
The Tangled Ties of Tollygunge

A murder novel written in my off time as student.

Somnath_Meikap · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
74 Chs

Chapter 31

The discovery of the stolen artifacts sent a tremor of fear through the group. But Tara, her eyes hardening with resolve, knew they couldn't back down. "We came here for a reason," she declared, her voice echoing in the vast observatory. "The Order may know we're here, but they underestimate us."


Professor Ghosh, his initial shock giving way to determination, adjusted his backpack. "We need to find a way deeper," he said, his gaze sweeping the room. "There has to be another entrance, another passage mentioned in Dhritiman's notes."

Rohan, his usual playful demeanor replaced by a newfound seriousness, scanned the walls with his flashlight. "Look!" he exclaimed, pointing towards a seemingly unremarkable astronomical chart. Upon closer inspection, they noticed a faint outline – a hidden doorway disguised as part of the celestial map.

With a collective push, the section of the wall swung open, revealing a narrow passage shrouded in darkness. Taking a deep breath, Tara led the way, her senses on high alert. The passage sloped downwards, the air thick with dust and the smell of damp earth. After what felt like an eternity, they emerged into a dimly lit chamber.

The chamber was unlike anything they had seen before. Ancient scrolls lined the walls, their leather bindings crackling with age. In the center stood a large stone table, adorned with strange symbols that mirrored the code Dhritiman had documented. As they entered, a sudden shift echoed in the room. A hidden panel in the wall slid open, revealing a group of figures clad in dark hooded robes, their faces obscured by shadows.

"Intruders," a raspy voice boomed from within the group. "You have trespassed on forbidden grounds."

Tara stood her ground, her voice unwavering. "We are here to expose the truth about the Order of the Silent Hand. We know about your stolen artifacts, your manipulation of the city."

A tense silence followed, broken only by the ragged breaths of the group. Then, with a swift movement, the figures lunged forward, their movements practiced and ruthless.

A chaotic fight erupted in the chamber. Rohan, surprisingly agile, dodged a blow aimed at his head, retaliating with a well-placed kick. Maya, ever resourceful, used her flashlight as a makeshift weapon, blinding one of the attackers momentarily. Professor Ghosh, surprisingly spry for his age, fended off another with a rolled-up scroll.

Tara grappled with the leader, a towering figure wielding a wicked-looking dagger. They danced around the stone table, their movements a blur of adrenaline and fear. Tara, drawing on years of self-defense training learned at the Center, managed to disarm the leader, sending the dagger clattering across the floor.

Just as they gained the upper hand, a hidden trapdoor in the ceiling burst open. Another figure, cloaked in a dark robe, descended, their eyes blazing with fury. This was no ordinary member of the Order; an aura of power emanated from them.

"Enough!" the figure roared, their voice echoing through the chamber. The remaining attackers backed down, their faces filled with a mixture of fear and reverence.

The fight may have stopped, but the tension remained thicker than ever. Tara and her team, battered but not broken, stood defiant against the Order's leader. The melody of their fight, momentarily drowned out by the clash of bodies, had reached a crescendo, a desperate plea for justice in the heart of the Order's lair. The stolen artifacts and the leader's sudden appearance hinted at a much larger plot, a secret the Order desperately wanted to protect. The fight for Tollygunge's future had taken a dramatic turn, leading them face-to-face with the very core of the city's tangled web of corruption.