
The Template of Whitebeard

Hey Guys! One piece fanfic for one piece lovers who don't have much one piece fanfics.left in webnovel to read. And this is not my novel and if you wanna read the original go to MTL Bound Luck: Get The Whitebeard Template at the Start And I will start psoting one piece and few other fanfics on webnovel for you to know other fanfics which you might get interested and you can go check it out in Original site and supporting them. And if you guys are like due this novel is good but the translation isn't nice and if your willing to support me contact me and let me know I am ready to work hard by translating these fanfics so you can get a better read

Manish_Raj_0322 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 3: I have to figure out a way to solve the freshwater problem

Now Xu Fan has unlocked 30% of Whitebeard's template.

The physique of course cannot be compared with that of ordinary people.

Even in the snow field where the temperature was kept below zero, Xu Fan couldn't feel the cold in a single coat.

But no matter what he said, Xu Fan was still not beyond the realm of human beings.

"If there is no food, I can probably last for about a month."

"But if there is no fresh water, the problem is more serious."

"Although a week later, the next player will enter the forbidden area, but whether his birth point is randomly refreshed or directly by my side, I have no way of knowing."

"The most important thing is, what if he, like me, didn't receive a prompt?"

Xu Fan's brain worked quickly, thinking about the current countermeasures.

Strange to say.

He suddenly appeared in an unfamiliar environment, yet he was still able to remain calm.

"Anyway, we should solve the problems of fresh water and food as soon as possible."

Xu Fan thought to himself.

At the same time, new problems were discovered.

"Right, if I remember correctly, that voice seemed to have said it before."

"All the actions of the contestants will be presented to the human beings all over the world through live broadcast."

"In other words, not only the Yan Kingdom's 2.6 billion people are paying attention to my every move."

"Even the officials and people of other countries are like this."

Xu Fan frowned.

Even though Yan Guo has already appealed, in the face of lack of resources, everyone is a community with a shared future for mankind.

But how many countries have such a big country feeling?

Especially in the current international situation.

Whether it is the lighthouse country on the other side or the small countries around the Yan country, which one is not eyeing?

If you let them find that their physique is different from ordinary people.

Maybe they will join forces first and find a way to solve themselves.

"Think of the best and plan for the worst."

Xu Fan thought to himself that it would be better not to use the power of the shaking fruit unless he had to.

at the same time.

in the real world.

The world's major live broadcast platforms are madly flooding into the audience.

They quickly searched for the live broadcast room of the forbidden content outside the territory, and nervously paid attention to the players of their own country.

This live broadcast is not only related to the fate of all mankind, but also to the fate of the country.

In less than half a minute, the number of people online at the same time exceeded 10 million.


continues to rise.

It is worth mentioning that players from each country have their own live broadcast room.

And Yan Guo's online number is undoubtedly the largest.

The barrage is overwhelming.

Directly submerges the entire screen.

So much so that the audience had to manually adjust the barrage to a quarter or eighth area.

But so far, the live broadcast room is still in a black screen state.

Not yet connected to the forbidden ground.

"Brothers, did I get stuck? Why is the screen still black? Can you explain it?"

"There should be a delay, right? Is it possible to delay the live broadcast by a day? Otherwise, someone will spy on the screen, what should we do against our players from the Yan Kingdom?"

"How did the platform get the right to live broadcast? Do you still need cameras for live broadcast? Are there drones in the forbidden area?"

"You said, who will our Yan Kingdom's players be? I hope to be a soldier king!"

For a while, all the viewers who followed the live broadcast began a heated discussion.

Including other live broadcast rooms as well.

Audiences in every country hope that the lucky player who is bound can be a well-trained field special forces soldier.

But the black screen didn't last long.

After a while, a picture appeared in the live broadcast room.

The endless white plain, just across the screen, can feel a chill.

Makes one can't help but take a breath.

The survival rate in this environment is undoubtedly low.

But then, as the screen focused on Xu Fan, the barrage in the live broadcast room exploded!

Because in the picture, Xu Fan did not prepare any materials.

It's just a summer shirt, jeans, and not even a marching bag.

Pack lightly!

"Huh? What's the situation? Didn't you say you would have 20 minutes to prepare supplies? Why didn't this guy bring anything?"

"Could this guy be a spy sent by another country? Do you want to die at the beginning of the game? Fuck!"

"Snowfield, the temperature is at least minus ten degrees, right? It's over."

"The luck of our Yan Kingdom."

After witnessing the player Xu Fan, the barrage in the live broadcast room suddenly turned from excitement, anticipation, to pessimism.

Almost everyone was certain that in such an environment, Xu Fan would not be able to live for long.

Many people even think that Xu Fan is likely to be a spy sent by another country!

He started yelling at Xu Fan!

Of course, there are also many people who use computers to lock Xu Fan's actions, and then use mobile phones to search for players from other countries.

The place of birth is completely random.

Some players, like Xu Fan, were born in the snowfield.

There are also players who are comfortable by the sea, dense jungles, and desert environments that are also less optimistic.

But these players all prepared a lot of materials.

Some are fully armed.

As soon as he entered an unfamiliar environment, he began to look around and became vigilant.

Some even entered the state for the first time and began to look for water sources.

It is not difficult to see that these players are all prepared.

And, almost all of them are professional players!

It is in stark contrast to Xu Fan of the Yan Kingdom!

It made the Yan Kingdom audience even more desperate.

Although the Yan Kingdom has a population of 2.6 billion. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Compared to 10 million, it doesn't seem like much.


Every descendant of the Yan Kingdom knows that human life is not a simple number!

Everyone has the possibility of who's husband, who's son, who's father.

However, when he saw Xu Fan's situation.

It is difficult for everyone to have any hope.

The luck of a country is bound to such a guy.

Even the official personnel of the Yan Kingdom were dumbfounded on the spot!

He quickly conducted a search based on Xu Fan's appearance.

Finally, the identity of this player was confirmed!

Xu Fan, 20 years old, a college student with mediocre physical fitness...

When such news was exposed, the barrage in the live broadcast room became even more pessimistic.

Not only that…

Even viewers from other countries flocked to Yan Kingdom's live broadcast room.

He mocked Xu Fan and even Yan Guo.

"I bet one hundred beacon coins, and the Yan Kingdom player won't survive for two hours."

"If your Yan Kingdom is willing to return Senkaku Island to our Neon Kingdom, we can consider providing help to your players. It happens that our players were also born in the snowfield, maybe in the same area, but the players of our country, But well-trained warriors!"

"You didn't even bring any supplies. You players from the Yan Kingdom are probably not mentally retarded."

Although the Yan Kingdom's barrage quickly counterattacked, their mood was not relieved in the slightest.

You must know that players from other countries are either soldiers of special forces, or masters of survival in the wild.

At worst, they also received official assistance from the state.

On the other hand, look at the Yan Kingdom players.

It doesn't seem like a normal person!