
The Tangled Ties of Tollygunge

A murder novel written in my off time as student.

Somnath_Meikap · Fantasy
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74 Chs

Chapter 20

Weeks had passed since the near-tragedy at the Priya Arts and Education Center. The air within the vibrant halls still crackled with a nervous energy, a stark contrast to the usual symphony of creativity. Tara Chowdhury, her silver hair pulled back in a tight bun, paced her office, a frown etched on her face. While Vikram was recovering slowly, the chilling email and the symbol scrawled on his studio wall remained a nagging mystery.


Inspector Khanna entered, his usual confident stride replaced by a weary slouch. "We've hit a dead end with the disgruntled employee," he admitted. "His confession explained the attacks on Vikram and the Center, but there's no connection to the initial threat email."

Tara sighed. The initial threat, with its ominous promise to silence the symphony, felt like a phantom limb, a constant reminder of a larger conspiracy. "There has to be more," she said, her voice laced with conviction. "The symbol… it feels like a key, a clue to something bigger."

Khanna nodded. "We're looking into its origins, every obscure database we can find. But so far, nothing."

Frustration gnawed at Tara. The Center needed closure, a chance to move forward without the shadow of fear looming over them. Determined to find some answers, she decided to revisit Vikram's studio. Stepping inside, the scent of paint and turpentine filled her nostrils, triggering a wave of memories. Vikram's unfinished project – a large, abstract canvas dominated by swirling shades of blue and green – stood in the center. Her gaze lingered on a small, almost hidden detail in the corner – a faint etching of the same symbol.

An idea sparked in Tara's mind. Vikram, with his knowledge of the Mehta family history, might have recognized the symbol and attempted to incorporate it into his art. Perhaps, it held a deeper meaning, a connection to the past that the initial threat email alluded to.

With renewed purpose, Tara contacted Maya, the student filmmaker who had provided the crucial lead about the environmental corporation. Together, they delved into Vikram's research notes, his unfinished documentary scripts, and anything else that might offer a clue.

Days turned into a tireless quest. Finally, in a barely legible note scribbled on the back of a discarded sketch, they found a reference to an old, abandoned Mehta mansion on the outskirts of Kolkata. The note mentioned a hidden room rumored to contain Ashok Mehta's "dark secrets."

A thrill of anticipation ran through Tara. Could this be the key they were searching for? Was the symbol connected to some buried secret of the Mehta family, a secret that someone wanted to keep hidden, even resorting to violence to silence anyone who stumbled upon it?

With Inspector Khanna's approval, Tara and Maya, along with a small security detail, embarked on a journey to the dilapidated Mehta mansion. The air hung heavy with neglect, the once-grand structure now a decaying shell of its former glory. Following Vikram's cryptic notes, they navigated a maze of dusty hallways and cobweb-laden rooms, the silence broken only by the creaking floorboards and their own pounding hearts.

Finally, they found it – a hidden room concealed behind a dusty tapestry. Inside, the air was thick with the musty smell of old paper and forgotten memories. Stacks of dusty files, yellowed photographs, and a lone diary lay scattered on a broken table.

Tara's hands trembled as she picked up the diary. The leather cover was worn, its inscription barely visible - "Dhritiman Chowdhury." A gasp escaped her lips. Could this be Dhritiman's diary, hidden by Ashok Mehta all those years ago? Could it hold the secrets that connected the symbol, the threat, and the tangled ties of Tollygunge that refused to unravel completely?

As the weight of the diary settled in her hands, Tara knew this was just the beginning. The melody of their fight for justice, momentarily disrupted by threats and near-tragedies, had taken a new turn, leading them deeper into the shadows of the past. The Priya Arts and Education Center, ever resilient, stood poised to face a new challenge, armed with the unwavering belief that the truth, no matter how buried, would eventually come to light.