
The teach magician

In the Rose empire,a empire conquerors and the largest empire and being the largest they are known for there magic. Alex is a 16 year old boy who want to become a magician.But unfortunately he doesn't have magic.So he so finds a new way of magic and this new magic is called teach. Update: Monday start updating in :1 July 2024

Shawn_anilee · Fantasy
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4 Chs

What even is new magic?

So Alex and Bella open the magic book.Alex was didn't understand what was in the book.He looked at Bella .She looked like she was reading the book but Alex didn't understand what was on the book.

"What?"asked Bella as she looks at Alex with her left eyebrow raised.

"How are you able to read this ?"asked Alex.A person learns to read when he or she is adapted to a magic school because what the point for a with no magic to have to learn how to read when they are never going to use it when farming and take care of there Lord and his family.

"Oh,I forgot most of you can't read..."said Bella then became quite and looked around after that she looked at Alex "Ok,I will read out loud for you"

and then she cleared her throat and said "First is that magic is not called magic but Wen so from now on call it that.Now in Wen the way to be able to use it by taking your life source.Life source is the things that make a human be able to live meaning water and food have life source in it so when you drink or eat it you will have it life source .But oxygen doesn't have life source it so no matter how much oxygen you breathe in will not get any life source.Water needs to be awakened from a person to get life source out of it.Awakened is when you blast something release the life source in it.Food doesn't need to be awakened because it life source is released when it is cooked.Life source can be made in to Wen by using a objects called En to change life source in to Wen...."and then Bella stopped because someone was at knocking the door.She stood up with a confused face and want to the door.

"Maybe it your mother or father"said Alex

"It can't be them "said Bella

Alex could see that may be true because Alex didn't want to say it but this house is dirty like really dirty.It got things that came in a pairs but she has only one .He and Balle were sitting at the floor when she was explaining Wen. While Alex was busy not minding his business Bella pulled Alex and the book and running to the back window.But then





"Where are you going baby girl"said a woman with black hair and dark purple eyes.Alex didn't know what was going on but could see that this woman was dangerous so he took the chair . Want to throw the chair but she cut it in half .When that Balle pulled Alex again....

"Ekat"said the woman





When he opened his eyes,he saw Balle lying down .

"Looks like she is a sleep but where are we?"thorough Alex

To be continued.....