
The Temple of Sacrifice

Her name is Liliyan, she is moderate girl but her parents are opposite than her . Parents wanted to sacrifice her but she try to captivated from the Temple .

Shaplasadi · Book&Literature
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8 Chs

Chapter 8

The Last Chapter

Episode; 9:

Lillian and the Assassin:

 In the middle of the night, the moon is slightly tilted from the sky, the moon is surrounded by cotton like thick clouds. 

A group of rabbits are busy to playing and frolicking in the light of the full moon on the mountain grass which growing on the mountain slopes. 

There is no one to disturb them. The wind blows through the pomegranate garden. Lillian is hiding behind the boulder watching the bigot's every movement .

 The assailant saw a bunch of pomegranate leaves lying on the side of the narrow path in the mountain slope. 

The man picked the pomegranate leaves and tried to understand whether the leaves were actually fresh or not. And the man understood and that he understood

 A dirty smile appeared on his lips .

 The assailant realizes that his desired victim is hiding somewhere nearby or resting .

 He heard a soft sound coming from behind a boulder ten yards away from where the heretic was currently standing.

 Thinking that he had found the victim, the man went to behind the boulder very slowly and tried to see if the beautiful girl was hiding there or not .

But to his dismay, he saw two rabbits are fighting and squabbling with each other.

Not finding his prey, the man angrily picked up a small piece of stone and attacked the two rabbits.

The rabbits ran away behind another boulder. The man is finding every boulder and is reaching the limit of frustration without finding Lillian.

Even though he is annoyed, he says to himself how far you will go with your wounded feet. You gotta get caught girl.

 Lilian realized that she was not going to get rid of this man easily. So she planned the opposite thinking.

She is not thinking of herself as a victim now , but the bigot is going to become her victim.

 The man approaches and Lillian prepares to close in on her prey. Behind the boulder that Lillian takes refuge, there is a pointed rock section.

The medium-sized stone is Lillian's focus of hope. Lillian is trying to defeat the man using this rock and the pomegranate stick.

Lillian knows there's no way she'll be able to defeat the bigot head-on, so she has to sneak up on him from behind and get rid of him.

The plan worked, as the man descended, Lillian crawled up behind the boulder and tried to get behind the man.

Lillian has a broken pomegranate stick in one hand and a medium-sized pointed stone in the other hand, she climbs up from the down .

After a short climb she takes shelter behind another boulder, panting now from the hard work.

Lillian is on the south side and the heretic is on the north side with only two boulders between them.

Before long the man had finished checking these two boulders, he is going down to check the anothet one where Lillian had been hiding behind sometimes ago .

 The silence of the night was disturbed by the sound of a bird calling.

 To the inhabitants the city of Gaadh, the Gallinule is a bird of honor. They believe that this bird always sends ominous messages.

 Maybe the bird is trying to signal the assailant, be careful about your danger which are awaiting for ahead.

 Meanwhile, in anger and rage, Lillian forgot about the pain of her bruised leg.

 Again the Gallinule bird is called, this time it might be warning Lillian too , It tried to said to Lillian do not try to make the heretic person as a victim.

 At two o'clock in the night of the full moon of the month of Abib .

The two hunters came down to the slopes of Ebal mountain to hunt each other.

The first hunter does not know that he himself has become a prey to his own prey.

And the second hunter does not know whether she can defeat her prey at all?

As the man descends, Lillian steps out from behind the boulder and follows the man from the upside of the mountain slope .

 Reluctantly following the heretic and approaching the man, Lilian struck the man's back with a huge blow with the pointed stone which she had picked up .

But alas, the target has missed as the man seemed to realized that someone was behind him, so he quickly changed positions and Lilian was visible to the bigot.

The stupid man tried to attack Lilian as soon as he saw her, but as Lilian stepped back, the man tripped and fell on the hard boulder.

As soon as the man tried to stand up again, without a moment's delay, Lilian took the opportunity to stab the man in one of the eyes with the stick of the pomegranate tree held in her other hand.

 The man began to shout loudly, shaking the sky and the air in the silent night. The pomegranate stick saved Lilian from the great danger of tonight .

 He took one of the assailant's eyes completely. Lillian stood for a moment enjoying the man's throaty screams and squirms.

Lillian could see the black blood oozing from the man's gouged eyes. The blood appears to be black at night or it may be that the color of the person's blood has turned black as the level of his crime increased.

Lillian thought the branch of the pomegranate tree would serve two purposes, but the branch served three purposes.

 Lillian again heard the footsteps of many people approaching the pomegranate garden.

 So without a moment's delay, Lillian started walking down from the mountain. It is not an easy thing to walk down a 400 feet steep mountain with a sore leg.

The assailant lay unconscious on the narrow path of the mountain slope with his eyes gouged out.

And Lilian hobbled down to her unknown future destination with the cover of the boulder.

 Although the future is unknown, Lillian now knows that fighting is necessary to survive. And now she has full faith on herself, she understands that she can win every battle of life and develop it by her own way .

A little further down to see , Lillian again

 Found that old lady, seeing her, Lilian said to the old lady , oh my shadow of my future thank you very much.

I know you are the future existence of my present being. In fact you are the perfection of my intelligence which only I can see and no one else can see you .

Thank you again for giving me wisdom and courage.

 The old lady asked to Lillian, Can you conquer your unknown future?

 Lilian said with a smile, today when I have managed to protect myself from the hands of an unknown enemy, then of course I can conquer my unknown future too.

 The old woman said, "brave girl, always continue like this with courage and wisdom, then you will never have to accept defeat from any danger in life.

" With this word , the old lady disappeared from Lilian's presence. And Lillian smiled as she climbed down the rocky mountain to get closer to the ground of Earth.

 And to know her unknown future. And she said to herself that this is life and its purpose is to be alive .