
The Tangled Ties of Tollygunge

A murder novel written in my off time as student.

Somnath_Meikap · Fantasy
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74 Chs

Chapter 19

The year was 2078. The Priya Arts and Education Center pulsed with its usual energy. Laughter spilled from studios, vibrant murals adorned the walls, and the Anika Das Wing buzzed with activity. Tara Chowdhury, her silver hair framing a face etched with experience, surveyed the scene with a contented sigh. The Center, a beacon of hope and artistic expression, had weathered many storms.


But a chilling email shattered the tranquility. It was a simple message, devoid of a sender's address: "The symphony will be silenced." A wave of dread washed over Tara. This wasn't a random threat. It felt deliberate, a sinister echo of the past.

Memories of Anika's murder flooded back, the weight of history pressing down on her. She immediately contacted Inspector Khanna, now a seasoned detective with a weary gaze. "It seems the past isn't done with us yet," Tara said, handing him the email.

Khanna scanned the message, his brow furrowed. "This targeting of the Center... it could be anyone with a grudge. We need to consider all possibilities."

The investigation began. Security footage was reviewed, staff and students were interviewed, and the Center's online presence was scrutinized. But every lead seemed to hit a dead end. The threat remained a chilling whisper, a dark cloud hanging over their vibrant community.

Then, tragedy struck again. Vikram Mehta, once a beacon of hope within the Center, was found unconscious in his studio, a single, cryptic symbol scrawled on the wall beside him. The symbol, eerily similar to those found in Anika's coded message, sent shivers down Tara's spine. Was this a coincidence, or a deliberate taunt from the same perpetrator?

Vikram, hospitalized in critical condition, couldn't offer any clues. The investigation stalled, frustration mounting amongst the staff and students. Fear seeped into the Center, replacing the usual creative energy with a suffocating tension.

One evening, as Tara sat alone in her office, surrounded by the ghosts of the past, a student named Maya (another namesake of Tara's great-grandmother) hesitantly approached her. "Ms. Chowdhury," she said, her voice barely a whisper, "I think I might know something."

Maya explained she had been working on a documentary about environmental activism, specifically focusing on a local corporation notorious for its polluting practices. She had stumbled upon a series of encrypted messages hinting at a possible sabotage attempt at their upcoming green energy initiative. The symbol found in Vikram's studio was also present in those messages.

A spark of hope ignited within Tara. Could there be a connection? Was this a disgruntled employee targeting the corporation, and somehow lashing out at the Center for its association with Vikram?

Armed with this new information, Tara contacted Inspector Khanna. Their investigation shifted gears, focusing on the corporation and its employees. Days turned into weeks, the pressure mounting as Vikram remained unconscious, and the Center's spirit threatened to crumble.

Just as hope seemed to dwindle, a breakthrough arrived. A disgruntled former employee, his face contorted with a mix of anger and desperation, confessed to the attacks. He had been fired after exposing the corporation's corrupt practices, and in his twisted mind, Vikram, with his connection to the Mehta family, and the Center, a symbol of progress, became targets for his revenge.

Vikram, fortunately, recovered from his attack, albeit with lasting side effects. The Center, scarred but resolute, held a community forum, a space for dialogue and healing. The near-tragedy, instead of silencing them, had amplified their voices. They pledged to continue their fight for a better world, their art a defiant melody against the forces of darkness.

The tangled ties of Tollygunge, once again, had tightened their grip. Yet, the Priya Arts and Education Center had emerged stronger. Their story, a testament to resilience and the power of art to inspire even in the face of fear, continued to unfold. The melody of their fight, momentarily disrupted by the chilling notes of a threat, would rise again, a symphony of hope and determination echoing through the halls and reaching hearts across the globe. The Center, a beacon of creativity and social responsibility, stood tall, a testament to the enduring human spirit that refused to be silenced.