
The Teenage Detective

Ayi_King · Urban
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5 Chs

The murderer must be you!

Afterwards, Ye Yang went directly to the design company where Huang Fei worked. Since her body was only discovered around four or five in the morning, the news of her death had not yet reached the company, and her colleagues were unaware of the tragedy.

When they arrived at the company, Su Wanrong closely followed Ye Yang. His performance today had surprised her. In her mind, Ye Yang was not a playboy, but he had never shown such intelligence before. After careful consideration, Su Wanrong came to a conclusion: she had underestimated her son. The sudden occurrence of this torturous murder case could jeopardize her reputation, as well as the trust in Ye Zhengbang and the entire Ye family. That's why, despite not usually being involved in criminal investigations or security matters, Ye Yang was now taking a forefront position.

Su Wanrong looked up at Ye Yang with a face full of gratification.

Ye Yang pushed open the door of the design company where Huang Fei worked, and upon entering, it was exactly the start of the working hours. However, everyone sitting at their desks looked like they had not yet fully awakened.

When everyone saw Ye Yang, Su Wanrong, and the two security personnel, they were all filled with shock.

One person stood up, walked over with a smile, and asked, "Gentlemen from security, may I ask if there's anything you need?"

"We're here to inquire about Ms. Huang Fei, the manager here," Ye Yang spoke.

The person realized the situation and said, "Oh, you're looking for Manager Huang. Let me call her. She's always the first to arrive at the office, and she must be in her office now."

Ye Yang stopped the person, saying, "No need to find her. She's already dead."

The person, along with everyone in the company, stared wide-eyed and exclaimed, "What? Manager Huang is dead? How is that possible? She was perfectly fine yesterday!"

"Yes, how could that be? Manager Huang even stayed overtime last night, and her fiancé, Mr. Li, was with her all the time!"

"I can't believe Manager Huang is dead. Although she is usually strict, she is a really good person. Last year, my father got sick, and she lent me twenty thousand yuan to save his life!"

The whole company erupted in shock. The previously quiet atmosphere turned chaotic.

Ye Yang scanned the faces of everyone, and the security personnel behind him were worried about wasting time. One of them called out, "Everyone, please calm down. We are here to investigate the case. If anyone noticed anything unusual about Ms. Huang Fei these past few days or if she had any conflicts with someone in the company, please come forward."

"No need for that. Anyone who wasn't in the company these days, please step forward."

The security personnel had just spoken when Ye Yang intervened.

Whether it was the security personnel or Su Wanrong, they were all surprised by Ye Yang's request to inquire about those not in the company.

"Ye Yang, it's not that simple. The murderer left no traces at the scene, indicating a certain level of anti-investigation ability. How could he leave behind any suspicion of committing the crime?" Su Wanrong whispered.

Ye Yang didn't change his expression and just smiled, saying, "I was just speaking casually."

Su Wanrong felt that she was increasingly unable to understand Ye Yang. She couldn't distinguish which of his words were related to the case or not.

While the two were whispering, three people stepped forward.

One man and two women, all quite young.

All three had faces showing varying degrees of shock and sadness. One of the girls even had red eyes.

Ye Yang walked up to her, and just as he was about to speak, she couldn't hold back her tears.

"Impossible, how could Sister Fei be dead? She's such a good person; how could she die?" the girl said, crying uncontrollably.

Ye Yang handed her a tissue from a nearby table and asked, "Your relationship with Huang Fei must be very close, right?"

"I... I'm Manager Fei's assistant. I've been sick these past few days, and she insisted that I go home to rest. I just recovered a bit today and came to work, never expecting such a thing to happen!"

Ye Yang nodded slightly; he could tell the girl was indeed quite ill.

Continuing, Ye Yang moved to the next young man. The man took a deep breath and said, "I was on a business trip these past few days, and I just returned today."

"And you?" Ye Yang turned to the last girl.

This girl was somewhat special; Su Wanrong's gaze had been almost continuously fixed on her.

When the news of Huang Fei's death was announced, this girl's face showed a momentary expression of relief, albeit brief. Although it quickly disappeared, it couldn't escape the eyes of Su Wanrong, who had been communicating with the deceased for twenty years.

Her intuition told her that this girl must have some issues with Huang Fei.

At this moment, Ye Yang was also scrutinizing the pretty girl and asked, "And you, what was your reason?"

"I had some family matters, so I took a leave," she replied.

"For how many days?" Ye Yang inquired.

"One week," the girl answered.

Ye Yang nodded in realization and smiled, "A week's leave is not insignificant. Can you tell us if there was anything major happening in your hometown?"

"No, I just felt tired and wanted to rest for a while," the girl said.

Ye Yang hummed, then turned away, saying, "If someone has seven days to study another person's modus operandi, it should be enough. At least to imitate it by copying it. Right?"

Hearing Ye Yang's words, many people in the company were astonished. One of the deputy managers exclaimed. "

"Rest assured, you must be the murderer!" When Ye Yang's words came out, the entire office fell silent. Everyone stared blankly at him, including Wang Wei, whom he was holding.

Finally, someone reacted and exclaimed, "Mr. Security, are you making a mistake? How could Wang Wei possibly kill Manager Huang?"

"Mr. Security, you mentioned that Manager Huang's case is exactly the same as the serial torture and murder case from ten years ago. Doesn't that mean the murderer is the same as ten years ago? Besides, for someone to commit murder, there must be a motive. Wang Wei has no motive!"

"Yes, Wang Wei is scared even by a tiny bug. Moreover, Manager Huang often helps her. Last year, when Wang Wei lost some money due to greed, Manager Huang even helped her repay it!"

All the employees in the company couldn't believe that Wang Wei could be the murderer, and each one defended her.

However, at this moment, Ye Yang suddenly looked at the employee who mentioned Wang Wei losing money and asked, "What did you just say? Wang Wei lost money, and does she gamble?"

"Yes, Wang Wei is a good girl. She accidentally fell into the trap of online gambling and owes quite a bit of money. Last time, when someone came to collect the debt at the company, it was Manager Huang who helped her repay it," the person said in astonishment.

A cold smile appeared on Ye Yang's face, and he stared directly at Wang Wei, saying, "I really hope this isn't a story of the farmer and the snake. Take her to the hospital, and send a team to search Wang Wei's residence."

Wang Wei's complexion paled, and she exclaimed, "I just said I wanted to go with you to the hospital to see Sister Fei for the last time. Why are you treating me as the murderer? The Kyoto Security Bureau couldn't catch the murderer from ten years ago, and now he's committing crimes again. Why target me?"

"Hmm, you seem to have a deep understanding of the case from ten years ago!" Ye Yang's eyes were filled with a cold smile, catching the immediate attention of even Su Wanrong.

Wang Wei, as if sensing something, hurriedly said, "What I said has nothing to do with the topic. If you catch the murderer, how could he have killed Sister Fei when I was with you?"

"Oh, you're denying it, huh? Let me ask you, how did you get the calluses on your hands? These calluses aren't old; it means you've been doing manual labor recently. You're just an assistant to Huang Fei, and your work is all in the office. Does your company still need a female employee to move things?," Ye Yang's tone began to turn stern, and Wang Wei was about to speak, but Ye Yang didn't give her the chance.

"The new calluses on your hands make you a suspect. Furthermore, when we came in and said Huang Fei's death was exactly like the one ten years ago, your face suddenly relaxed. Especially when I targeted this female colleague, you showed joy. Your behavior aligns with a criminal's. You entered crying and grieving, a convincing act even for Su Wanrong."

However, Ye Yang wouldn't believe anyone easily. Emotions were the easiest thing to influence a person's judgment.

Wang Wei's expression suddenly became paler. She retorted, "I never had the emotions you mentioned. You just misunderstood!"

Ye Yang smiled strangely at her and said to the security personnel, "Call Li Hong and ask if he lent money to Wang Wei recently."

The remaining security personnel immediately picked up the phone and dialed Li Hong's number.

Inside the phone, Li Hong's voice still carried a tone of listlessness. He said, "Yes, half a month ago, Wang Wei asked about it. Later, she asked a few more times, but Huang Fei refused and said that if she couldn't control herself, she would have to resign from the company."

Listening to Li Hong's voice on the phone, Ye Yang calmly said, "Okay, thank you, Mr. Li, for providing us with this clue."

"What does this mean? Do you suspect that Wang Wei killed Huang Fei? Didn't you say that the murderer is the same person from ten years ago?" Li Hong's tone also carried a hint of shock.

"We have never publicly said that the murderer is the same person from ten years ago. We only mentioned the similarity in the cases.," Ye Yang said, and then his gaze was fixed on Wang Wei as he continued:

"May I understand that, after several unsuccessful attempts to borrow money, you harbored resentment towards Huang Fei? Moreover, when you found out that Huang Fei was considering firing you, you took the chance to strike?"

Wang Wei widened her eyes, and her lips trembled, unable to utter a complete sentence.

It took a few seconds before she finally managed to say, "Yes, I hated Huang Fei after she refused to lend me money several times. But later, I realized she was right not to lend me money. Even if she fired me, it would be justified. I interacted with her the most, so she expected a lot from me. Moreover, your evidence? Just based on these speculations, am I already the murderer?"

Speaking till this point, Wang Wei couldn't help but laugh softly.

"Don't worry, I think evidence will soon be found. In just a few hours, you probably haven't had time to destroy all the evidence, right?" Huang Fei died at 3:30 in the morning, and it was now around 8 or 9 in the morning. During this time, Wang Wei would have needed to do a lot to cover up all suspicions.

Because Ye Yang knew that Wang Wei, in her current sickly state, couldn't have killed Huang Fei, let alone mimic the binding of the victim from the murder case ten years ago.

Ye Yang looked at Wang Wei and said, "I don't think we need to go to the hospital. Let's go to your place. I'm sure the security over there has already found useful clues."

Wang Wei's cheek tightened slightly, a movement that made Ye Yang more certain. He ordered, "Take her away!"

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