
The Tangled Ties of Tollygunge

A murder novel written in my off time as student.

Somnath_Meikap · Fantasy
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74 Chs

Chapter 35

The revelation of the stolen artifacts' true purpose cast a long shadow over the investigation. The Order of the Silent Hand, once a shadowy organization, now loomed as a terrifying entity wielding the power of forgotten rituals. Deciphering their motives became paramount.


Professor Ghosh, ever the scholar, delved into dusty historical records. Days turned into weeks as he scoured forgotten archives and translated ancient texts. Finally, a breakthrough arrived.

"I think I've found something," he announced, his voice hoarse with excitement. He gestured towards a stack of translated documents spread across his desk. "These are fragmented accounts, whispers from the past, but they paint a disturbing picture."

Tara and Inspector Khanna leaned closer, their gazes drawn to the professor's trembling finger tracing lines on a weathered parchment.

"The Order," Professor Ghosh began, "seems to be an offshoot of an ancient cult. They worshipped forgotten deities, believed in harnessing their power through elaborate rituals."

"What kind of power?" Inspector Khanna asked, his brow furrowed.

"Control," the professor replied. "The ability to influence minds, manipulate events… to rewrite the very fabric of reality."

A cold dread settled in Tara's stomach. The Order's fanaticism, their ruthless pursuit of the artifacts – it all made a horrifying kind of sense now. They weren't just protecting secrets; they were aiming for domination.

"But why Tollygunge?" Tara questioned. "Why target this city?"

Professor Ghosh shook his head. "That's unclear. The texts mention a convergence, a point of immense potential energy within the city. Perhaps the Order believes performing the ritual here will amplify its effects."

A shiver ran down Tara's spine. Tollygunge, the city of music, the city of vibrant life – it was all at stake. But the question remained: how did the Order operate? Who were these silent figures lurking in the shadows?

Determined to find answers, Tara and Maya decided to delve into the city's underbelly, hoping to find someone with knowledge of the Order's inner workings. They ventured into dimly lit taverns and bustling marketplaces, their ears pricked for whispers, their eyes scanning faces for a flicker of recognition.

Their efforts were met with dead ends and wary glances. The Order, it seemed, operated in absolute secrecy, their members bound by a vow of silence as chilling as their name.

Just as frustration began to set in, a chance encounter offered a glimmer of hope. In a smoky tavern frequented by petty criminals and street informants, they met a weathered old man with a keen eye and an even sharper tongue. He called himself "The Jackal," a man who knew the price of every secret and the value of a good story.

The Jackal listened intently to their tale, his face a mask of neutrality. Finally, after a long pause, he spoke.

"The Silent Hand," he rasped, his voice raspy with age and cynicism. "They operate in the shadows, recruit the desperate, the disillusioned. They promise power, a chance to rewrite their destinies."

"How do we find them?" Maya pressed, a flicker of urgency in her voice.

The Jackal steepled his fingers, his gaze calculating. "There's a place," he said, his voice barely a whisper. "An abandoned warehouse by the docks. They gather there on nights of the full moon. But be warned, child, venturing into their den is no stroll through the park."

A wave of trepidation washed over Tara, but it was quickly replaced by a steely resolve. The fight for Tollygunge had taken them down a dark path, but they were closer to the Order's secrets than ever before. Infiltrating their gathering, facing them head-on, might be their only chance to understand their plans and stop them before the melody of their twisted symphony drowned out the city's vibrant song.