
The Throne of Sovereignty

A lone Dragon even after having the strongest ability of Void at his disposal can't escape the restrain of a Soul contract made by his ancestors to serve king, which made him slave of the Dragon King. But one day an opportunity presented itself in front of him. To finally set himself free from the contract that binds him. He took it, so that he can create a better future for himself and his loved once. However all his hopes tumbled down on him because king has destroyed everything that he held dear to his heart. Even killing him or so as king has thought. It is said that, when the night is darkest, that is when the star shines brightest and on that night Alex was given an opportunity to gain back everything he has lost, he was reincarnated as a Human. Join Alex on his adventure where he fight back against every odd and reach a territory uncharted by any Mortal or God and ascend to the Throne of Sovereignty. ~ From AKPOV ************************************************************ PS: This novel will introduce more races like Humans, Demons, dwarves and Elves later. The initial chapters will focus on the life of MC as Dragon and some important historical event which has triggered the current scenario as well as important characters which will have huge impact on story later. By the end of Vol. 1 the cover of novel will make more sense therefore i request you to patiently read the first arc before judging the story. Disclaimer: Please Note that the novel cover is not owned by Author. Credit goes to respective Artist. A/N: If you wish to support author please visit ko-fi.com/akpov.

AKPOV · Fantasy
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40 Chs

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The atmosphere changed the moment the Z ranked beast had stepped foot out of portal, the sky began to turn red and sweat started to gather on the faces of all retainers.

An X ranked beast has already been termed as the pinnacle of beast evolution in the universe, they were held as king of beasts each possessing uncommon ability and intelligence.

But Z ranked beast whose existence was unknown to many, I knew what status they possessed even among beast. They were held as gods, not only having unique ability and intelligence but also having understanding of law, the rules that governs this world.

"Are you certain you want to utilize that favor now?" He asked.

"Yes." I said nodding my head. He was one of the trump card I had saved in order to deal with uncertainties kings would have planned. He was the only beast I couldn't subdue but killing him in past seemed too troublesome and wasteful and therefore I had told him to help me once when I need him.

And this was certainly the situation where I needed his help, his strength and abilities was beyond anyone could expect, even I had to fight him for months continuously to wear him out and one thing that I understood was that the cost which I have to pay to kill him will not be something I can afford now and the situation was same for him.

And thus instead of wasting our time and strength fighting we came to this consensus.

"I haven't thought of how I will take you to the tower with me unnoticed, but be ready I will definitely find a way to summon you to help me." I said.

"I look forward to the fight ahead." Saying this he stepped back into the portal and portal closed.

"Lord, what was that thing." After the Z ranked beast who called himself Zeth disappeared no matter retainers or beasts everyone took the long breath finally relieved of the pressure.

One of my 2nd strongest retainer asked me, she is a female dragon named Vanessa, and She controlled the element of water and was at the peak stage of Dragon Monarch realm and also the most affected person from the Zeth's presence due to opposite nature of their elemental abilities.

"It is an existence which has transcended beasts, same as us Primordial dragons." Above the realm of Dragon monarch any dragon would start to understand the law relating to their abilities, their existence was termed as Primordial dragons.

And there were just two primordial dragons in the whole Dragon Realm; it was that difficult to reach the realm of primordial dragon. In order to ascend to this realm one has to have the full understanding of his own abilities.

It was the first time retainers had seen a Z ranked beast Zeth but the beast force of X ranked beast was more than familiar with Zeth's existence. I had left all of them in care of Zeth in the hope that some of them may evolve from his influence but not a single one of them was fortunate enough.

But all of them had gained enough experience and understanding of their own abilities from that training so it was not completely fruitless.

"Isn't our second boss awesome?" A proud voice rang in everyone's head but nobody could point out who has spoken. It was the ability of one of the beast from Team 1, his physical strength was pitiful but he specialized in mental energy manipulation, it was the power if used properly could handle even multiple leaders and Guardians.

"But my lord, how are you going to take beast into the tower without getting noticed by king and leaders?"

"As far as I know you cannot store living things in your space pocket and can only use [Void step] to jump between different location with living beings but that will give us away." Jacob paused.

"Or you will be summoning them into the tower later through different means?" Jacob asked in confused tone, I had been expecting this type of question from him, he was most intelligent dragon between all the retainers as I have mentioned before because it was the basic requirement of his ability.

He has the ability to create illusions and at a level which were hard to break even for me.

"No, I will be taking them with me from the start, let me demonstrate something new to you guys and broaden your knowledge." I said and suddenly space around Kronos (The Crow like beast) started to cover him and he was surrounded by a transparent purple bubble outside of which golden runes were moving continuously.

In the blink of an eye he could be seen frozen in the purple bubble and then disappeared from eyes, after few seconds has passed I summoned him back from space pocket and undid the spell and he was just standing there asking what has happened to him suddenly.

"I was able to create a solution for many of my void abilities weaknesses and what I just showed you is one of such solution, I am able to control everything inside the space bubble even time, freezing living beings and storing them in space pocket." I said explaining about what I had done, answering there question of how I was going to bring them into the tower with me.

It was manageable for me to take X ranked beast with me without much problem but in order to bring Z ranked beast into the tower this method was not plausible.

This spell which I was able to create in Abyss was only possible because of my teacher Earl's guidance and the knowledge he had passed me.

This spell was inspired by one of my teachers spell [Quick Seal] in which he was able to seal his enemy for eternity, but my version of spell was not sealing but freezing space itself where nothing flows, not even time. But it had many weaknesses such as the being inside bubble has his consciousness active and Z ranked beast were too powerful for me freeze and store.

The spell created by me was a poor imitation of what Teacher Earl could do, but it was enough to achieve my goal.

After discussing about few more details I handed Team 2 some important items which will be necessary for them to complete their mission successfully.

"Let's try to meet at this place after both our missions are finished successfully, and everyone try not to die." Andrew said trying to cheer everyone mood to which I just nodded.

(A/N: Why do I see a red flag on andrew's head.)

At Andrews statement I just nodded and everyone glared at him, after which I teleported them to the location where they would be commencing their mission.

After repeating the same process of sending the beast's and retainer's of team 1 in the space pocket I teleported to the Planet Theorus where king's capital was located and the place where I will be attending the meeting with king and leaders before departing for the Tower.