
The Tangled Ties of Tollygunge

A murder novel written in my off time as student.

Somnath_Meikap · Fantasy
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74 Chs

Chapter 23

The discovery of Dhritiman's remains and the enigmatic book sent shockwaves through the Priya Arts and Education Center. News of the excavation spread quickly, stirring a mix of emotions – grief for Dhritiman, a flicker of hope for closure, and a chilling apprehension about the unearthed secrets.


Tara, her usual vibrant spirit shrouded in a veil of sadness, held onto the leather-bound book like a lifeline. The inscription on the cover, in a language she didn't recognize, only deepened the mystery. Who had written this book? And what connection did it have to the Guardians of Tradition?

Determined to unravel the secrets within, Tara contacted a linguistics expert at the university. Professor Ghosh, a renowned scholar with a passion for deciphering ancient texts, examined the book with an intrigued glint in his eyes.

"This is no ordinary script," he declared, his voice laced with excitement. "It's a variant of an archaic language used by a reclusive community known as the 'Story Weavers.'"

Tara's brow furrowed. Story Weavers? Were they connected to the Guardians? Professor Ghosh explained that the Story Weavers, though shrouded in myth, were rumored to possess an uncanny ability to manipulate narratives and influence public perception. Could this be the key to understanding the Guardians' motives?

Days turned into weeks as Professor Ghosh painstakingly translated the book. The contents, once revealed, were a bombshell. It turned out to be a meticulously documented history of the Guardians of Tradition, detailing their methods of control, their influence on local politics, and a chilling account of their past attempts to silence dissenters.

One particular entry sent shivers down Tara's spine. It spoke of a time when the Guardians, facing a growing threat to their power, orchestrated the downfall of a prominent family known for their progressive ideals – a family with the last name Chowdhury.

Tara felt a cold dread grip her heart. Could this be a reference to Dhritiman's ancestors? Was their family targeted not just for business rivalry with the Mehtas, but for their activism, a threat to the Guardians' control?

The book also revealed a shocking truth – the symbol used by the Guardians wasn't just an identifier; it was a key to a hidden network of informants and collaborators, a web of deceit that permeated every level of society.

Armed with this newfound knowledge, Tara decided to take the fight public. She held a press conference at the Center, unveiling Dhritiman's diary, the mysterious book, and the chilling revelations about the Guardians. The news media frenzy was immediate. The story of a hidden society manipulating power structures and silencing dissent resonated with a global audience.

The Priya Arts and Education Center, once a beacon of creativity, became a symbol of resistance. Artists, activists, and concerned citizens rallied around Tara, offering their support and expertise. Maya, inspired by the revelations, started a documentary on the Center's struggle, aiming to expose the Guardians' web of lies.

The Guardians, however, didn't remain silent. Threats and intimidation tactics began to surface. Fake news articles tarnished the Center's reputation. Students and staff faced harassment and anonymous accusations.

Tara, undeterred, led the Center's fight back. They held workshops on identifying misinformation, organized peaceful protests, and used their platform to amplify the voices of marginalized communities. The melody of their fight had become a powerful symphony of truth and justice, resonating across the globe.

One evening, as Tara sat alone in her office, a worn envelope arrived, addressed in a familiar yet unsettling handwriting – Ashok Mehta's son, Vikram. Inside was a single sheet of paper, containing a cryptic message: "They're planning something big. Meet me at the abandoned printing press, midnight."

Tara's heart pounded in her chest. Was this a trap? But the urgency in Vikram's message couldn't be ignored. The tangled ties of Tollygunge were tightening once more, leading her towards a confrontation that could expose the Guardians once and for all, or silence their fight for good.

As the clock struck midnight, Tara, with a team of trusted supporters by her side, stood outside the abandoned printing press, the weight of history and the unknown hanging heavy in the air. The symphony of their fight had reached a crescendo, and the next note could either bring harmony or plunge them into the depths of despair. The melody of truth and justice had its most important movement yet to play.