
Secret Revealed

Tao Xue felt like he was missing out on the fun with his friends and classmates. Moreover, when all of them reach the 1st level of Cultivation, they will be taught in more detail. They would be told about all the different complicated stuff regarding Cultivation, and all of his friends could be able to take on, and complete missions.

While all of them would be busy doing this, Tao Xue would still be stuck beneath the 1st level, just because the energy of the Heaven and Earth was stuck to his outer surface. He couldn't absorb it thanks to this ability. The only way how he could Cultivate was to somehow break open this barrier that has been created by the energy, which doesn't let the energy of the Heaven and Earth pass through into his mind. If he could accomplish doing that, there would be no need for him to be behind everyone, as he would be able to Cultivate, and his speed would also be faster than before, because of his connection with the energy. To others, he is an existence who has been gifted by the Heavens, but there are also some side-effects to this ability of his. If he wouldn't be able to break that barrier, soon, he will be left behind by everyone else in his class, which wouldn't feel good, as his friends, who previously had been fools, would now be ahead of him.

Other than that, there would also be a huge commotion over Tao Xue being in the Academy, even if he isn't a 1st level Cultivator, so he'll have to leave. The current situation is temporary, as if some students sees Tao Xue in town, and especially someone who knows him, they would get confused.

They were all told that Tao Xue has gone somewhere due to urgent reasons, but if they see him here, they wouldn't be able to match up with what was told, and soon enough, they's start being suspicious. As suspicions start arising in the mind of the students, deceiving them anymore wouldn't work, which also meant that this would lead to the secret being revealed, which would cause a huge commotion, and Tao Xue would only be chased, and sought after.

After the information would be leaked, everyone would want to have Tao Xue in their Academy, which will cause only himself trouble. Therefore, Tao Xue had wanted to discuss this with the Principal, as one day, it would cause some serious problems.

He wanted to let his secret out to certain people, like the teachers, his friends, and his classmates. According to Tao Xue, telling this bit of information to everyone who's trustworthy, would not be bad. He didn't intend that this information should leak out in the public, but it would be okay with people close by. Furthermore, they would become his allies in the future, so they have a right to know.

Soon afterwards, in the same day, Tao Xue met the Principal, and wanted to discuss the topic of letting out the secret. The Principal saw that there was something different with Tao Xue's attitude, and he could tell that something was bothering him.

The Principal asked Tao Xue, "What's wrong, Tao Xue, you look conflicted? Is there anything bothering you? If there is, then please let me know of it."

Tao Xue knew that this was the right time to bring it up, as he replied, "Principal sir, I'd like to ask you a question. Shall we let the other students of the 4 Seasons Academy know about my ability. In the future, we'll all be allies, and we'll have to stand together, if the academy is successful enough to become a sect, so at that time, they would need to know about my skill. Other than that, if the students somehow figure this out when in the near future, when the academy is going to promote itself to a sect, the students could feel angry that they weren't told about their extraordinary classmate, which would cause an internal revolt, and an internal revolt when the academy is turning into a sect is not what anyone would like to want to have. I think that my close friends and classmates should at least know about this. What do you think about it?"

The Principal wasn't let down by Tao Xue's meaningful explanation, and was a bit surprised that Tao Xue could actually think like this, as well. He thought for a brief moment, after which he replied Tao Xue.

He said, "Well, it's good that you've thought it through properly, but you've not completely understood your ability's strength. See, the ability you have is very powerful, and that's why if someone get's to know about it, they'll get extremely jealous. If somebody has that kind of a state of mind, they could leak the information to outside sources. First, we'll have to find out who are the people who will keep this secret to themselves, and the amount should amount to the bare minimum, as then, it will remain a secret. If everyone in the academy knows, it'll soon spread out to places we don't want it to reach. As of now, you shouldn't tell this to anyone. The only people in the academy who know are me, you, Bao Tan, Jun Yao, the Grand Elder, the Vice-Principal, and all of the Secluded Elders. The Secluded Elders have a higher chance of a breakthrough to another realm, compared to us, therefore, if any one of them has a breakthrough, they'll surely make you their disciple, and train your ability. Later on, you could tell it to your close friends, but stay hidden for now."

Tao Xue was amused from what the Principal had said. At first, his words sounded ordinary, but in fact, they were very deep, because they were said while keeping in mind, the overall benefit of the academy, and the consequences of it. The Principal sure was experienced, as he could think of such tactful and logical reasons for telling the students about Tao Xue's ability. Tao Xue had now started respecting the Principal way more than he previously did.

As a faint smile grew across his face, Tao Xue said, "Yes, thanks for the suggestion, Principal!"

Hi... I guess I'll be doing 2 chapters today, so you can get excited... Yare, yare...

TheOmnipotentOtakucreators' thoughts