited by the news and she smiles back at Luminous and says, "I knew it, I could see it in the way that you two have been acting towards each other recently." She teases Luminous in a gentle way and says, "I guess you need to start thinking about a wedding now!".

Luminous gets flustered at Aruna's words about marriage and isn't able to respond at all. Aruna laughs gently and teases him by saying, "Oh my dear Luminous, I know I'm joking, but you can't deny that a wedding is a big step and you'll have to start thinking about it one day!" She smiles at him warmly and says, "But for now, just enjoy your time together and let the rest of your lives unfold slowly."

Aruna smiles cheerfully and is clearly excited about the idea of Luna and Luminous being a couple and eventually getting married. Once Luna comes back into the kitchen, Aruna tells Luna and Luminous that the elders want to see them. Luna looks at Aruna and feels a bit anxious about the request.

She had thought that perhaps she could avoid meeting elders for a bit longer, but it seems like they are requesting to see them both. Aruna smiles gently and says, "Looks like you two won't be able to avoid meeting Jarn for much longer now. Luna sighs and nods in agreement as she and Luminous begin to walk towards the elders temple.

Luminous is confused and asks Luna, "I thought there was only one elder in the kingdom. Luna is a bit surprised by the question, as she had not realized that Luminous didn't know about Jarn's role as one of the elders in the kingdom.

She laughs and responds, "No, I should have explained this better to you, there are three elders, there is the one we already meet "Kurt" that holds the third seat, Then there is my father "Jarn'' who holds the second seat, but the one that hold the first seat is a mystery to me, I have never meet her but i know her name is "Aevyn".

Apparently as Luna explained Aevyn is a really old lady but she appears to look like she is in her twenties, she also has not been at the kingdom for 23 years and Luna has never met or seen her. Luminous and Luna enter the house of the elders and see three people sitting in their midst.

Luna immediately recognizes two of them, including Jarn and Kurt. She also sees that there is a woman that she has not yet seen before sitting in the elders chair, as she was away for a long time. Luna looks at her carefully and smiles at her.

She is a bit startled by the presence of the new elder and wonders to herself who she is and what her connection to Jarn and the kingdom is. Jarn speaks with a firm voice and says, "Welcome Luna - the priestess of the rabbit Kingdom - and Luminous, Luna's dumb friend. For the first time in 23 years, all three elders have gathered in the kingdom."

He looks at both Luna and Luminous with a stern expression and a hint of annoyance on his face. He seems disappointed to have been bothered for such a gathering and is clearly wanting to get the meeting over and done with as quickly as possible. He looks back at Luna and asks, "So, what is it you wanted to talk to us about?".

Luna looks confused at Jarn and asks, "What did I want to talk about? You summoned both of us here in the elders' meeting house, so I expected that you had something you wanted to talk about." She looks at Jarn and then at the other elders present in the room. She feels a bit uncertain about the meeting and why Jarn had decided to summon Luna and Luminous together.

After a moment of silence Jarn decides to introduce the woman sitting in the elders temple. He says, "This is the first seat of the elders, known as Aevyn The Youthful." Luna and Luminous immediately gets surprised by this as they a few minutes ago talked about her.

Aevyn speaks up and says, "It's nice to meet you. I'm Aevyn, and I have been away from the rabbit kingdom for 23 years to gather information on the mysteries of bonds and the effects that they have on people and their skills."

She looks at everyone in the room and smiles at them all, as if to show that she has returned after a long journey. Her words seem to be interesting to her fellow elders, as they all stare at her with a sense of curiosity and interest. Aevyn speaks up again and says, "To think, all I had to do to find a pair with a bond was stay in the Kingdom."

She looks over at Luna and Luminous, as if she is surprised to have found them here in the Kingdom and with Jarn and the other elders present. She looks at Luna and Luminous with a hint of humor in her expression, and it seems as if the other elders find this statement quite amusing. Jarn laughs softly and looks at Luna and Luminous with a puzzled expression, as he wonders more about their relationship and how close they might be.

Aevyn continues to explain and says, "Two people who have obtained the Bond skill are bound together and cannot be separated. If they separate, they will both die. But they also gain strength and grow faster when they are together. They both can feel each other's pain and emotions, and they have a very special connection."

Everyone listens to Aevyn carefully and Jarn looks at her with some surprise. He begins to ask a follow up question, "So, what other pair has had this Bond skill before?". Aevyn replies to Jarn's question and says, "The only other pair that had the Bond skill were the previous Demon Lord and his fiance."

There is a moment of silence in the room, as everyone looks at Aevyn with surprise and curiosity. Luna looks at her with curiosity, wondering who they could be. Luminous is listening to Aevyn's words with a sense of confusion, as he doesn't fully understand what this bond and its connection to the demon lord could be. After Aevyn finishes explaining the details of the Bond skill, there are moments of shock and silence in the air as Jarn and the other elders sit in shock at the implications.

Jarn looks at Aevyn and asks a follow up question to confirm what he has heard, "So, you are saying that two people who have the Bond skill are not only bound together, but share skills and emotions, have a special connection, and if they were to separate, they would both die?" Aevyn nods and confirms, "Yes, this is what I have gathered and observed."

After confirming the details with Aevyn, Jarn and the other elders are left speechless. They feel a mixture of shock and disbelief, as they struggle to understand the implications of what this means for Luna and Luminous. In their minds, a bond such as this has only been heard of in legends and stories, and they didn't fully believe it was true.

Jarn speaks up and says, "Well, this is quite shocking news indeed. I was a bit skeptical at first, but I must say that your explanations make it more believable." Aevyn's next statement angers Jarn to his core and he looks at her with a sense of anger and frustration.

Aevyn says, "Because Luminous and Luna possess the Bond skill, the Demon Lord's commanders and the undead will always be coming for them. For that reason, it would be in our best interest to have them leave the Kingdom, to ensure that the residents and civilians of the Kingdom are protected." Jarn looks at her with a look of shock and he is clearly upset at the prospect of having to send Luna away.

He does not want her to leave. After a lengthy discussion and debate, Aevyn and Jarn agree that it is better for Luminous and Luna to leave the Kingdom. Jarn looks at the two of them and says, "I admit that you make a good point and that the Demon Lord's commanders and the undead would be coming for the two of you.

As sad as I am to see you go, it would be safer for both you and the Kingdom." Luna and Luminous look at Jarn and Aevyn for a couple more moments, and then Luna nods slightly and says, "We understand and will leave, for the Kingdom's safety." Luminous looks at Jarn with a sense of respect and says, "I understand Mr. Jarn, but do not worry. I will protect Luna with my whole body and soul regardless of where we go."

Jarn smiles at Luminous and nods with annoyance on his face, he is happy that even away from the Kingdom and him, Luna will be safe with Luminous looking out for her, But he wishes he could be the one to protect her.

The elders say their final farewells and say to Luna and Luminous that they are grateful to have met them and to have learned so much about the Bond skill as well. As Luna and Luminous stand at the entrance of the Rabbit Kingdom ready to leave on their next adventure together, they are once again greeted by Aevyn.

Luna and Luminous look at her and wonder why she is there. Luna asks, "I'm sorry to bother you again Miss Aevyn, we were just about to leave on our adventure." Aevyn smiles and responds, "Actually, I would like to accompany you both on your journey. It is not often that I get to see a new couple and I'm interested to learn more about this Bond skill that you both have."

Luna and Luminous look at each other and then look back at Aevyn and smile. They both say, "We would love to have you accompany us on our adventure." Aevyn looks at them happily and nods, saying, "I was hoping you would allow me to join you. Let's head off now and see what kind of adventures and new things we will discover together."