
The Tale of the first Pokemon Master

Tyler is reborn into the world of Pokemon due to an angel rewarding him . follow him in his journey as he faces heartbreak and victory all while living the dream he’s had ever since he played his Pokemon game when he was 5 .

TCT_5050 · Anime & Comics
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Getting older

It's been 5 years since that day I let my parents know that I have a gift. A lot has changed since then I now have a little sister Eve. Who is absolutely adorable and who I love very much. Spending most of my day playing outside with her and my fathers Pokemon when they are home. I also learned a lot about how to train Pokemon courtesy of my father. As well as lot about the world from my mother, who I was able to convince to homeschool me rather quickly, and my father all agreed when he saw how well she was doing by how quickly I was learning and advanced I seemed to be for my age . I did all this so that I wouldn't have to socialize with actual children. I have no problem making friends but wanted to wait till my peers would be more mature. On that note I learned by watching my sister who is 4 . That preople mature mentally more quickly here , maybe due to the longer year cycle not sure. But she acts at least a few years older than 4. At least that's what I think. Which makes me happy as I've also stared acting older than my age by a few years as well and it doesn't seem to surprise my parents or cause them any concern. This also relieves me as I am starting trainer school in a few months after I turn 8 which is the enrollment age.(Picture)

My mother taught me basic math and reading and writing which I excelled at obviously. Along with basic history and geography which was far more enjoyable. Apparently there are dozens of more towns outside of the major cities from the game. Even with these extra towns the vast majority of land remains untouched by human hands. Roughly 75 percent of the land is considered wild area with the routes from games being safer for travel due to alliance employed Pokemon Rangers patrolling them and keeping dangerous and high level species at bay. Each town was settled due to the growing human population compared to the land that was already safely occupied. Also the locations chosen were strategically chosen. Each has some firm if importance to the region weather it be one that sports a valuable material. Or one that was created as a stop gap to allow easier travels through the vast and dangerous wild areas. All this adds up to it taking weeks to months to travel from city to city. Unless you yourself have enough money to employ an elite level trainer with a gold phychic Pokemon to teleport you. Now I realized why we never really visited or got visited by my father family who lived in Lavender City.

The history lessons were also interesting. Apparently the alliance was created roughly 100 years ago as each region decided to expand and try to assert human dominance . Roughly 50 years later each region suffered a string of dustructive hordes. With each of them losing many lives. Both trainer and civilian and losing many of the newly settled towns. One of them being the one that caused my mother to lose her family. The strongest champion Oak gathered his fellow champions and convinced them that the attempt of human supremacy over Pokemon was what caused it . He preached that we as people should strive to live beside Pokemon as equals and not try to be superior. That we should respect them and stop stealing there homes from them by force. Or the next attack could lead to the death of humanity as a whole as each region was significantly weekened. His influence and ideology quickly grew and he himself retired from training to start studying pokemon so that he could better learn how to prevent an attack. ( Yep oak is basically the hero of Humanity in many people eyes. He is also still also the strongest trainer even though he is retired)

My father also taught me more that just how he trains his Pokemon. Which is heavily focused on speed and attack. Which I agree with my favorite thing playing the game in my other life was making sure I always got fist attack. And here where being faster means the better chance to dodge or land an attack I think it's even more important. Why train to tank hits when you can just dodge. He showed me how to set a tent up properly and start and cook with a fire. Then one time I got to see Gale perform a steel wing aerial ace combo showing that moves could be combined to create together to make them more versatile or stronger. I was informed about how Pokemon can become stronger by absorbing energy from food or other items. And that eating or absorbing higher quality material was vastly more important than using a lot of the basic materials. He also taught me the different trainer classes and the requirements and regulations of each.

The classes were Rookie, junior, senior, ace, elite, and champion. Laughing he said there was one more level but that it was more of a rumor or joke. When he said it was called master I knew right then and there what my goal in this life would be. Rookie trainers were all trainers who had yet to compete in the rookie tournament and the only requirement for that was that you needed at least 3 pokemon and 4 c grade badges. Rookie trainers also had a max carry limit of 5 Pokemon this tournament occurred every year so that as many trainers could be promoted as possible. Junior was everyone who competed in the rookie tournament they had there carry limit bumped to 6 and they had there own rules for advancement. To reach the next level you would need to compete again in the junior league tournament but this time only the top 64 got to advance to senior. To qualify for the junior league tournament one would need at least 8 c grade badges or 4 b grade along with owning at least 6 silver grade Pokemon. This tournament also took place every year. Senior class had there carry limit bumped up to 8. The way to reach the next rank was similar to the previous but this time only the top 16 were promoted. To qualify for the tournament one would need at least 6silver and 2 gold grade Pokemon and 8 B grade or 4 A grade badges. This tournament was only held once every 5 years as there would not be enough trainers to compete if it occurred every year. Ace trainers were allowed to carry up to 15 Pokemon with them at all time. They also had the benefit of being able to travel unrestricted to other regions and participate in other leagues. They also had the honor of opening there own gym if they specialized in a type and there wasnt one of that type currently open. Or they could challenge the current gym leader of that type and take control if they won. To compet in this tournament one would need to either be a gym leader or collect 8 A grade badges or 4 S grade. They must also own at least 10 Pokemon all of them being at least gold with at least 1 being diamond . Also only the top 4 from the tournament got promoted. These 4 were referred to as the elite 4 as there could only be 4 at any time and they could change after any tournament but historically had stayed the same only changing when one retires. Becuase of this this tournament only takes place once every 10 years. To become a champion one would need to defeat the current champion in a battle. To qualify for the right to even battle the champion one would need to own at least 12 Pokemon with at least 6 of them being diamond and the other 6 being gold. They would also need to have 8 grade badges as well as defeat each member of the elite 4. These battles almost never happened as a change in champion was a monumental moment in the world and the battle would be broadcast and watched by everyone. The last title rumor or not Pokemon master was only gained if one was able to become and hold the title of champion in every region at the same time. The closest to ever achieve that was Oak who help the title of both Kanto and Jhotto champion when he as active.

I also learned that the bulk of trainers fell within the range of junior to senior my father falling there. He was a junior trainer mostly due to not owning and training the minimum required to try to advance. Looking at him I asked why he never tried to become a senior trainer. He told me how it was once his dream to reach as far as he could but soon that changed when he fell in love with my mother on his journey and his new goal was to be able to have and support her and his family. I looked at him as he smiled at me, thinking at least he's happy but I feel bad for Geo he looked to have a lot of potential. That's when my father also told me it's not as easy as I think even with my gift the amount of money required to raise a pokemon properly is astronomical. That's why the majority of high end trainers come from either a family that specializes in a certain type or one that has an abundance in money. He looked sad after he said that. I knew why my family was by no means wealthy and he probably felt he had failed me. So I went up and hugged him and told him proudly that I would become the first Pokemon master no matter how long it took. He smiled and said he and my mother believed in me.

before any asks the battles for every rank other than rookie are 6v6 as that is what is considered the main team the requirement for having more were put in place so the aliance would have a larger fightiing force to protect themselves in the event of a pokemon horde

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