
The Temple of Sacrifice

Her name is Liliyan, she is moderate girl but her parents are opposite than her . Parents wanted to sacrifice her but she try to captivated from the Temple .

Shaplasadi · Book&Literature
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8 Chs

Chapter 6

Episode 6:

Lilian's journey begins on the road to the unknown destination.

After saying these words, the old woman disappeared into the crowd.

Lilian looked at the inside of the temple again and was shocked, now the baffalos are not alone they all are three or four or more have started to riot in the temple area.

Lilian saw hundreds of people lying on the ground under the feet of the buffalos.

Without delaying another moment,

Lilian followed the people leaving the temple and stood on the open road.

There is no way to understand the doomsday happening inside the temple from outside.

Lillian limps along the road with her bruised leg. After a short distance she realized that someone had followed her .

Looking back and she saw that the tall and rogue man who had offered her mother to sell Lillian to him.

Lillian can guess the danger about the ahead because she can see the look of lust in that man's eyes.

The road that Lilian is walking now is empty, there is no one to save Lilian if the man attacks her.

Now she is afraid and doesn't know of what to do?

After one hour of the night, Lilian came up the steep hilly road on the way from the temple.

Lillian had never been to this side of the mountain before.

The road is zigzag and empty, but suddenly the arrival of some people made her courageous.

Everyone heads towards the temple, Lilian doesn't know what is happening in the temple now and she doesn't know what is on her father and mother's lucks.

On one side of the road are pomegranate orchards and on the other side the hill drops straight down for four hundred feet and merges with the earth.

Once sudden that the old woman visible and said to Lillian, "oh my dear little fairy " look at your back , the bad man is coming near to you , sit down, and take a handful of dust.

The man should not see that you have dust on your hands.

Just as he comes to attack you, you will hide in the pomegranate garden by throwing dust in the man's eyes.

Lilian said to the old woman, why are you talking so much but not helping me?

 I am helping you with wisdom, I can't help you more than that.

 Lilian asked to the old woman but why ?

But she got no answer from the old woman . Meanwhile, the miscreant walks in to attack Lilian.

Lilian sat down on the ground and took a handful of dust, pretending to look at the wound on her leg, as suggested by the old lady.

The rogue is only five yards away. Lilian looked at the old woman in fear, but she saw that the old woman was not there, the old woman seemed to have been blown away by the wind.

 The man is only three yards away, Lillian is sitting on the ground willingly, as soon as the man approaches her, she calls out to him, "Would you help me get up?"

 The miscreant was a bit taken surprised by Lilian's natural way of speaking.

The man thought that the girl almost passed out with fear after seeing him.

According to his experience, half-hearted girls can easily be preyed upon by this kind of fear.

 But this girl is talking to him in a very normal way, a while ago he saw the girl standing and talking to the wind.

The man thought that the girl might have lost her head due to fear.

So she was behaving like that. But now she looks normal.


"You don't need to stand up dear " because what I'm going to do is lie down with you," said the man, baring his dirty yellow teeth.

 As the man was ready to pounce on Lilian, at that moment Lilian stood up and aimed at the man's eyes and shook off a handful of dust .

 All the handful dust fell into the man's eyes and the man became blind for a while

 And on this occasion, Lilian took cover in the roadside pomegranate garden. 

If someone hides in the garden at night, it is difficult to find him or her .

 Lillian ran to the end of the garden with her bruised leg, she has no idea how long she ran .

When she reached the end of the garden she saw a narrow path leading down the hillside

 without any thinking, she started down the narrow path by walking .

 On the way, Lilian broke a branch from a pomegranate tree. The branch of the pomegranate tree will serve two purposes: a branch of the pomegranate tree can be used as a stick and with the juice of the pomegranate leaves she will treat her leg wound .

 After descending about thirty yards, Lillian sat down next to a stone boulder. 

Because she is no longer able to carry her tired body, her chest is bursting with thirst for water, and there is pain on her leg .

 After resting for a while leaning on a stone boulder, when she had calmed down a bit, she began tending to the wound on her leg .

 Chew pomegranate leaves and apply its juice on leg wound .

 While she chewing the pomegranate leaves at first it tastes bitter but later it seemed mildly sweet to her taste buds .

 Her chest is bursting with thirst so Lilian chewed the pomegranate leaves and continued to gulped down its juices .

Pomegranate leaves juice can be consumed ? This is her question which created on her mind .

She thought fitst that pomegranate leaf juice can be eaten .

 The reasoned is arose up on her mind that It can be eaten , if pomegranate fruit can be eaten, then pomegranate leaves can also be eaten.

Following this logic, she chewed the pomegranate leaves and ate them.

 After eating the pomegranate leaves, Lilian felt that the pain in her leg wound had subsided and she was no longer thirsty and had regained some strength in her body.

 Now the night may be two o'clock, the moon in the sky is still in the middle sky. Lillian leans on the boulder and reminisces about her days gone by.