
The thousand year of blood

Lucitaro_Paremelio · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The Great Plan Succeeded?

[At The Church]

The Priests were having a meeting and Discussing the life threat of the Saintess.

"Grand Priest you had meeting with the Emperor.So,what was decided between you two?" Said a Priest

"The Emperor is very arrogant he thinks that with him in the castle no one can harm the Saintess and is not deploying any guard or soldiers and when The previous Grand Duke was fighting with the Emperor the hunter deflected and thrown me and the Emporer. So we have to take matters into our own hand and protect the Saintess" said the Grand Priest

"So, What should be done Grand Priest?" Asked the Priest

The Grand Priest said "We have to involve the Arvis Guild."

Suddenly The Land started shaking as a colossal giant came at the Royal capital and attacked a part of it. The Dragon Arcane saw the colossal magma giant he sensed Chaos aura emitting from the magma giant as he jumped up at the roof of a house and saw a fragment of chaos embedded in the cheast. He used his magic and prepared a fire arrow and launched it toward the magma giant which destroyed a part of the shoulder but the magma giant regenerated quickly and attacked the roof Arcane was standing on but Arcane dodged.

A group of guards came and attacked it with their magic but that didn't have any effect on the magma giant. The magma giant attacked the guard with its magma hand which was blocked by the 9th rank Special Guard of the Empire Mbadu and he sliced the whole hand of magma giant. The magma giant squeal on pain as mbadu used his ice magic and freezer the sliced hand which stopped it from regenerating. The magma giant spit magma which mbadu stopped by creating an ice wall for protection. After which mbadu jumped up delivered several slices to the magma giant which dispersed the magma surrounding the fragment of chaos which mbadu saw and penetrate the chaos fragment destroying it in the process which dispersed the magma around the city but mbadu froze all of them by using his ice magic.

The fight was being seen by Xu Yun at a distance and he was also observing Arcane who was watching the fight of mbadu and magma giant

Xu Yun said "The first part of the plan is a success and now to the other part."