
The Tangled Ties of Tollygunge

A murder novel written in my off time as student.

Somnath_Meikap · Fantasy
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74 Chs

Chapter 36

The night of the full moon draped Tollygunge in an eerie luminescence. Tara, Maya, and Inspector Khanna, disguised in worn cloaks and shadows, crouched behind a stack of crates in the cavernous interior of the abandoned warehouse. The air hung heavy with the smell of dust and decay, broken only by the rhythmic dripping of water from a leaky pipe.


A low chanting emanated from a makeshift altar at the far end of the warehouse. Hooded figures swayed in unison, their voices weaving a discordant melody that sent shivers down Tara's spine. In the flickering torchlight, she glimpsed the stolen artifacts arranged around a large, ornately carved stone disc.

Professor Ghosh's words echoed in her mind: "a convergence… a point of immense potential energy." Her gaze darted towards the disc, a strange sense of foreboding washing over her. This wasn't just a ritual; it felt like a conduit, a gateway to something far more potent.

As the chanting reached a crescendo, the leader of the Order, their identity still shrouded by a dark cowl, stepped forward. In their hand, they held a shard of obsidian, its surface reflecting the flickering flames with an unnatural gleam.

"Tonight," the leader boomed, their voice distorted by a voice modulator, "we unlock the forgotten power! Tonight, Tollygunge bends to our will!"

A surge of energy crackled through the air, emanating from the artifacts and amplifying with each syllable of the ritual chant. The warehouse floor trembled, and dust rained down from the rafters. Tara watched in horror as the obsidian shard, held aloft by the leader, pulsed with a malevolent light.

Suddenly, Maya gasped, clutching her head. "It's… it's in my mind," she stammered, her voice laced with pain. "Images… whispers… they're trying to control me!"

Panic flared in Tara's chest. The Order wasn't just manipulating the city's energy; they were trying to infiltrate the minds of its citizens, to bend them to their will. This wasn't just about domination; it was about erasing free will, turning Tollygunge into a city of mindless puppets.

Adrenaline surged through Tara. They couldn't stand by and watch. With a desperate cry, she lunged out of hiding, Maya and Inspector Khanna close behind. The warehouse erupted in chaos as the disguised figures of the Center clashed with the cloaked members of the Order.

The fight was brutal and disorienting. The Order, fueled by their fanaticism, fought with a ferocity that bordered on madness. But Tara, fueled by a desire to protect her city and her friends, fought back with a ferocity of her own.

In the midst of the chaos, Tara's gaze fell back on the obsidian shard. It pulsed with an ever-growing intensity, threatening to unleash its corrupting influence. She knew they had to stop the ritual before it was too late.

With a surge of determination, she launched herself towards the altar, dodging flailing limbs and desperate attacks. Just as she reached the obsidian shard, the leader of the Order whipped around, their eyes burning with a cold fury.

"You dare interfere!" they snarled, their voice a distorted rasp.

A surge of energy erupted from the shard, a wave of pure malice aimed directly at Tara. But something unexpected happened. The melody from her locket, the one passed down through generations, flared to life, its vibrant notes clashing with the Order's discordant chant.

The warehouse filled with a cacophony of sound. The leader faltered, the obsidian shard trembling in their grasp. The corrupting energy wavered, its hold on the minds of those present weakening.

In that moment of disorientation, Tara seized her opportunity. With a cry, she lunged forward and knocked the shard from the leader's hand. It clattered to the ground, shattering into a dozen pieces.

The effect was immediate. The chanting ceased abruptly, replaced by stunned silence. The warehouse plunged back into darkness, the only sound the ragged gasps of those caught in the struggle.

As Tara surveyed the scene, her heart pounded in her chest. The ritual was broken, the Order's hold on the city severed, at least for now. But the victory felt fragile. The leader of the Order, their cowl knocked askew, glared at her with a mixture of hatred and grudging respect.

"This isn't over," they rasped, their voice laced with a chilling promise. "The melody you wield… it is a powerful counterpoint. But the symphony is far from finished."

With that, they melted back into the shadows, their remaining followers scattering into the night. Tara stood amidst the wreckage of the ritual, the weight of the leader's words heavy on her heart. They had won a battle