
The tale of the Quandale Dingle

Ahh Quandale Dingle. A legendary Assasin. But he died and is now going to be reincarnated into MHA. All characters belong to me, I am the creator of My Hero Academia. Please read i have cancer and i have nothing to do all day so i write fanfics. my grandma has testicular cancer and is going to die, my cat got lime disease, my dog has leukemia, my mom left before i was born and my dad died.

Frog_King · Anime & Comics
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The Death of Quandale Dingle

There once was an assassin....named Quandale Dingle, his codename was the Dingler. He had a success rate of 101%. He was a very good and experienced assassin.

Even though he was an assassin, like most jobs he only worked 9-5. during his off time, he would watch anime. his favorite anime was Jojo and HxH because they are peak fiction (the best anime of all time).

However, one day while out on a mission, he was driving down the road in a truck, but there was a banana peel in the road!!!. The truck slipped on the banana peel and Quandale Dingle flew out the front window of the truck, and the truck ran him over.

While Quandale Dingle was the perfect assassin, nobody prepares you for banana peel attacks. And so Quandale Dingle died at the young age of 18.

There was mass mourning for Quandale Dingle and the whole world stopped working that day to mourn the loss of Quandale Dingle. The day he died was made an international holiday of mourning. They called it the Dingler day.

While that was happening, Quandale Dingle woke up in a white room with nothing in it but himself and an old man.

Any experienced fanfic reader might guess who this old man is...Morgan Freeman!! That is because Morgan Freeman is God.

*Quandale Dingle waking up*, "Dang man I died, so that must mean I am in heaven because I lived an honest life. Is that God over there!?!?"

"Hello Quandale Dingle. You have lived an honest life and for that, I will reward you with an isekai into an anime world. I will spin 2 wheels that will decide what world you go to and what powers you get." says God.

"I am so happy I get to be reincarnated it has always been my dream. please spin the wheels oh gracious God." says the dingler.

"First I will spin the wheel for what world you will go to. *wheel spins slowly landing on Naruto.* OK you will go to the world of My Hero Academia." says God.

"What? But it landed on Naruto," says Quandale Dingle.

"Yeah well Naruto has been overdone," says God.

"And MHA hasn't?" says the one and only Quandale Dingle.

"Well, Idc, and I'm God. So now I'm going to spin the wheel for your powers," says God *wheel spins and it lands on-time control*(look it up its op)

"damnnn that's op well at least I got a good power if I'm going to mid hero academia. Well goodbye God," says Quandale Dinglnator.

"Goodbye my son," said God.

And off Quandale Dingle went to the My Hero Academia universe.

goofy ahh name

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