
The Teenage Detective

Ayi_King · Urban
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5 Chs

I am back again!

"In the early morning, in the eastern city of Kyoto.

The sky had not yet brightened, but a scream shattered the hazy dawn.

"Someone's dead! Someone's dead!"

A female janitor stood by the cleaning car, looking at a corpse on the roadside, screaming in fear.

Ten minutes later, a police car roared to the scene. The chief of police, upon arriving, was visibly shocked.

A female corpse, bound by ropes, arched with the head down, buttocks raised. Completely naked, covered in bloody knife wounds.

However, strangely, apart from some bruises on the back, the back of the female corpse showed no signs of being touched by the blade. Instead, a few words were left there, and it was these words that caused an old police chief on the scene to suddenly change his expression.

"I've come back!"

As the day broke, the Ye family in Kyoto.

Ye Yang got up early, washed up, and yawning, went downstairs. The family's housekeeper, Wang Mama, had already prepared a sumptuous breakfast.

Seeing him coming downstairs, Wang Mama grinned and said, "Young Master, you're awake. Hurry up and have breakfast! Madam insisted that I supervise you to eat breakfast every day."

Ye Yang nodded with a smile, sat at the dining table, and quietly began eating.

It had been exactly one month since he arrived in this family. No one in the Ye family suspected anything. The original young master was long gone, and now it was Ye Yang.

And he, just a month ago, became a wanted criminal on Earth.

Looking at the quiet Ye Yang eating, Wang Mama's smile couldn't help but brighten.

After finishing the meal, he looked up at Wang Mama and asked, "By the way, where are my parents? Have they gone to work?"

"Mr. Ye and Madam went to work before dawn. There seems to be a major case. They looked quite anxious when they left."

After hearing this, Ye Yang nodded again. His father, Ye Zhengbang, was the head of the entire security system. His mother was a globally renowned forensic expert!

Whenever he thought of his father and mother's identities, Ye Yang couldn't help but smile bitterly.

In his previous life, he was listed as one of the most dangerous criminals globally. But now, his father was the head of security, and his mother was a forensic expert.

Not only that, his grandfather turned out to be the chief of the Kyoto Military Academy, and his grandmother was also a criminal investigation expert.

In simple terms, this globally wanted criminal was reborn into a family of military and police, and almost everyone in the family excelled in their respective fields.

Ye Yang couldn't help but frown and put down the chopsticks. He was about to take a walk in the yard.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he reached the door, his mother, Su Wanrong, hurriedly walked in.

Seeing Ye Yang in front of her, Su Wanrong subconsciously glanced at the breakfast table, then smiled satisfactorily and said, "Not bad, not bad, Ye Yang, you finally changed those bad habits. Come, let Mom give you a reward."

Upon hearing the word 'reward,' Ye Yang naturally moved closer.

Unexpectedly, his mother's so-called reward was to pinch his face with her hands and twist it a few times.

Ye Yang, feeling awkward, exclaimed, "Mom, your rewards are really bizarre!"

"Haha, Mom doesn't have time to prepare gifts for you now. Just owe it for a while. A major case appeared in Kyoto, and I have to go back soon."

Su Wanrong laughed and said, then hurriedly turned to go upstairs.

However, in her haste, the files in her hand accidentally fell to the ground.

Ye Yang walked over, and while picking up the documents, he scolded his mother, "No wonder Dad said you becoming a forensic expert is the biggest miracle in the world. Look... this carelessness is exactly as Dad described!"

Su Wanrong blushed deeply, annoyed, "You brat, dare to make fun of even me? Forget it, there's not much time left, I have to go back."

After saying that, Su Wanrong didn't say much. However, Ye Yang grabbed her wrist, and with a furrowed brow, said, "Mom, this case is not simple."

When Ye Yang picked up the documents, he unexpectedly saw a photo of the crime scene.

Su Wanrong, a little surprised, looked at him and asked, "What do you know? Hurry up and do your own thing. In a few days, school will start, and you should review your lessons!"

If Su Wanrong hadn't reminded him, Ye Yang would have forgotten that he was just a seventeen-year-old high school student. In the second half of the year, he would be in the third year of high school.

However, Ye Yang's attention was still on the photo. After looking at it carefully, he said, "This killer is a bit twisted. The person died head down to the ground. The victim's head did touch the ground, but even after death, a knife was still used to leave multiple wounds on the body. Especially in the front, almost every stab was like thrusting in and then pulling out. The grudge seems deep!"

At first, Su Wanrong listened seriously, but when she heard the last part, she shook her head with a wry smile, "You don't understand this. This killer... ah."

"This killer in Mom's heart is a habitual offender, right? Going upstairs should be to get information about the serial murders ten years ago."

As soon as Ye Yang finished speaking, Su Wanrong widened her eyes and asked, "How do you know?"

"Mom, your study has always been organizing various cases. Among them, the serial murders ten years ago are a thorn in your and Dad's hearts. The tragic condition of this female corpse and the way you hurried upstairs, it's not hard to guess that you were going to get information."

Ye Yang replied.

Su Wanrong nodded heavily, "That's right, that's right. You even have such delicate thoughts. Now, say, why do you think the killer has a grudge against this woman? According to your statement, it shouldn't exclude the suspicion of the killer ten years ago, right?"

"I never said that this case is not the work of the killer from ten years ago. Maybe he does have a grudge with this woman."

Ye Yang smiled and didn't say more. Su Wanrong looked at his retreating figure, suddenly had a thought in her heart.

She walked over, grabbed Ye Yang's wrist, and with a smile, said, "Ye Yang, Mom has something to ask for your help."

Ye Yang turned around, "What's the matter?"

"Come, go with me to the hospital, for a post-mortem examination!

As soon as they arrived at the hospital, Su Wanrong pulled Ye Yang all the way, but just as they reached the entrance, they were surrounded by a group of reporters with various cameras and microphones.

"It's Professor Su!"

"Professor Su, do you really think the perpetrator of this heinous murder is the same person from the serial torture-murder case ten years ago?"

"Professor Su, after ten years, a similar murder case has occurred again. As the primary forensic expert back then who couldn't find any clues, do you have anything to say?"

"Professor Su, with this case reappearing, do you have confidence in finding relevant clues to help solve this major case for law enforcement? If unsuccessful, will it cause public panic and a crisis of trust in the law enforcement system, just like ten years ago?"

Surrounded by a barrage of questions from the reporters, Su Wanrong's eyebrows furrowed slightly. The reporters were right. Since becoming a forensic expert, she had always provided crucial evidence even though she wasn't the primary investigator. However, there was a stain on her forensic career—she had been clueless in the notorious serial torture-murder case ten years ago.

As the reporters continued to press her with questions, Su Wanrong was about to respond when a hand reached out from behind her and pushed away one of the cameras. It was Ye Yang. He walked to the front, pushing aside anyone in his way.

"In front of a murder case, reporting comes later. Just so you know, every second you waste here could allow the criminal to escape. Clear the way!"

With a cold expression on his face, Ye Yang led Su Wanrong forward. The onlookers scolded the reporters, understanding the urgency of the situation.

Ye Yang and Su Wanrong arrived at the entrance of the hospital's morgue. Su Wanrong was particularly pleased with Ye Yang's performance.

"Young brat, I didn't expect you to protect me so soon. I thought I'd have to protect you until you get married and have a wife."

Rolling his eyes, Ye Yang replied, "Mom, I believe there are many people waiting to see jokes about you and dad. When dad almost missed the position of Chief of Public Security because of that case, it was here in Kyoto, the capital of the East. If another serial murder happens, our family will be the first target!"

Su Wanrong's expression turned serious, and she nodded silently. They entered the morgue together.

Inside, there were several law enforcement and forensic personnel documenting information about the corpse. When they saw Su Wanrong and Ye Yang, they approached.

"Professor Su, you're here."

"Hey, even Ye Young Master is here!"

Others were surprised to see Ye Yang, but he just nodded and walked to the side of the female corpse.

Su Wanrong's expression became worried. "Young brat, you shouldn't force yourself. It might be uncomfortable for you to deal with a corpse for the first time."

Ignoring her concern, Ye Yang, wearing gloves, pinched one of the knife wounds on the female corpse. Everyone was astonished as Ye Yang, who had never dealt with a corpse before, seemed to be personally conducting a forensic examination.

"Ye Yang, don't pretend to be strong. It might make you uncomfortable since you've never dealt with corpses before," Su Wanrong expressed her concern.

At this point, a forensic expert who worked under Su Wanrong stepped forward, smiling. "Young Master Ye, the body has already been examined."

Ignoring them, Ye Yang continued. "The time of death should be between 3:30 and 4:00 in the morning. The fatal blow was at the throat, and the weapon used was a dagger about thirteen centimeters long and two centimeters wide. The dagger is not very sharp, probably due to frequent use. Therefore, the wounds show signs of tearing. The stabs in vital areas like the heart, neck, and abdomen are nearly fatal. After that, there are chaotic slashes, becoming shallower towards the legs."

When Ye Yang finished speaking, he turned around. Everyone was staring at him in disbelief. Smiling lightly, Ye Yang walked to Su Wanrong and asked, "Mom, what's wrong with you all?"

Su Wanrong rubbed Ye Yang's face vigorously and exclaimed, "This can't be right. My Ye Yang shouldn't be this clever. How could you observe and analyze the victim's injuries within a few seconds, and without any mistakes?"

Ye Yang rolled his eyes again, feeling speechless. "If I'm not Ye Yang, who am I?"

"This is impossible. My Ye Yang is supposed to be clumsy. How can you analyze the victim's injuries so quickly without any mistakes?" Su Wanrong continued to express her disbelief.

Ye Yang didn't say much and turned to the old law enforcement officer. "Zhang, please gather everyone related to the deceased to come and take a look at the body. Consider it paying their respects."

Taking a deep breath, Zhang, the law enforcement officer, nodded solemnly. "Alright, I'll arrange it."

The crowd was silent as they watched Ye Yang's unexpected performance.

After Zhang Zhi'an left, Ye Yang also left for a while.

Once outside, the forensic experts and law enforcement officers inside the morgue began discussing.

"Young Master Ye is indeed someone who grew up in a prominent family. The forensic skills he displayed just now are truly admirable!"

"So amazing! Apart from Professor Su and Senior Chen Feng, I've never encountered anyone who, with just a few seconds of observation, can identify the murder weapon, fatal injuries, and time of death!"

"Professor Su, your son is a genius!"

Although it was inappropriate to smile in front of a deceased person, Su Wanrong, who was accustomed to death, felt immensely proud at that moment. Every mother wishes for their child to be outstanding.

Responding with a smile, she soon brought everyone related to the deceased in as Zhang Zhi'an had arranged. The two close friends and the fiancé entered the morgue and, upon seeing Huang Fei's body, burst into tears.

Especially Huang Fei's boyfriend, who eventually collapsed on the floor like a soulless shell. Ye Yang had been observing the three of them from outside the morgue and entered when the emotional scene unfolded.

Su Wanrong knew Ye Yang's purpose and asked in a low voice, "Do you firmly believe that the perpetrator of this case is unrelated to the one ten years ago?"

"Of course not. The most suspicious person is undoubtedly the perpetrator of the serial torture-murder case ten years ago. However, anyone related to the deceased is also a suspect."

After saying this, Ye Yang walked up to the three individuals. Staring directly at Huang Fei's boyfriend, he asked, "How many years have you known each other?"

The man was slow to react, looking up at Ye Yang. Seeing that he was just a teenager, he lowered his head again. Ye Yang shrugged and asked the two girls, "And you, how long have you known her?"

"We've known Huang Fei for four or five years. We used to live together. Later, Huang Fei and Li Hong were about to get married, so we separated."

"I really didn't expect something like this to happen to Sister Huang Fei. Who could be so heartless?"

"It's my fault. I should have been with her last night. Why did I leave? If I had stayed with her from work to home, this wouldn't have happened!"

Li Hong, Huang Fei's boyfriend, finally spoke, but his voice was trembling. After listening, Ye Yang stood up and said, "Zhang Zhi'an, let them go rest."

"I'm not leaving. I want to stay with Feifei. We decided to get married on November 11th. It's only been two or three months. Why did this happen!"

Li Hong shouted hysterically, and the law enforcement officers sighed. Even Su Wanrong, who was used to scenes of life and death, sighed and said, "What a pity."

Ye Yang calmly observed everything. He had orchestrated numerous cases, leading to a global warrant for his arrest. As a former crime king, no one understood the psychology of criminals better than him.

What the eyes see may be true, but it may also be false!

Ye Yang signaled to the law enforcement officers, and they escorted Li Hong and Huang Fei's friends away.

Su Wanrong approached him and asked, "Ye Yang, did you sense anything?"

Without saying a word, Ye Yang took out the set of crime scene photos from Su Wanrong's file again.

The photos were clear from every angle.

Ye Yang spread out the entire set of photos in order. After staring at them for two minutes, he said, "I can be sure that this case is different from the serial case ten years ago."

This statement shocked Su Wanrong and the law enforcement officers again.

"Young Master Ye, whether it's the method or the cruelty of the crime, this murder case is identical to the one ten years ago!"

"Yes, and the back of the female corpse still has the words 'I'm back.' The original murderer left similarly arrogant marks with '9-1' and '9-2' numbers. The only difference is that this time, it's words instead of numbers!"

Ten years ago, in the serial torture-murder case, each victim was female and bound in a bizarre posture with the head pointing down and buttocks raised.

Moreover, each victim's back bore a mark. In the case ten years ago, it was numbers '9-1' and '9-2' for each victim.

After '9-9,' the perpetrator stopped killing.

Listening to the objections from the law enforcement officers, Ye Yang sneered, "Are you sure the degree of cruelty in this case is the same as before? At least five vital areas on Huang Fei's body were penetrated by the entire blade, but this wasn't the case ten years ago!"

"Ten years ago, the stab wounds on the victims' bodies were random. But the depth of each stab was almost the same, just piercing the flesh! This indicates that the perpetrator ten years ago was very clever or was simply playing games with you law enforcement officers and even forensic experts. The current one is just imitating without understanding."

While speaking, Ye Yang took out an old photo from Su Wanrong's file.

The photo showed the back of one of the victims, and Ye Yang pointed at the wrist where the victim was bound. "I won't accompany you to find faults anymore."

Ye Yang finished speaking and walked out. Su Wanrong asked, "Ye Yang, where are you going?"

Turning around, Ye Yang grinned. "I probably know where to find the murderer!"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Ayi_Kingcreators' thoughts