
The Time I Got Bunny Locked

The story follows an 18 years old boy that befriends a bunny and go on fun and sometimes dangerous adventures.

Emil9514 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

The Dwarven Dungeon Part 1

The three of them are now walking through the mountainous region and Luminous asks Aevyn about how she is considered an elder. Aevyn smiles and replies, "I have the power of a magical artifact called the Eternal Flower. It keeps me looking young forever.

But even so, my knowledge and wisdom is vast due to all the information I have collected on my adventures." She looks ahead and continues," Aevyn tells them she is close to 150 years old and is mainly focused on the arts of magic. As the three of them continue their walk, they learn a lot more about their new companion, Aevyn.

She is an interesting and knowledgeable companion and they are enjoying their time together with her. Soon enough, they reach a big city called Mountain Song, inhabited by dwarves. The city is large and bustling with people, and it is quite a sight to see for Luna and Luminous, who had not been to this city before.

Aevyn explains, "This is the city of Mountain Song. It is a big cultural hub and is the center of many dwarven craftsmen and metalworkers." Aevyn tells Luminous and Luna that she knows of an old master craftsman dwarf named Rufus, who is well known for his skill in creating custom-made weapons.

She explains, "Rufus is a master craftsman and will make custom-made weapons at my request." She looks over to Luna and Luminous and encourages them, "Why don't we visit Rufus and see if he is available to make the two of you weapons for our upcoming adventure?" They both agreed feeling excited to finally get proper weapons, with this they headed toward the blacksmith shop.

When they enter the shop of the master craftsman, "Rufus" they can see the dwarf himself standing over an anvil and making a weapon. He is busy hammering at a metal ingot, carefully working on crafting it into a desired shape.

He is surrounded by a number of other weapons of various shapes, sizes and materials. As Luna, Luminous and Aevyn enter the shop and Rufus says, "Welcome to my humble workshop. What can I do for you today?" Rufus looks up, as Luna, Luminous and Aevyn enter the shop and quickly recognizes Aevyn.

He smiles broadly and says, "Aevyn, my old and beloved friend, it has been a long time!" Aevyn looks at Rufus and nods, "Yes, it has - it's great to see you!" Rufus stands up from his anvil and walks over to Aevyn, as they both hug each other and catch up. Rufus asks about her journey and all that she has been doing, and Aevyn quickly informs him about Luna and Luminous as well.

Rufus asks Luminous and Luna what type of weapons they would like for him to make. He explains that he has a number of different weapon designs he can work with, including a variety of swords, daggers, axes, spears, shields and more.

He asks them in detail what they are planning on using their weapons for and whether they desire anything specific in terms of the weapon design itself. The three speak in detail and Rufus takes notes to ensure the weapons will be exactly what they are looking for.

Rufus says that he has a variety of different designs to work with and is happy to work with exactly what the two want, as long as he has the necessary resources and materials to complete the task. Rufus waits with an expectant look on his face, for Luna and Luminous to decide on a weapon design or some other specific weapon he can make.

Rufus listens to what Luna and Luminous decide for their weapons. Luna says she would like to have strong gloves to go along with her fighting style, while Luminous says he would like to try out a katana because that's the weapon he always wanted to master. Rufus smiles broadly and nods in response. He explains that he can certainly provide the two with the weapons that they are looking for, as long as he has the necessary resources and materials.

Luminous remembers the bones they took from the leftover skeleton cyclops. He turns to Rufus and asks him, "Could you make the weapons from the bones we acquired from the leftover skeleton cyclops? That way, we could make sure the weapons feel more special and connected to us as well."

Rufus looks at them with a thoughtful expression and nods, he seems excited by the new challenge and says, "Yes, that's a great idea! I don't usually work with bones, but I think I can make something unique and powerful from them!" Rufus studies the bones closely, upon closer inspection he sees that the bones have a lot of undead energy and are a really powerful material to make weapons with.

Rufus smiles and nods, saying, "These bones really are something special. I think I can do something powerful and unique with these as weapon material. This will be a fun process for me." He looks at both Luna and Luminous and explains, "The bone weapons will be connected to an undead energy, which will make them even more powerful and deadly against the undead enemy."

Luminous is shocked at Rufus' statement that undead are weak against undead. Rufus looks back at Luminous and replies, "What I'm saying is that undead are weak against weapons made with the bones of an undead. It's a unique combination, since the source of the material is what makes it strong against the enemy.

So, the bone weapons we will make together will be even more deadly to the undead." Luna and Luminous seem to understand Rufus' explanation. They now feel even more excited about the special and powerful weapons that Rufus will be making for them.

After a few hours of carefully crafting the gloves, Rufus looks over his final creation and hands them over to Luna. She looks at them and feels them, and they fit her perfectly. The gloves look strong and durable, and yet comfortable and flexible as well.

She slides her hands into the gloves and gives a thumbs up and a smile to Rufus, signaling that they are exactly what she wanted. Rufus smiles at her response and says, "Glad you like them. These gloves should be able to hold up well against the undead enemy.

If they are ever damaged or lost, I'll be happy to remake them for you." After a few more hours of crafting, Rufus also hands over the undead katana to Luminous and sees his reaction. The katana is a dark purple color and has a strong metallic shine to it, indicating its high quality and strength. Luminous holds the katana and feels its weight, sliding it in and out of both his hands, testing its agility and flexibility. He smiles and nods to Rufus, indicating that the katana is exactly what he wanted.

Rufus smiles back at him and says, "This katana should make for an excellent weapon against the undead. I hope it serves you well and stays with you for many adventures to come." Aevyn seems to have grown a bit bored from staying too long in the shop. She looks over to Luminous and Luna and says, "I don't know about the two of you, but I am ready to start our journey as soon as possible.

I am eager to see where our adventure will lead us and would like to leave the city. Are you two ready to move on as well?" Luna and Luminous both nod and say, "Yes, we are excited to see where this trip will take us as well." Rufus looks at them and smiles, happy for their eagerness and excitement.

As the three of them walk out of Rufus' shop, Aevyn turns to Luna and Luminous and tells them about a famous dungeon maze that is nearby. She explains that the maze is known for being a tough challenge that even seasoned dungeon explorers have trouble completing. Aevyn ads, "If you two are interested in taking on a challenge, we could try our hands at this dungeon together and see how far we can get."

Luna and Luminous both look at each other and smile and say, "Definitely! Let's do it together." Luna and Luminous are excited to try their hands at a dungeon for the first time, and want to prepare for it as best as they can. Luna and Luminous decide to stop by the adventurer's guild in Mountain Song, to see if they can get advice from any experienced dungeon explorers.

Upon reaching the guild, they are met by the guildmaster, a bearded man with a friendly smile, welcoming them to the guild. The two approach him and ask if he could help them with some advice as they plan to head into the famous dungeon maze nearby. The guildmaster gives his advice and asks Luna and Luminous to head over to the receptionist, to get their adventurer cards updated and renewed.

He explains that it is important to get your adventurer card updated and renewed regularly, as an up-to-date and valid card is a requirement in some dungeons or cities. Luna and Luminous nod and thank the guildmaster for his help, as they make their way to the receptionist to handle their adventurer card update.

Luna and Luminous watch as their Adventurer Cards get stamped by the receptionist and when they get handed back, they see the E-rank adventurer rank on their cards. They look over at each other, feeling somewhat disappointed, as they did not get a higher rank. Still, they are determined to take on the dungeon challenge and see if they can work their way up the ranks.

The receptionist overhears Luna and Luminous talking about the dungeon and offers a suggestion, "Sounds like quite the challenge. You know, if you reach floor 30 in the dungeon and defeat the floor guardian, you can advance to a B-rank adventurer. So, it's worth trying to take on the dungeon and see how far you can go."

Luna and Luminous both nod and smile, excited by the advice and feeling more determined to try the dungeon and see if they can reach the B-rank adventurer status. Aevyn informs Luna and Luminous that reaching floor 30 would not be a problem for her, since she had already reached floor 60 around 50 years ago.

Luna and Luminous both look at her in surprise, amazed by her past exploits and surprised that Aevyn was holding such a huge secret from them. They both nod in response, impressed by Aevyn's accomplishment and her skill, and eager to try the dungeon as best they can and hopefully make it all the way to floor 30 and defeat the floor guardian. Luminous asks Aevyn not to help him and Luna in the dungeon because they want to earn their B-rank on their own.