
The Ten Tales of the Misunderstood Sigma

Skitta is a young boy who dreams of being the King of Sigmas! It’s not easy of course. He faces many obstacles along his journey.

bobskittle · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
39 Chs

It’s getting hot in here

Senjougi starts off with a left jab, Alexis blocks it with his forearms but her fiery fists left him with second degree burns.

"Wow Senjougi! I'm impressed! Your power is really amazing!"

"Thanks, I hear that often"

Senjougi launches three Oi-Tsuzkis (lunge punches)

Alexis takes all the punches in the abdomen, when Senjougi hits her fourth Oi-Tsuki, Alexis grabs her forearm and performs Harai-Goshi (hip sweep)

Senjougi got plunged to the ground

(This fucker knows Taekwondo and Judo? Shit, what other martial arts does he know?)

"Alex, are you some kind of freak?"

"What do you mean?" Alexis asked.

"Your somach looks fucked, dude. And you burned off your palms when you grabbed me up. Can you not feel pain? Weirdo."

"Oh yeah, it burns likes hell." Alexis said.

"Uh huh…"

Alexis in his head, (Karate and taekwondo, not bad. I can confidently say, she's a better fighter than me. That power of hers… impressive. Nobody has ever been able to even scratch me. This fight is exciting!)

Alexis only took one step and he feels as if his face is melting. Alexis only took one step and in the speed of light, Senjougi goes up to him and gave him the nastiest punch.

Alexis launches off 30 feet (9 meters) wide from where he was standing.

As he was falling, Senjougi caught up to him and axe kicked him to the ground. Bones are flying everywhere.

Wait… he's gone! She didn't end up hitting him. Alexis then punches her jaw. Senjougi managed to keep her composure and shot a left hook, right hook, then left jab. He blocks them all with his arm then immediately jumps off the ground and swings his left leg towards her face, she blocks the kick with her forearm but the force of the kick pushed her back a bit. Alexis then dashes to Senjougi and tries to tackle her but she manages to catch him by holding down his waist. With her left hand she hold Alexis down and with the right she strikes him.

It worked, she finally got another hit on him! Keep in mind that Senjougi's hands were still just pure flames, Alexis had burn marks in many places.

(Was I overestimating his strength? Why am I absolutely destroying this guy? No, he has to be holding back, or is he… a FRAUD!!!)

Alexis quickly gets up and opens a portal to… a lab? He goes through the portal quickly then the next second, a portal opens above Senjougi and in an instant, Alexis stomped her head down to the floor.

Senjougi gets up. Alexis is gone. No, she still feels his presence. In fact his presence is flickering.

Alexis is traveling from portal to portal in such speed that is beyond comprehension of the naked eye. In just a second, Alexis hits Senjougi in all her vital and nerve point such as, the solar plexus, diaphragm, throat, heart, median nerve, shoulder, skull, hamstrings, Achilles tendon, and so on.

Senjougi's mind went blank. She falls and lands on the ground in all fours. She coughs up blood and is unable to stand. In fact, she can't even move at all.

Then in two seconds, a bone pierced through Senjougi's abdomen. It seems that Alexis can control the movement of the bones that are inside his domain.

"Seems that I've won. I guess it's time to claim my prize!" Alexis said.

Senjougi suddenly stands up as if nothing has happened. Alexis starts to sweat a little, not because of fear, but…

With Senjougi's blazing hands, she forms an arch above her head and slowly moves her arms down 11 inches apart from her hips.

Her aura has grown stronger. She herself has become a heat source.

Starting at 15,000 degrees Fahrenheit (8315.6 degrees Celsius) at a 50-100 feet (15-30 meters) radius. The closer one gets to the source the higher the temperature rises. The source itself is 15,000,000 degrees F (8,333,315.56 degrees C) over half as hot as the core of the sun.

Anything past the 50-100 feet range won't experience those extreme temperatures. Before Senjougi releases the immense heat, she creates a barrier that can withstand the hotness.

Alexis was only 6 feet apart from Senjougi, his body was completely burned in a nanosecond.

Alexis didn't think he'd have to use this ability. Instant regeneration, in a picosecond his body completely regenerates and all of his energy recovers. There is no limit to this power unless if his body is keeps getting destroyed in a rate that goes faster than what he could handle.

With Senjougi's heat waves moving much faster than the speed of light. Alexis' body regenerates at least 500,000 times a second.

Alexis in his head, (This shouldn't be too much of a problem. I need to take her down quickly though, it's getting hot in here!)

Alexis steps further back and at a speed of 800,000 km/sec, he grabs Senjougi's face and slams her head to the ground. In a femtosecond, Alexis' hand completely melts away and cannot regenerate it instantly.

(I knew it, making direct contact with this bitch is gonna be the death of me. I should avoid her the best I can)

Alexis can't think of any ways to win this fight without letting her reach her limits or abandoning her inside his domain. But if he leaves her there then he won't be able to teleport from place to place without his body melting a million times. All he could to is wait for her to exhaust herself, but what Alexis didn't know is that Senjougi is very special.

Ever since she was born many sigmas have been fighting for her, they all know what amazing potential she has. Senjougi, 20 years old (about to turn 21) still does not possess the power of a Sigma. Her body is special, the reason why she does not have any sigma power is because her body rejects them.

She cannot get tired, she cannot sweat. She has no limits to her power. The only way to defeat her is to beat her up, she's not indestructible!

If you want to learn more then you're gonna have to wait until her backstory drops hehehehehehe.


Not many people could push Alexis into using one of his sigma powers.

Senjougi dashes to Alexis and throws a right jab but he arm swerves away from his body, she tries again and again to punch him but her body keeps getting swerved away. Even though they aren't making direct contact, Alexis is still melting and a very fast pace. His rizz powers cannot repel heat.

In a millisecond, Senjougi grabs Alexis by the neck. She pushes him to the ground and grabs his neck again. Alexis tries to push her back but her grip is too strong, or his body is getting weak? His body is slowly turning into a crisp. Senjougi keeps a hold of him for 10 seconds until his body is just piles of ashes.

While pinning him down she realized she's making direct contact with Alexis, (How am I touching him? He must've reached his limit, whatever this is no time to think. I have him in my grasp now, I need him dead!)

Senjougi cools down and stops producing that intense heat. She had thought it was all over. The next second…

The barrier, the one that can withstand over half of the heat of the sun, shattered. It was Alexis who did it. But how the fuck did he get over there?

Senjougi is unable to speak, her throat is super fucked up. Her body grows weak. Instead of sweating, she produces steam. Senjougi has never felt this exhausted in her life.

While Senjougi was pinning Alexis down, he intentionally deactivated his Rizz Sigma powers and activated his second sigma abilities. Peak

Peak can have an effect on both Alexis and/or other people. With this ability, he is able to bring out one's full power. This technique obviously enhances one's power and strength but with the cost of their stamina cut very short. This ability is extremely valuable yet dangerous. Peak drains out all of the person's sigma energy till they have none left.

But with Senjougi, Alexis gave it his all. He used so much of the Peak Sigma's energy and was able to get Senjougi to push past her limits. Alexis took a very risky gamble, he was so close to death.

Alexis was exhausted, he used up a lot of energy too. But he had Senjougi on the ground and with that, he was stoked, it gave him enough strength to walk up to her.

"I fucking knew it. No matter how special you are, you still have your limits. Senjou, I'm very impressed by you. No one has able to push me into using 2 of my sigmas, and for that I respect you. You were an amazing opponent, thank you for letting me experience this excitement."

"I guess it's time to claim my prize, let me call my friend over here. He'll be deciding what's gonna happen next."

Alexis' "friend" comes out of thin air and approaches her very slowly. He put his index and middle finger in between Senjougi's eyes. The next second, the sky turns red, there's flames everywhere, there's red, fiery figures in chains. The man took her to hell.

In addition, she meet the eyes of the devil himself. It was an otherworldly sight. In that moment, Senjougi had lost all her sanity. She can't do anything but just stare.

15 seconds later, and she was back in Alexis' domain. It was only 15 seconds and she was paralyzed from shock. She looked as if her soul had left her body.

"If you can hear me, tell everyone that I Alexis, am the Mischievous Sigma"

(Can't believe I almost forgot to tell her that, phew!)

-3 minutes later

"Leave her here for a week and then bring her back to the Alpha Woods alive." The young man said.

"Go to the Alpha woods with Ivano, I want the both of you to meet a special someone. Ivano will know who that special someone is, you can do whatever you want with her after you met that special person."

"Understood. I wasn't planning on killing her anyways."

-At the Alpha woods

-March 30, 306

Abi had been searching for Senjougi for 3 days and found nothing. He decided to go back to the Sigma Village.

"Everyone… Senjougi went missing." Abi announced.

The group was shocked, they knew how powerful she was and were surprised to hear those words.

"What exactly happened, Abi?", Gonta asked.

"We were just chopping down trees and she just disappeared. I don't know where she went, but her presence just vanished"

"The king isn't here either. Shit! Should we just tell Rayan?" AJ asked.

"W-we should", Boble replied.

"Okay then… let's tell him" Corelle said.

-At the Sigma Castle

Abi told Rayan about everything he knew from Senjougi's disappearance.

"I see…"

"Boble, I order you to go find her, alone" Rayan ordered.

"Nani?!? But why?"

Everyone in the group was completely fine with letting Boble go by himself. They knew if someone was capable of doing so, it would be Boble.


A week has passed, Alexis brought Senjougi back to the Alpha woods.

(June 5, 306)

"I'll be back in like a week or so, hang tight!"

Senjougi did not respond.


Another week has passed

-June 12, 306

Boble has been camping in the woods for two weeks, he has not found Senjougi anywhere and cannot find a trace of her either.

Right before Alexis came back to pick up Senjougi, some guy found her laying on the ground.

"H-hello"- Skitta

"Hello"- Senjougi

"Please beware of the Mischevious Sigma, they're extremely dangerous."

"Please get out of here before you run into them"

"May I ask for your name, miss?"- Skitta


"Okay… Good bye, Senjougi"

"Wait his name is…", Her voice was too small for him to hear.

(No! I should've said his name first)

(So this is how I die, I guess this isn't so bad. I wish I had the strength to at least warn my friends about Alex.)

(Corelle, I've had so much fun with you these past years. AJ, thank you for everything. Abi, sorry I left you there alone, must've made you worry. Haise, stop yapping so much! Ethan, you once said you had a crush on this girl, I hope things go well for you. Gonta, I wish I had amazing sword skills like you. Boble, I wish I could see your true strength bro. You had me shaking when I first met you, haha! I love all of you guys!) Senjougi then goes unconscious.


"Hey Senjougi! I'm back. It's time to go!" Alexis said.

He picks her up and opened a portal to the Super Duper Secret Evil Lair

-The current time

Senjougi wakes up.

"Different ceiling… oh yeah I'm in this disgusting place. Where's that guy that was in all pink?"

She starts looking all over the place. The room had a bunch of weird stuff. She can't name a single thing that's in the room. She sits up and leans her head against the wall, then takes a deep sigh.

"So this is my life now…"
