
The Ten Tales of the Misunderstood Sigma

Skitta is a young boy who dreams of being the King of Sigmas! It’s not easy of course. He faces many obstacles along his journey.

bobskittle · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
39 Chs

Why girls don’t like you


Age- 20

Height- 5'7ft.


Eye Color- Hazel

Hair Color- Blonde

Title- Sigma Soldier

Power Level- Sigma

Sigma- None


-May 27, 306 (2 and a half weeks ago)

"Abi, Senjougi. I have a mission for the both of you", The Sigma King said.

"I want the both of you to go to the Alpha Woods and chop up some wood! This is very important, Hahaha!", The Sigma King said. "I need the wood for many things, and the Sigma Forest is not looking good right now!" He said with an awkward smile.

"Hm? Why are you looking at me for?" Senjougi asked.





Senjougi caused the fire.

"Oops, my bad guys. Didn't mean for this to happen" Senjougi shrugged.

*flashback ends*

"I'm sorry sir. Me and Abi will get the best wood we can find, I'll promise you that." Senjougi said as she saluted.


"Shut up Abi!"


*Sigh* "At least there were no casualties, you would've been in even bigger trouble if someone got injured. You know Senjougi, your flames aren't easy to extinguish."

"Anyways, you guys might not see me when you come back for I have important business I have to attend! Haha! Me and Ms.Cheeks will be gone for a while so I made Rayan in charge, make sure to show him lots of respect! Hahaha!"

"Yes sir!"


"Abi, do you have a portal to the Alpha Woods? Could save us a lot of time and save ME lots of energy."

*sigh* "Yes, Senjougi. I can open a portal to the Alpha woods"

(Shit! I knew I was gonna have to do this! Ugh, this is definitely going to wear me out)

Senjougi proceeds to give Abi a slap in the back, "Thanks lil bro! You're the best!"

"Sure, whatever." Abi is so tired of her.

Goksah Abi:

Age- 20

Height- 5'10ft

Weight- 160lbs

Eye color- Brown

Hair Color- Purple

Title- Sigma Soldier

Power Level- High Tier Alpha

Sigma- None

Alpha- Can open portals and shi idk

- At the Alpha Woods

"Alright, we're here! Abi, grab an axe and get to choppin"

Abi trying to catch his breath, "Fine, hand me one."

(I want to go home already)

Senjougi tosses an axe to Abi and they both proceed to chop some wood. They don't know the reason why the Sigma King needs wood but they've never questioned him. The King's orders are absolute.


An hour has passed and Senjougi notices that Abi has been too quiet. She drops her axe and searches for Abi. She calls out his name for a minute but then realizes that the her surroundings are completely silent. In fact, there was not a single thing in motion, like if the world was on pause.

To her left, she felt someone's presence. 20 feet (6cm) apart, standing still, staring right at her.

"Oi…", A voice of a young man called.

"You're Senjougi right? I came here for you!"

Senjougi then faces the young man. He is wearing a white blazer with white pants and white shoes, but his bow tie is red. Pink hair and pink eyebrows, his skin looks quite smooth. Definitely not the tallest guy, if Senjougi had to guess she'd go for 5'11ft (180cm)

"Who might you be?" Senjougi asked.

"I'm Alexis but you can call me Alex. Senjougi, you have something I want and I'm here to take it from you. Can you please make it easy and die for me?"

"Sorry, I don't follow orders from people I've just met. You want something from me? I won't let you have it."

"So you're going to make things difficult now huh?" Alexis said with a fake smile.


"Senjougi? Where did you go?" Abi said.

(I swear she was just next to me but then her presence just vanished. If this is a prank, it's not funny. But please, let this be a prank.)


Alexis starts off dashing at Senjougi and goes for a roundhouse kick.

Senjougi manages to block his kick with her forearm, which sends her back a few inches. She completely understood her situation, her opponent was strong and fast.

Two seconds later, leaving no time for Senjougi to react, Alexis hits her with a side whip kick, which pushed her back a few inches.

Senjougi almost falls to the ground but barely managed to keep her composure. She then puts some distance between them.

Senjougi stepped on something, "Hey it's my axe!"

(I guess this could do for now. Better than taking his kicks to the face)

Alexis dashes at Senjougi once again then leaps into the air and goes for an axe kick. Senjougi dodged like the alpha sigma she is.

She rushed towards the nearest tree with Alexis right behind her. She jumped on the side of the tree and boosted herself forward to increase momentum.

(I can't use my powers, it must be because time has stopped… Or am I in another dimension? World? Timeline? I don't fucking know)

(But what I can do is launch my attacks midair, or at least try. With this speed, I can catch him off guard)

Three seconds of leaping through trees and sprinting on the ground, Senjougi goes for her first attack.

Senjougi suddenly turns around and goes for a hook kick with her right foot at his face. Alexis quickly squats down and tries to go for a kick at her ankles. Senjougi leaps in the air and performs a roundhouse kick.

Her move actually landed on Alexis and made him go off track. Rolls on the ground the uses his fingers to stop moving. Senjougi understands that if she stops attacking now, her chance of winning will decrease.

She goes for a knee strike in his face, as he falls, she grabs his collar before he lands on the ground and performs a headbutt.

She then let's go of his shirt and starts throwing punches left and right. She doesn't stop, she won't stop until she knew Alexis was unconscious.

The atmosphere has changed. Her surroundings has changed. The area turned dark and started to fog. A purple fog covered the ground and she felt as if she was stepping on immeasurable amounts of sticks.

"Hey Senjou! Over here!"

"As you've noticed, I took our fight someplace else"

"Yeah, no shit. What is this place." Senjougi asked.

"You miss, have just stepped in my domain. This is where my portals lead to. And I can open portals to wherever I want!" Alexis informed.

"This place is nasty, don't you clean this place up? What's with all these bones on the ground? Gross!"

"My mistake, I should probably treat my guests better"

"Honestly! Don't you at least have a girlfriend who can sweep this place up for you!"

"Huh…", Alexis said with a fake smile, trying to hide his annoyed face.

(Does she know that girls don't like me? Fuck.)

"Anyways, I guess time does pass here."

Senjougi's started to produce a firery aura. Her fists turned into pure flames. She can now use her abilities however she pleases. She threw her axe to the side.

Their little sparring session has just turned into a battle to the death.

"So you want something from me? What could that be?" Senjougi asked.

"I want your body." Alexis said.


"Wait no. I didn't mean it like that." Alexis could have worded that differently.

Senjougi taunting Alexis, "Alexis, is there something going on inside your head? This is why girls don't like you. Come, I'll knock some sense into you."

"This fight is getting interesting. Please show me more of the power you hold!"