
The Teenage Mafia: In the apocalypse

Kyle, a mafia syndicate, who had died in a crossfire with a rival gang. Would reincarnate to the body of a teenage boy with the same first name... but in a different timeline. Kyle would discover from his new memories that the original teenage Kyle had unintentionally involved himself with an influential ex mafia lord's daughter, Camilla--who wanted to follow the footsteps of her father, by unravelling the dark secrets behind the wielders of power, and slowly climbing to the top with the help of her fellow Runners--those who risked their life to scavenge for food and supply for the government stronghold... In the post-apocalyptic world. "To he who life is given... Death is a promise!" - Featuring for WPC Oct&Nov [Fantasy] 2023

AuthoRed_ · Fantasy
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13 Chs


"All Runners, assemble at the black gate immediately... All Runners, assemble at the black gate immediately..."

Kyle, who was sitting on a small white bed with a dazed look on his face, got startled to reality by the announcement sounding from the smart watch on his left wrist.

Five minutes ago he was convulsing on the cold floor of the club house, trying to hang on to life which the bullet wounds on his chest were taking from him. Now, he was sitting on a stiff bed in a small room, in the body of teenage Kyle who had committed suicide by cutting his wrist open and bleeding out to death.

The more startling thing about it all was that he was in a post-apocalyptic world--according to the memories of the teenage Kyle, and everyone in this world had a level-up system, which helps them grow stronger by killing creeps--what they called the 'zombies' here.

'Is this a dream? Or did i... Reincarnate! That shit is real?'

"Kyle Jackson! You are given five minutes to strap up and get to the black gate! Or punishment follows!"

Kyle suddenly heard an annoyed voice from the smart watch on his left wrist. The teenage Kyle was 'kyle Jackson', and this was supposed to be his second day as a Runner.

Kyle quickly stood up from the bed and was about to sprint to 'his' closet. When he slipped from the crimson liquid sprayed all over the floor, and landed on his butt.

"Shit..." Kyle muttered painfully, as he scanned the floor painted by teenage Kyle's blood.

'If this wimpy guy lost this much blood... Then what blood is keeping this body running?'

Kyle looked down at his right wrist which the teenage Kyle had cut open with a blade, but it was surprisingly flawless and as pale as a dead body. 

He examined his other hand, then his torso, and his legs. They were all pale white. That was when Kyle realized something vital... He couldn't feel the thumping of a heartbeat in his chest.

He shakily placed a hand on his right chest, which was icy cold, but couldn't feel his heartbeat. 'Am I dead?... I think I'm a ghost, and that explains everything. Hell sure is a funny place to be'

Kyle chuckled amusingly, at the thought of being in hell which wasn't like what was preached back on Earth.

He slowly stood up and walked into the bathroom to rinse his hands clean, and strap up the Runners uniform for the government stronghold--for hell that is, eager to go level-up by slaying the zombies--rogue demons, that were rampaging the world of... Earth? 

Why would Lucifer name his world Earth? This kind of conspiracy would've fetched him lots of cash back on Earth... If he hadn't died for covering his Mafia boss during a drive-by.


"Let's go slay some demons... Zombies" Kyle muttered in determination.

He walked out of his dorm, and into the crowded streets of the stronghold. The moment people saw his uniform--all black tactical gear, with the logo of a red coiled serpent with a dragon's head-- they quickly made way for him, and he marched pass them with shoulders high, and his chest puffed.

The government strongholds were all interconnected underground, and were built with nothing other than steel and other various strong metals. So a zombie break-in would be close to impossible... Unless someone from the inside was behind it.

Kyle got to the so-called black gate which was an airtight large hall, and was crowded by over a hundred teenagers, just teenagers. Who looked to be ranging from sixteen to nineteen.

"Hey! Kyle! Run over here" A loud menacing voice suddenly called out from the crowd.

Kyle, who was examining the terrified looks on the kids faces, got startled by the loud shout, and looked in the direction with a frown. There were six of them at the corner, equal genders. Staring in his direction with cold solemn looks.

The boy who had called out to him was black haired, dark skinned, with intimidating broad shoulders. He looked to be nineteen, the eldest out of their small gang.

This were the people that had scared the teenage Kyle shitless, to the extent of committing suicide. There was a girl in the small gang, who had silky black hair and green eyes. Her looks were superb, the true definition to beauty, with a perfect shape.

She was the leader of the small teenage gang, who had killed two Runners in their last mission. Because they refused to join in to her idea of splitting the supplies gotten in two. Keeping half to themselves, and submitting the other half to the stronghold.

The teenage Kyle also didn't want to be part of the risky conspiracy, but couldn't speak out at the sight of his fellow Runners getting their throat split by the demoness in human skin.

He kept his mouth shut and got to the stronghold safely, after the relentless attacks from the zombies and mutated animals. Which dropped their numbers from ten to seven.

He couldn't live like that, knowing his life was on the line every second he spent on the outside. Added to that was the risky conspiracy he had joined in unintentionally. So he decided to end his miserable life himself.

Kyle chuckled softly as he reminisced on those memory, and his expression suddenly turned cold as he looked towards the boy who had called his name like he was meaningless.

"You should call my name with a little more respect, don't you think?" Kyle said loudly, and the noisy hall instantly fell silent.

"I'll forget you said anything if you kowtow to me seven times, right now" Jake, the dark skinned boy, replied solemnly.

The crowd in the hall all looked towards Kyle foolishly, waiting to see him kowtow, but got all their jaws hanging at his next words.

"Why don't you go tell that to mom" Kyle replied calmly.


He was once a respected Mafia syndicate, who never for once, failed an assassination mission. He was confident in beating up everyone in the hall under thirty minutes, though he was now in a weak body... But his skills were never to be underestimated.

"Very well then... See you on the outside" Jack replied through his clenched jaw.

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