
The Teenage Mafia: In the apocalypse

Kyle, a mafia syndicate, who had died in a crossfire with a rival gang. Would reincarnate to the body of a teenage boy with the same first name... but in a different timeline. Kyle would discover from his new memories that the original teenage Kyle had unintentionally involved himself with an influential ex mafia lord's daughter, Camilla--who wanted to follow the footsteps of her father, by unravelling the dark secrets behind the wielders of power, and slowly climbing to the top with the help of her fellow Runners--those who risked their life to scavenge for food and supply for the government stronghold... In the post-apocalyptic world. "To he who life is given... Death is a promise!" - Featuring for WPC Oct&Nov [Fantasy] 2023

AuthoRed_ · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Battling creeps

"The airdrops would be arriving in five minutes. You know rules, find the supply crate first... Then get back here as fast as you can, without getting bitten that is. Move out!"

Kyle now had a sheathed short-sword strapped vertically to his back, with it's hilt poking from his right shoulder, and a semi-automatic crossbow at hand. 

He wasn't paying attention to the announcement being made through the smart watch on all the present teenagers left wrist, as he was in a stare lock with Camilla--the leader of the small teenage gang he had just provoked.

Unlike her underlings, she wasn't giving Kyle hateful glares, but a calm scrutinizing gaze. Kyle on the other side, wasn't intimidated like the teenage Kyle would've, and stared back at her with a creepy smile.

He was pitying the small gang who wouldn't be returning to base after they stepped out... If they were to attack him that is, because he wasn't the type to go looking for trouble.

The wide steel door which led into the airtight hall suddenly slammed shut, and an unknown gray gas began permeating the hall as the wide black gate at one end of hall began elevating slowly, to reveal a typical waste land with grotesque figures staggering here and there.

/Whish! Whish! Whish!/

Everyone was shocked when a white haired boy suddenly ran out before the gate was fully opened, and began shooting at the grotesque zombies who had creepy wide jaws with jagged teeth.

They were even more shocked at seeing the boy not shooting twice at a creep, as all his bolts went through their skulls without a miss.


[You have leveled up!]



[You have leveled up!]

Kyle who had a wide grin plastered on his face, was intoxicated by the pop-up notifications piling up in his line of sight.

He had taken down six zombies which was the limit to his crossbow ammo, so he quickly dropped it to the dirt floor and pulled out his sword fearlessly.

Most people would've reloaded their crossbow rather than pulling out their sword to melee the zombies, but not the fearless Kyle.

He had been in countless crossfires and life-and-death situations back on earth. So it wouldn't be an understatement to say he wasn't scared of the creeps... The unevovled ones.

The nearest creep ran up to Kyle with a distorted roar, which was cut short by getting it's throat slit open and tripped by his foot, before getting the back of it's head impaled by his sword.

He crouched low to avoid the infected claw of another creep, then severed it's spinal cord from behind it's neck with his sword.

He suddenly got thrown to the ground by another which had jumped on him from behind, but quickly pulled out a hidden dagger from his shoulder pad, and drove it into its left ear before it could take a bite.

He tried to scramble to his feet when another jumped at him with its jaw wide open, so he quickly rolled to the side and kicked the head of yet another which had grabbed his foot.

'Shit! Shit! Shit!' Kyle thought to himself in panic, as he was getting overpowered for underestimating the unevovled creeps.

He quickly got to his feet and grabbed the leg of a creep which had tripped itself, and began spinning it around him, knocking down the ones that had surrounded him. He then flipped it away and quickly sprinted for his crossbow.

He had no time to reload as more creeps had gotten attracted by the sounds of his battle with their brethren, and his fellow Runners were still rooted to the spot staring at his little battle in awe. 

He quickly grabbed his crossbow and sprinted in the direction of the black gate where his fellow Runners were, while screaming loudly to grab all the surrounding creeps attention.

"This way MFs! Come have a piece of my friends too! They taste better than I do!" Kyle screamed out loudly, which shocked the Runners out of their dazed state.

The creeps who hadn't noticed the others in the black gate, all had a wide 'grin' plastered on their grotesque faces, as they sped to the black gates.

While the other creeps who were just arriving, ran after their brethren in the same direction.

Just as Kyle closed in on the black gate, he diverted and sprinted off in a direction, but got ignored by creeps as they had seen 'a bigger fish in the water'.

"Archers!!" Someone screamed out in panic from the crowd of Runners, and all those who were confident in their marksman skill moved to the front, while the melee based Runners moved to the back tactfully.

/Whish! Whish! Whish!/

Bolts and arrows began raining on the horde of the unevovled creeps, and their numbers began dwindling before they could close in on the Runners. 

Just as the teenagers were having fun riddling the creeps with their bolts and arrows, a Bomber--an evolved type of creep, which triggers itself and explodes on a target-- rounded a corner, and sprinted in their direction.

"Disband!!" Someone screamed out in panic from the crowd of Runners, and they quickly ran off in different directions, as fast as their stamina could endure.

The bomber which was a huge oversized man with grotesque glowing green skin, quickly caught up with a group of low leveled Runners, and exploded on them.

It's rotten green blood and grotesque guts splattered all over the place, and the unlucky Runners who were caught up in the area, screeched in horror as their skins sizzled and melted down to green pudding.

Some unlucky others who had their skin exposed to even as little as a drop of the bomber's rotten blood, cried out in panic.

While the braver once pulled out their daggers and quickly sliced off the part of their skin which had been corroded.

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