
The thousand year of blood

Lucitaro_Paremelio · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The Great Plan

[At the Emperor's Palace]

A guard was kneeling in front of the Emperor and said "Hail the Great Emporer! I have a urgent news for you. The Fiffh Princess and The Eight Prince are missing."

The Emperor was glaring intensely as he said "what did you say? Send The Third Commander Lucas to Find and bring them back and inform him to bring them back in any cost."

The guard replied "yes, Great Emperor" as he left to inform The Third Commander Lucas after he left a female with Nine tail came out from the back of the Throne as she said "Nowadays The Empire is having a lot of trouble I see. If this goes on I think your reign as an Emperor will also come to an end isn't it Xia."

"Don't talk nonsense Kurami. Tell me why you are here is there any important news from the border of Hangsio" the Emperor said

"As always straight to point. The Huasi is colluding with Rensia to attack the Hangsio region and gain the blood stone mine of our Empire to severely weaken the financial situation of the Empire" kurami the nine tailed woman said

"Oh, so they have started their little war huh it's time I will crush them and conquer them" as the Emperor said that he pulled the nine tailed woman kurami into his lap but she teleported away from the Emporer and said "stop with your feudal approach I don't like you". The Emperor replied "of course I know I was just joking with you". "Then, I shall take my leave" as she said that she teleported away from the Royal capital.

[At the volcano of Megathos]

Xu Yun dropped his blood in the lava as a colossal giant made up of lava appered as it bowed and kneeled in front of Yun as Yun said " My creation! You have to attack the Royal capital of the Empire and destroy it". The colossal giant nodded and headed towards the Empire.