
The Tale of Zack

The story of a boy who were weak and despised by many.

GRMRSCKS · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The Tale of Zack (cpt 1)

The war broke out between the Murvic Kingdom and the Tyde Kingdom and caused many casualties in both kingdoms. Some of the nobles were busy cooped up in their mansion because of the fear of war. Zen Himura, the head of the Himura house and one of the high-ranking nobles is a prideful and arrogant person who had given the Murvic Kingdom most of the support. He had three children, Zane Himura, the oldest son who is a brave and trustworthy person and talented with magic but he constantly bullied his younger brother. Zuri Himura is the second child and the only daughter of Zen. She is a beautiful and sweet person and she is the only one that Zack Himura, the youngest child of the Himura household trust. Zack is a weak 15 years old boy who can't even use magic like everyone else.

Most of the people in the world can use magic, especially the nobles who had a high talent for magic. Magic can come in many forms depending on the person. Unfortunately, Zack was the only one in the kingdom who can't use magic. He also has a weak body and can't even be a knight and that's one of the reasons why his brother, Zane, loves to bully him. From birth, he had been despised by many people especially his family because of his lack of usefulness. He had lived his life regretting being born but thankfully, his sister is the only one supporting him to keep living. He once attended the Magic Academy even when he can't use magic but left it the day after he joined because of the treatment he received. His classmates often bullied him and provoked him about his lack of talent for magic.

One day, he build up the courage to went to the main city to observe the citizen's life during the war. He was shocked, even though they are still in war, the city seems to be peaceful and the people don't seem to be bothered by the fact that they are in a WAR. Zack didn't get bothered by the fact that he was being ignored and insulted by the people there because he's already used to it. Suddenly, he bumped into a noblewoman in the middle of the road. The noblewoman he bumps into is the daughter of the Brey house, Reina Brey. Her guard kicked him and force him to apologize to her. He immediately bow down and apologize to her but suddenly, she took a liking to him. Reina is a sweet and kind person but that's just a mask to hide her sadistic side. She loves to watch people suffer because of her. After Zack bow down and apologized to her, she invited him to her mansion, the house of Brey, and offer him to have tea with her. He doesn't have reasons to refuse so he accepted it immediately without hesitation.

He followed her and arrived at the mansion of the Brey house. He was amazed by the size of the mansion. It's twice the size of his father's mansion. Brey house is the highest-ranking noble that is directly connected to the king so there's no doubt why the mansion is so large. Reina invited Zack to her room and had a little chat with him while waiting for the tea. After they had their tea, Zack suddenly collapsed. On the verge of fainting, he saw Reina smile viciously while watching him fainting. Then he just realized that Reina had poisoned his tea. An hour had passed and one of Reina's guards slapped Zack to wake him up. Zack woke up at the 5th slap thinking about what just happened to him. He's in a state where he can't move. His hand, leg, and neck had been chained tightly. Zack can't muster any strength to even move and thought maybe it's because of the poison. If it was poison, why didn't he dead yet? Reina suddenly came into the room and told him that it was just a sleeping drug. At that point, Zack knew that Reina had deceived him. He glared at Reina with a cold eye but Reina just smiled at him. Zack felt betrayed by the fact that Reina isn't the good person that thinks.

Zack just realized that the room that he was in is a torture room. That room had been used by Reina for a long time to torture her guests. She tortures Zack by pulling his nails, whipping his back, and some other shits. Zack begged her to stop but Reina just laughed and continued his torture. This had been going on for a week and Zack can't take it anymore. On one fortunate day, one of the guards drops his key in the room. Zack used most of his strength to reach the key and finally, he got the key and opened his chains. He went out of the room and sneakily walk toward the exit and slowly opened the door. He ran to the city but unfortunately, he'd been caught by the guards that patroling there. He collapsed in the middle of the road and the guard took him to his house.

In the morning, Zack had been dragged to the castle. He wondered why but then he saw Reina at the castle. He knew this going to turn bad. He'd been taken to custody with Reina. He told the judge what happened to him the whole week but the judge didn't believe him and instead, he believed Reina. Regina told him that Zack had raped her when she offer him to have tea with her. Zack is completely confused because clearly, anyone can see his bruises all over his body. There's only one that comes to his mind, 'the judge had been bought off'. His family is there too so he told his sister, Zuri, to help him out but his sister just looked at him like he was a piece of shit. Zack was shocked, even though he trust his sister so much, his sister didn't even trust him a bit. He was extremely mad and shouted to the whole room. "WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU GUYS! I TRUST YOU, SISTER, BUT YOU DON'T EVEN CARE ABOUT ME! AFTER ALL THIS TIME WE SPENT TOGETHER, WAS THAT JUST MY IMAGINATION?! OR IT'S JUST YOU GUYS THAT PLANNED ALL OF MY SUFFERING FROM MY BIRTH UNTIL NOW?!" everyone just looked away and ignored him.

The judge had given him his judgment. He will be exiled by the kingdom and kicked out of the Himura house FOREVER. He had been betrayed by the whole kingdom that he loved. A few minutes later, the guards throw him out of the city entrance with many people watching. He was devastated by the end of the day. He had nowhere to go because the Murvic Kingdom is the only place he can call home. He just walked straight with no destination in mind. He was depressed and almost wanted to give up on living. Suddenly, it started raining heavily in the forest. Luckily, there was a cave nearby so he ran straight to the cave. He planned to camp there till the rain stopped.

He had nothing to do so he just roamed around the cave and of course, he fell into a hole. It was so dark in the cave so he didn't saw that stupidly large hole. He fell straight to the bottom and fortunately, it was water that he fell to.