
The Tangled Ties of Tollygunge

A murder novel written in my off time as student.

Somnath_Meikap · Fantasy
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74 Chs

Chapter 32

The cavernous chamber echoed with the ragged breaths of the group. Tara, her body aching from the fight, glared at the imposing figure cloaked in darkness. The leader of the Order of the Silent Hand exuded an aura of power that sent shivers down her spine.


Suddenly, Maya, ever alert, gasped. Rohan, his face contorted in pain, clutched his arm, a crimson stain blooming on his sleeve. He had been grazed by a dagger during the scuffle, a silent testament to the brutality of their attackers.

Fury surged through Tara. These weren't mere pawns; they were indoctrinated fanatics willing to inflict violence to protect the Order's secrets. But giving in to fear wasn't an option. They had come too far to turn back now.

"We won't be intimidated," she declared, her voice ringing with defiance. "We know about your stolen artifacts, your manipulation of Tollygunge. The truth will be exposed."

The Order's leader remained silent, their hooded face an unreadable mask. Then, in a swift movement, they raised a hand, gesturing towards a concealed passageway behind them. A hidden compartment within the wall slid open, revealing a glimpse of an expansive network of tunnels snaking deeper into the depths of the observatory.

Before Tara could decipher their intentions, a guttural roar erupted from the cloaked figure. They lunged towards Professor Ghosh, their dagger aimed for his heart. With a desperate cry, Tara threw herself in front of the professor, taking the brunt of the blow.

A searing pain erupted in her shoulder as the dagger plunged into her flesh. A gasp escaped her lips, and she stumbled back, her vision blurring around the edges. Panic threatened to engulf her, but the sight of Maya and Rohan rallying to her side, their faces etched with concern, spurred her on.

"Get help!" Maya screamed, her voice laced with desperation. "We need the police!"

As if awakened by her cry, the air outside the chamber filled with the wail of sirens, growing closer by the second. The Order's leader, their movements betraying a flicker of surprise, hesitated for a moment. Then, with a final glare at the injured Tara, they retreated into the hidden passage, vanishing from sight.

The remaining members of the Order, their leader gone, seemed to lose their fervor. Seeing the approaching police lights filtering through the hidden entrance, they scattered like cockroaches into the darkness of the underground tunnels.

Within minutes, the chamber was swarmed by Inspector Khanna and his team, alerted by Maya's desperate call. The sight of Tara, wounded but defiant, sent a wave of relief washing over the inspector's face. Medics quickly attended to her and Rohan, their injuries thankfully not life-threatening.

The fight within the Order's lair had been brutal, a stark reminder of the lengths to which they would go to protect their secrets. But amidst the chaos, the melody of their fight against corruption had reached a turning point. The police, finally aware of the Order's existence, were now invested in dismantling their web of deceit.

As Tara was loaded into the ambulance, her gaze drifted towards the hidden passage, a gateway to the Order's deepest secrets. The stolen artifacts, the leader's hidden network of tunnels, were clues waiting to be unraveled. The fight for Tollygunge's future was far from over, but with the police on their side, the Center's melody of justice had gained a powerful new instrument. The city's tangled ties remained, but with each step, each revelation, they were coming closer to untangling the web and exposing the truth lurking in the shadows.