
The teach magician

In the Rose empire,a empire conquerors and the largest empire and being the largest they are known for there magic. Alex is a 16 year old boy who want to become a magician.But unfortunately he doesn't have magic.So he so finds a new way of magic and this new magic is called teach. Update: Monday start updating in :1 July 2024

Shawn_anilee · Fantasy
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4 Chs

It was all a dream

It was a dark room that had one chair and a book, and this room was in a stone house. In this dark room sleeps a boy named Alex who was covered by the moon light of his face because that the way he likes to sleep for a some reason no one knows why, even he doesn't know.

Then the door was opened coming with it was light, and the light woke up Alex. Then came in a woman with black hair and that woman was Alex's mom came in the room. The moment her mother comes in Alex covers himself with the sheet well sleepy on the floor

"Come on, Alex at least say goodbye"said Alex's mom, but Alex didn't answer back.


"Alex, I talking to you"said Alex's mom

But Alex was quite." I thought raised a one girl and one boy but looks like I raised two girls "said Alex's mother with a small smile on her yellowish and brown face and holds her smooth hair, but Alex was quiet.


This made her mother becomes more angered "Alex!"shouted Alex's mother. Alex come out of the sheet and looks at his mother who was at the back." Why must very one leave me"said Alex as he looks at his mother with tears on her face. Then Alex's mother cams down and came closer to Alex who is going backwards every time his mother took a step towards him. As Alex moves away from the moon light coming from the one window, his sister made by breaking the top of the left wall because there was this one time Alex got lost. So his mother said that his sister must stay at home because she didn't want two of her kids to get lost, so his sister want to their room and destroyed the wall to escape but because she was still a kid meaning she only made a small hole, but luckily she was really short like she was so short she looked like 10 when she was 16 years old. So she wants to the one person she knew Alex was and .

"That was where the sand was not welcomed like everywhere, but planet were welcomed and where there is a hill get was king of all the hills in village and to show that it was all green with water fall on it like the king getting bath, where a white flower with golden tears all over it and those flowers where inside a hole and where I found a boy sitting there as the moon light shines on the golden tears and shines on the boys face making him shine even more, but this boy should have been crying because he was all alone, but he wasn't.....but why is this boy now crying"said Alex's sister as she comes in the room put her hand on the ground and light comes out of the ground.

"Maybe the boy didn't cry because of gift of the hill "said Alex's sister as a sudden blast of light showers the room and Alex looks up. As it light covers the all room Alex see something in the light something he didn't know, but he knows something he wanted it in his hand. And sees his sister with the small red glass golden tears flower.

"This is my goodbye gift for you, sorry that is glass instead of a really flowers "said Alex's sister and becomes quiet and looks down it looked as if she was about to cry and then quickly looks up and says"Next time, I will make a golden tears flower, and it will be the most beautiful

And then Alex's sister made a smile Alex was used to see on her face and that smile was like it was a frown trying to become a smile. Everyone was quiet and were looking at Alex, it becomes so quiet that they could hear small spirits talking around them. Alax was still thinking about that thing, it continued to play on his head again and again

"Alex!!"shouted Alex's mother and pulled Alex back and forth. Making Alex wake up from his opened eyes dream.

"Want to be a magician"shouted Alex with a huge smile on his face and stockings the two.

"So instead of wanting to make you a flower hahaha... you want to make it your self, you're interesting one brother "said his sister as she rolls around the floor

"Come on, let go "said his mother

Alex stood up and want outside....

When Alex wake up he found himself in a big dark room with mud in it, and he felt wet. He stood up and looked around and saw Baller and other people watching him.

"So that was a dream. I still in jail"said Alex tries to make sense of everything.

Alex and Baller were taken to prison of steeling a magic book that was owned by their lord.

"Wake up, the Lord wants to see you"said a guard