
The thousand year of blood

Lucitaro_Paremelio · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The New Dawn

As The Emporer and The Grand Priest looked out of the window. They saw Rubert Casten the X-Grand Duke of the Empire who the Emporer deceived and killed his family while crippling him.

"Rubert you have returned again huh. Back then you ran off before I killed you but now I will kill you with my own hands" the emporer said as he chuckled

Rubert slashed at the window of the empore but The Emporer dodged by jumping out of the window and flashed behind Rubert and slashed his sword at his neck but Rubert ducked under the slash and spun around and kicked at The Emporer which slamed the emporer at the castle watchtower.

"I have to admit that you have grown stronger and faster than before but you are still no match for me" as Emporer said that he released a burst of aura around him and coated his sword in red aura. While this was going on the Grand Priest had set up a barrier around the castle so the fight won't reek havoc in the Royal capital and danger the citizens.

The Emporer leaped from the watchtower and slashed his sword qi to Rubert which he defended against and The Emporer clashed his sword against Rubert metallic Gauntlet. They fought against each other around all the land and sky of the castle. The Guards of the Emporer arrived and tried to help the Emporer but Rubert cut them down as he was distracted because of the Guards The Emporer came behind him and slashed his back heavily injuring Rubert. As The Emperor was going to deliver his final attack he was blocked and pushed back.

"It's enough Emperor." Said the unknown man

"Who are you? How dare you block me?" Said the Emperor

"I am the one that the Grand Priest told you about. I am Xu Yun." as he said that a lightning attack came at him but he dodged and kicked the Grand Priest away. " Not now worshipper of Goddess. I will entertain another time" as xu said that he picked Rubert and disappeared into thin air.

The Emperor helped the Grand Priest and asked "Are you fine?" The Grand Priest replied "This Xu Yun whoever he is we should be careful as he is very strong"

"Yes, I know. This one is very strong very very strong" said the Emporer