
The Tangled Ties of Tollygunge

A murder novel written in my off time as student.

Somnath_Meikap · Fantasy
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74 Chs

Chapter 24

## The Tangled Ties of Tollygunge (Echoes of the Past)

The abandoned printing press loomed before Tara, its cavernous interior swallowed by darkness. Moonlight cast long, menacing shadows across the derelict machinery, creating an atmosphere of suspense. Vikram's message, scrawled on that worn paper, echoed in her mind – "They're planning something big." Was this a trap, or a desperate plea for help?

Taking a deep breath, Tara signaled to her team – Maya, ever-present with her camera, Inspector Khanna with a steely resolve in his eyes, and a few trusted students who had become Tara's unlikely warriors. Together, they stepped into the inky blackness, the silence broken only by the crunch of their footsteps on the dusty floor.

A faint sound, a rhythmic click-clack, drifted from deeper within the building. Following the sound, they emerged into a large hall, its walls adorned with faded posters and dusty printing presses. In the center, bathed in the harsh glare of a single overhead light, stood a group of figures shrouded in darkness.

As their eyes adjusted, Tara recognized them – prominent members of the city council, businessmen she knew by face, and even a few familiar faces from the Center's past, a bitter pang of betrayal twisting in her gut. At the center of the group stood a man with a cruel glint in his eyes – Edgar Singh, a ruthless businessman known for his cutthroat tactics and suspected ties to the Guardians.

"Tara Chowdhury," Edgar sneered, his voice dripping with disdain. "We've been expecting you."

Tara stood tall, her voice unwavering. "Vikram sent me. What are you planning?"

Edgar's smile widened, devoid of warmth. "Ah, Vikram. A weak link in our chain. He saw the error of his ways and decided to help us restore order."

A flicker of movement caught Tara's eye. In a shadowy corner, huddled behind a towering press, she saw a figure – Vikram, his face pale and drawn, a glint of fear in his eyes.

Suddenly, a memory from a dusty photo album resurfaced in Tara's mind – a younger Dhritiman, his arm slung around a young Priya, their faces beaming with joy. Beside them stood Vikram's father, Ashok Mehta, a hint of unease lurking in his gaze. It was the day the Center's foundation stone was laid, a symbol of hope and progress.

The memory sparked a horrifying realization. Vikram wasn't a traitor, he was a pawn. The Guardians, unable to silence Tara directly, had used Vikram, his loyalty to his father twisted against him, to lure them into a trap.

"This is about more than just me, isn't it?" Tara challenged, her voice ringing through the hall. "You're afraid of the truth, afraid the Center's message of justice and equality will expose your web of corruption."

Edgar's smile faltered for a moment, then hardened. "Silence! There's no room for dissent in this city. We control the narrative, and you will be silenced."

He gestured towards a group of burly men standing by the entrance, their faces grim. Tara exchanged a tense look with her team. They were outnumbered, trapped in a den of vipers.

Just then, a commotion erupted outside. Shouts and flashes of light filled the air. Confused murmurs rippled through the Guardians' ranks. Maya, ever alert, pointed her camera towards a window.

"Look!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement. "Students! They're here!"

Tara peered through the grimy window. A wave of relief washed over her. The students, inspired by Maya's documentary and Tara's unwavering fight, had rallied the community. They stood outside, a sea of determined faces illuminated by their phones, chanting slogans of truth and justice.

The sight of the crowd emboldened Tara. With a defiant cry, she lunged for Edgar, knocking the papers he held from his grasp. Chaos erupted. The team fought back, their improvised weapons a testament to their unwavering spirit. Meanwhile, the students outside created a deafening cacophony, their voices a powerful counterpoint to the symphony of violence within.

The Guardians, caught off guard and facing the unexpected resistance, crumbled. They fled into the darkness, their carefully constructed web of deceit unraveled by the melody of truth championed by the Center.

In the aftermath of the fight, the police arrived, alerted by the commotion. Edgar Singh and his cohorts were apprehended, their reign of terror finally brought to an end. Vikram, shaken but unharmed, was offered medical attention and a chance to break free from the Guardians